Sunday, June 18, 2006

Everything was taking time, the pedicure took two hours, the nails another hour, then the hair wouldn't accept the die. Being frustrated with all this I sat at the kitchen table trying to get peacefull in side.
Ken had called and said he was coming around seven, I didn't realize how long this all took and before I knew it here was Ken and Marica all ready to rock and roll.
Helen has walked over to Eric's and Arja's to chat, in the mean time I am getting upset cause I still have color all over my head my nails are wet the toes are wet and i was not going anywhere.
I Called for Helen to come because Marica talks so dang fast I can't understand one damn word. Eric and Arija and Helen all come. Now my little place is filled with people while I sit with die and toes and nails all wet. Now Im really feeling upset.

The party began, ( with out me) I just wanted some time to get ready but it was gonna be a while. Finally I asked if they could take Helen to town and get ready just to get rid of everyone so I could get ready. I tried to get dressed with out mussing up my nails but that didn't happen nor did the Hair come out well either.
I manage to pull it together, they returned honking the horn for me to come down. I thought we would all ride together but No, I could hear Kens cynical Voice and additude blarring over everyone else saying No I'M NOT TAKING HER BACK HERE LET HER TAKE HER OWN CAR.... Helen then got out of his and open the gate for me to go out with the car.
We rode it is a ways in the jungle, the road is rough but its kinda fun to drive! its like baha ing!!

We arrive to Mataplatino, its packed, lots of people singing, lots... everyone is having a good time we sit at a table near the dance floor in the over hang of the rancho.
Our backs are facing the River that I was told last night that it had Crocodiles in it. Every once in a while I looked around thinking one would be sneaking up on us, but I never did see one.

Everything was fine , I danced a little, I drank a soda, ordered some food with everyone. When it came is was great. The problem was I had no time to go the bank, I had five bucks, everyone was eating i ate a little and drank my soda. Then Helen sang, and the whole place was having a great time.

Soon Ken decided to leave, he didn't want to pay the bill, Helen had no money I had five bucks, and Marcia pays for nothing ever!!! Ken starts in on me saying I need to pay half the bill, now prior to this, Ken had drank 4 beers, Marica five, Helen, four straight Rum on the rocks.
Shrimp, smoked pork with plantanos, and fried chicken with french fries, yes French Fries in the Jungle. I had the least of everyone, yet he insisted I pay.

They wouldn't take my credit card, then Ken began saying horrible things to me, I responded saying I was not lying he called me a liar, saying for me to Cut the bullshit.... already the past two days i had been in this terrible Funk, and this sent me lower. A few days prior, I was explaining to Milo how I was tired of random men, dates or an occasional good time. That All my life I was faced with fighting off the worst if not weird strange men, who find me Attractive, the things that men to do get next to me that only want one thing. Milo response was Cut the Bullshit, this made me so mad that he thought I was lying about something I wanted him to understand. That I only wanted one good man in my life... that possibly having someone stable would prevent this from ever happening again. MEN Don't freak out but you all know what dogs are you! AND THE THINGS SOME MEN DO FOR SEX!

Then Yesterday while I was on the computer another man I once knew, was chatting with me. He began telling me I was a risk to be involved with, that I had not enough financial stablity, asked me what my net worth was and i told him. He is also cynical telling me how dumb I was pretty much, and used the phrase again Cut the bullshit.. I sank low in the chair when Ken said this to me. I thought why is he attacking me too? And why should I have to pay half the bill? If I had some cash I don't think I would have been so uspet but Iwas. Marcia tried to smooth it over in Spanish, She speaks no english he no spanish so the communication is very strange, although she doesn't she understood what was going on and was furious!!! he was being a total jerk calling me names saying he freaking pays for everything!

I went into depressed mode, I just sat even after they left I sat and stared and thought about the past week and how I felt.

Helen was having a great time, so I stayed untill closing and let her enjoy the night. I sat and didn't dance, it was apparemt that I was not happy,
We drove into town where hardly any one was about, only at the monkey bar, and Helen lives across the way. Dropping her off I saw Adrian the angel guy?? he told me to go home now that he saw many bad people out last night and was worried for me. I asured him I was not about to stick around, only dropping a friend off and chatting then going home.

I really hope today is better, Maybe soon I will go for a long walk on the beach to clear my head and get some peace back! Pura vida

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