Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Lazy Sunday And good bye Monday


These are Giant Fern trees

Sunday was a late morning day. We slept in since we went to bed around 1:00. Milo and I had gone over to Elena's and Terrys and looked at lots that they have next to their house in Herradura. Herradura is the little tiny town located next to Jaco like five minutes or less,and Los Suenos is in this area. We had giant shrimp that she bought on the beach fromthe pongas, and Terry had gone fishing all day in the ocean. He caught 8 mahi mahi and gave us one to cook up! YUM.... we sat out on the porch in the rain and ate yucca stuffed with cheese and sauteed shrimp with garlic. We talked for hours. Discussed there house they want to build and talked about family.
They want us to go and stay at the log cabins above Puriscal. They have this property all set up as a retreat, with waterfalls and streams and more. They are going to sell it So We plan on doing this next time Milo comes to Costa Rica. Which could be in a few more weeks.

So laying in bed being served coffee was the highlight of my morning!! I have not had much service in my life,when it comes to men... so this was a real treat for him to make me coffee and serve it was the best! great Costa rica coffee is so dang good. The flavor is so yummy, different than USA coffee, the process here is much better. After all STARBUCKS IS THE LARGEST EXPORTER OF COFFEE HERE!! So if you want me to send you some let me Know!!! Starbucks has nothing on Costa Rica...!!

We then got on our computers like little geeks sat at the kitchen table watching the humminbirds come right to the open window on at the table and to the other one on our left, the big sliding glass door. THen all sorts of bird's came to the balcony. Milo was milling around puttering and looking like a hawk out the windows with the binoculars.

He spied large iguana's and these two spiny green large lizards that live in the yucca plant out the window. Then he saw all sorts of birds,and parrots fly over.. he was so happy. We were suppose to have breakfast with Edia and Joey but I called, Eida was still in bed the kids were wathing a Movie and Joey was out surfing. We waited untill one, they never called us back. So I suggested we try to do the hike up the jungle mountain and see animals.
Milo was all for it. I put on my danner boots I got in Oregon. Those things are tough, and really did actually help my leg as I walked.
We began from the house and walked about a block to the mountain. I was so energized when I saw the mountian.

This was the first time Since the leg was out of commission that I would attempt the walk.

The first few meters are so a steep, the steepness continues for about five blocks. its all uphill but the trail is nice its like a dirt road smooth, no boulders or rocks. Simply gravel and dirt. Cars can run on it but I really wish they didn't. There is so much nature and wild life, and vegetation that should not be touched by direct fumes of the car. I pointed out an area after we walked about fifteen minutes to Milo, it has one of the only plants still in exsistance that is becoming extinct, these tree ferns are only located in a few places left on earth, the ones that are on Miros Mountian have been there for ever! So there so grand and so huge. This was Milo's first too, his first hike up Miro 's Mountain. He was in awe.we got to the first look out, stopped, of course I was ready... as we stopped here came Miro, and my opportunity to talk to him and introduce Milo. And so I said MIRO THIS IS MILO MILO MIRO! he had his dog vanilla in the back of course Miro goes now where with out his dog, this man is 85 years old and looks like he is 60. He bought this mountain property 30 years ago, for the amount of 75 cents roughly and acre. There fore he owns the whole mountain.
He is excentric and is a bit rough but he smiled and said for me to go slow in spanish. Dispachoe.

We looked out over the beach of Jaco wow Milo said. I said this is only the first look out wait till we get to the top.
Continuing up the road we saw the progress on the wall of animals Miro is creating, A huge wall in cement that lines the road to the restuarant he is building and it is I might say almost ready. On the wall is animals carved into it, kinda primative but cool. Milo was commenting on the ones he liked as different groups of men artist created it and you could really tell who was the better artist. I liked the more detailed and three demensional, Milo liked the flat primative looking animals.

We got to the second look out, wow its pretty. We walked on now to the top where the restuarant is. there is one more lookout before that. So I made him look there and take some photos.
Then I took him to the restaurant, and we walked all through it. It sits on the top and inserted into the mountain, kinda scary. But you have to think here its surrounded by jungle, there is nothing else there nothing but nature.It is very greek looking' I stood hole were a statue of venus de milo will be , Milo took my photo then I made Milo stand there and said Milo de milo.... he laughed we continued now to a private trail were cars do not dare to go. But they did..damn it!
Later we saw cars. How I don't know but they came from the mountain direction.
We walked and stepped very quietly. I whispered to Milo to not talk but to whistle if he needed to show me something. Walking slow and quiet now,we begin to hear different noises.
We come to a spot where Miro is building in another directiong a botanical garden.

There were some cynder blocks on the ground where they were buidling a wall out front. I stacked them an just sat. I told Milo hey this is the place were the monkeys hang out. I have seen them here in this area before, he walkson looking into the path where it becomes dark and green and very mysterious looking. I sat alone he continued he saw a uphill path where you go up some stairs made of logs. As he walked off I could hear more noises I couldn't identify. IT became louder and louder. Frogs weird clicking noises loud I MEAN LOUD... then screaming noises like monkey or some sort of birds? I dunno but it was making me paranoid. I WAS LAUGHING in side though then thinking wow what is something happens to Milo and Im here alone I would try to run should something sneak up on me, but I can't run fast! Brother I was getting stupid.. I have been up there before I don't know why today was different. When all of sudden I heard rustling in the tree tops above. I heard it behind me I kept hearing rustling, I was getting nervious. Milo was gone. It lasted for more than five or so minutes. Then I saw it, It was a whole bunch of White faced monkeys. Wow they were jumping and swinging from tree to tree on the tops way way up there. I guess Milo scared them out.
He came to me and sat we watched for the longest time, as they all came across the road over the trees. Then they scared up birds and toucans. It was cool we saw dart frogs and more.
This was a halmark moment for sure!
Wow I never have seen so many at once. After they settled a bit I was whistleing to them. THey just looked and stared at both Milo and I.

We walked more but I was getting tired, the pain in the leg was bothering but I didn't say anything.

He continued I slowly walked behind then I suggested we go back we were getting into an area where lots of Mosquitos were and it began to rain. We walked back saw the monkeys again, I picked a banana leaf for an umbrella, Milo walked in the warm rain. We stopped and just watched them. They just looked at both of us eating, not moving a whole lot then a damn car came... they ran.

Going back was hard down hill, We had to stop a couple of times. I was hurting he knew but I didn't complain or say a word about it. We just enjoyed and looked and talked about how beautiful it was here.

When we returned, in the drive way was a car it was Tony, the driver. He had two paassengers, Two of my readers from the blog.

They came to rent an apartment next door for the next three months. THey are from Portland Oregon, so we greeted with the Costa Rican kiss, and talked for one moment. I invited tony in.

WE all sat and talked drank some wine. it was nice to meet them. I have met lots of people though this blog. TOO BAD I CAN'T MAKE MONEY OFF IT!!!! lol

Anyhow we ended up taking them to the store they shopped we shopped and then came back to make that Mahi mahi. I took the banana leaf I picked and used for a sombra, cut up mango, laid the mango and some fresh young green onion, on top of the filets, then poured wine, Milo was fixing the fish too... this argentina wine called septembre, its very good like balatore, a sparkling white. Then we wrapped it in the banana and baked it about 15 minutes wow!! good, then had yucca stuffed with cheese, and salad.

I gave some to the new neighbors, then I retired... too much wine GOD I WAS TIRED.... the walk I think helped!

The following morning we had to drive to San Jose to get my car and For Milo to catch the plane.

Ww left around 5:45 am, the drive was gray raining a little I wanted to stop for Coffee but nothing was open. We didn't talk much, Milo said he was sick. He said he was sick the day before but didn't want to ruin the last day together, HELL I HOPE ITS NOT OUR LAST DAY??? but I knew what he meant.. We just held hands said nothing. It was pretty somber. I felt sad but happy that we had some incredible moments this time. I MEAN INCREDIBLE... so he was more sad than me. I could see it in his eyes.

He took me back to the hotel to get the car, I decided to hang out in the room for a few hours it was only 7 at this point. Drivng back was too soon, and I was thinking about get my nails done. First time in two years.

So He gave me a kiss we hugged and held each other for a few moments, then I felt his heart. I could see he was starting to weep, he held me closer, saying Marianna I love you so much. I wish I could just stay here forever..

God I wanted to croak, I choked a little then I felt tears, when I looked at Milo he had huge tears in his eyes as he stood in the door way of the hotel room. The over size huge wooden door, made him look small, and his tears were pouring out. As he left he said his final good bye and said he loved me, to be good. And to watch my back.

The door closed, I stood there sad, with tears, and just thanked god for my life at this moment.

I feel so glad about my life right now, Its very good, not rich with money but rich with contentment, and filled with good people around me. The only missing piece is my children. But I know they may come some day and visit.

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