Thursday, June 01, 2006

The trip to meet Milo again


Brandon and I long time ago

The Road to San Jose

I struggled all day to get ready to go meet Milo once again.

His flight is normally the one that arrives around 8:30 to 8:40 P.M, but there are always things I have to do before I leave such as water and other things, before I leave for a couple of days. This time I struggled alot, I drank three beers the night before with the gang, and wow I had a horrible head ache.

Not really a hang over it probably was? but it was a very bad head ache. So it took me twice as long to pack, clean, shower, makeup, GOD I WAS A WRECK!.... It was 2:30 by the time I left.
It takes two hours or more to get to San Jose from Jaco. The road is whindy, and its two lanes, so its pretty long and getting to top is hard. Especially with a gutless diesel.

So after much preparation I loaded up the bag, the computer and open this huge iron gate that closes off the apartment from the road. This gate is heavy, hard to open and close especially for me with the leg still not strong enough to stand like that. IT makes this ugly noise too, but that is a good thing cause I always have time to see who is trying to come in at night. It warns me.

I get in the car and head out down the costa nerra, but first I go see Helen to tell her I am leaving to Meet Milo again, and to give her the key so she can finish the paint job at Rocky's. I also tell her about the next project with a new office building that we will be working on shortly.She was excited. She kissed me good bye and I went off to the Clinic, where I had to stop and get a shot for the leg before I leave.

The small framed blonde red lipped beauty was happy to see me. I was dressed in an all white with battenburg lace low cut dress. Very Sophia Loren looking! she said WOW Marianna you look so pretty. She is the pretty on NOT ME...

I laughed she said you have cute clothes I told her I got this dress at Forever 21 in the states some time back and never wore it but today was the day. I wanted Milo to see me all pretty in white.

I drive away happy the sun is out and I am thinking about my time in San Jose, I stopped to get desiel, I was stareing off in space and looking at the hillside with the sun shinning through the weeds that were red.. thinking how pretty it was. When I looked over and who was getting gas next to me? DOUG!! YUKKKK ok now I am grossed out.
I think I said what he did to me that totally shocked me and turned me off about him, in and earlier blog,but now he has shown up at my place one day last week early in the Morning.

I had the doors open the glass doors, I was in the shower, and when I came out there stood Douglas.. I felt a total obligation for Doug when he helped me during the time I needed it, I asked him many times how will I pay you back for the money you paid for my operation? while I was with him of course... he said NOT TO WORRY. Don't worry never mind.. one time he suggested I could work with him and help sell houses and make it up. It never went farther than that. This was three months now.

So you know why he was standing unanounced in my place?

YES he said "oh Marianna I have a huge problem, I broke my dentures and my rent is due. I need all the money now.." ok I was shocked, I feel guilty not paying him but some of things this man did to me was wierd, although I will not say that he is bad. I just feel strange. Ok I will say it I DON'T want to pay him back after what he did to me.... I don't know if things get better I may try to make payments. I know this sounds horrible to some of you, But I have never had a man with the exceptions of my sons help me do much, and honestly no man has really ever supported me. So I guess I feel like this is should not be happening I figure I have a tough one to figure out.
Ok so now im sitting next to him in the gas station, oh god I know hes going to come over and talk to me... I pray GOD NO PLEASE GOD NO... and no he didn't he drove off,
Then later as I am driving up the mountain I see him pass me on the road again.
Phewwww glad he passed!!

So driving on releaved of that, it began to rain and it rained hard. You could barely see the road and then brown water was washing sideways and down the road towards me. I continued slow and slipped in the Mariah Carey CD into the CD player, that Brandon my son made for me. I sang loud and thought about Brandon... I miss him and was thinking that tonight I will call him I bought a phone card so I could.

Traveling up the the mountian top I came to clouds the rain clouds. So strange to drive through those but also very pretty and peacefull.

I got into Aleujala around 5:20, I drove straight to Cemaco, this furniture/ home store like bed bath and beyound and looked at all the new things. Waisting time ya see. I do not like to drive in the dark on the mountain. Then I was hungry I saw a taco bell earlier in the town. I have never seen one in Costa Rica so I thought what the heck I could eat a taco. Since the food here is NOt MEXICAN.
I go in there is tons of people in there, mind you I have cute sandal high heels pale gold with mother of pearl on the fronts. This is the first time I have worn heels since the leg... and a dress that I swear was something Sohpia Loren would wear on. Everyone is stareing, YES they are stareing... Im embarrassed a bit but I continue.
I order an sit near a window to watch the car.

You cannot let your guard down here, I had the computer and a suitcase in the car. After all I had an experience when I first arrived here with Amanda, leaving things in the car and they broke in, in a matter of seconds after we got out. So I was watching and thinking... about Milo's arrival.

After eating I drive back to the same center, Cemaco is in. There is a large X mas permanos there. I found out Walmart owns this.
So I go in look for flowers for Milo, and some memonies and cookies and candy. I wanted to greet him with gifts!

I had a hard time cashing a hundred dollar bill, it was all I had they didn't believe it was real so they sent me to the western union to cash it. Only with my passport would they.

Then I went to the parking lot of the Hampton Inns where Dennys is and this Casino called the Fiesta. That is where we usually meet up. It is across the way from the Airport, you can see the airport from there.
I wait, its like 7:40 plane in an hour or so, then he has customs, and luggage, then rental car takes like 40 or more minutes sometimes an hour. Ok I wait and wait now its like 10:00, I panic, thinking a number of things. Here I am with out a hotel room, late I can see the hotels around the area are booking up by the number of cars that are driving up.
First I think he drove through and missed me, then I think something happend and he missed the plane, then I think the plane crashed.. you know you think tons of stuff. I was feeling so sad and frustrated hours of waiting and driving..

I had all this crap to give him! so I walk over to the garden court, ask them to call the Marriots and see if he has checked in. They did and he hadn't.
Walk back sit in the car then once again I go back to the Garden court I asked if they had any guest arrive from the 8:40 plane, this guy the consierge says that plane was delayed and won't be in till 12:00.OHHHHHHHH my face dropped.. happy but sad..

Now what? I walked across the way to the casino and walked in and heard this band playing so I thought oh well I will hang out here and watch people and listen, can't dance yet.. well maybe I can but I had heels on NO WAY!! I have fear I will fall.
( I have done that before once at my 50 birthday and clipped my chin and had to have frozen peas on it) so no no dancing for this Sophia!

They had made the lounge look like a country western bar with bales of hay and all the fixens.. even cowgirls! and cow boys to dance with the guests. WILD but it works the people love that they provide these for them and they drink and enjoy, ride the bull and carry on. I ate peanuts and threw them on the floor the way you do in the states... pretty soon I saw a couple of people copying me I had to laugh.
I didn't drink, I just sat and watched. This chick and her band were above the crowd a huge stage in the sky. So I listened and watched.

It was appearant that some of the regulars were there and they had money. LOTS OF MONEY. Wow one guy handsome as heck had great clothes on and nice shoes, he had all the bottles of booze on his table?? yeah the whole kit and kaboodle... you know that costs? six of these men pouring their own drinks.

Then I though, well this is enough for me I think I will go and have coffee and wait at Dennys right connected to it.
I ate and as soon as I was done there was Milo in the window tapping at me.
By now I was tired, haggard ,the dress not as crisp, and well I was worn. But he thought I still looked cute.. I know he was being nice. We went to the Marriot and talked for a short time it was almost two. He had to be work the next day, today so I knew talking was done.

This morning didn't go so well, we had a discussion that got heated, Its just an issue that men don't understand sometimes about women. Love is like a dance, its an art... Some men are not into ART! OR DANCING Ok I am an artist... I am using this as a point of referrance. I LOVE ART... and artist's are passionate most of them... need I say more?

It ended up ok We said we were sorry for the things we said to one another. I love Milo, He is a good person.

I know nothing is perfect at all in life, nothing!!! and anything can be worked on or resolved.. So I have my work cut out for me LOL!!

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