Tuesday, June 13, 2006

One Hundred dollar Internet Bill

Ok when you got to pay bills here, there is no warning, no real paper work unless you have a post office box and then I don’t know if they really send out notices. You have to remember when to pay everything. I tried to remember to pay the phone but I was with Milo in San Jose and it was Due on a Monday when I returned Monday Night they had shut it off, even so I only owed 9 dollars. The Cable is the same way, as well as Ice power, Ice phone, Ice Ice Ice… pronounced ESAY.
Cabletica is the cable company pronounced CoblayTica. Racsa is the internet company but they work together? I don’t understand but its common knowledge here. Anyhow……. I go to pay the Cabletica bill, it is 20 bucks for the month, the Internet should be about the same. You cannot pay in one place for everything you have to go to each individual office to pay the bill. So I find out that you can pay at X MAS Permanos, I go it’s a western Union booth in the store. I asked for my number they couldn’t find me said I didn’t have an account. I went back to the house to look for the past receipt and was unsuccessful; I then drove Helen up to Renes, to introduce him to Helen for Hair cut pedicure or Massage. Rene Lives in this huge house on a mountain side over looked the whole stinking beach of Hermosa. The house is scary to me, I think if a bad rain comes that sucker my just slid right down that hill and on to the main road. He is doing all sorts of things remember I said I coulnd’t think of the name in California, I remembered it’s the Manchester Mystery house, she heard voices saying KEEP BUILDING, Well I think Rene hears the same voices!

I hate driving his driveway, its straight up and no turn rounds. We chat he show’s me the latest the pond the new pool being dug, the cute little doggie he got and then he show’s me his sores. Oh god! He has blisters all over his body, I saw it the other day it looked bad I didn’t think it was this bad. Helen and I agreed to take him now to the doc.
So we kidnapped Rene and took him to this allergy Doctor here in Jaco. Many people where there, so the wait was long. I was searching in my car remembering that I put the receipt in the car door I looked and found my old Rasca receipt. I asked Helen to take it and gave her 20 bucks to pay the bill. She had to walk a ways but was very helpful and said she would if I waited with Rene, Rene was wanting us to stay with him. Hes a huge man, He is so tall, wow, ex professional foot ball player then volley ball? Later teacher.
Graduated from Pepperdine Anyhow… big as he is was still wanting our security, and wanted us to stay with him.

Helen Returns to Tell me that I owe Many moneys, the bill is one hundred dollars? I SAID WHAT?? She said you no pay last month, I said oh yes I did she said no they say you no pay. I said HELL TOO give me that bill. So I get in the car rush down to the booth and talk to the guy he sees my receipt then says I don’t know why maybe you call Racsa and find out why so much? I never hear so much.
I have no idea right now why but today I will call and meet with Racsa to see what the deal is? I paid installation long time ago 90 bucks, I don’t get it?

I returned to Rene still sitting in the same spot no progress, then an hour later The female doctor dressed in all pink doc suit. Came out with a shag hair cut and ordered him in.

I sat Helen left to get ready for the Movie, Docelunes here, a hotel in the slight jungle so PRETTY WOW shows movies on Monday night free, only you have to buy a drink. They serve free hors de orves. So she was excited that Aria had suggested we go. Soon like 45 minutes later Rene is done, I take him and go back to my apartment to get some things and he needs to go home but were late, I told Aria lets go I will call a cab for Rene. He and Eric talked and Aria and I left.

When we get to Docelunes there is Helen waiting. We walked the long path to the rancho, that is a huge palm covered patio with rustic wood poles. The movie was the castaway with tom hanks. God I hate that movie.. so stupid. I have seen it several times too. So I ordered a drink ate the terrible hors de orves and sat it out. Returned to Eric, Aria an Helen once again on the patio to talk.

I took Helen home Aria rode with me now its like 11:00, we stop at Rosies to find out Negro the black dog that was hit by a car the same day as me, and broke his left leg was dead, he got an infection just like I did, but it manage to work its way to his heart. Oh Rosie was devisated, I cried I loved that little dog he would always come to me special not like the other clients there, he would come no matter where I was near her place and see me and lick me. One time I was across the way at Helens, five doors down he heard my laugh and came and poked his head in the door and said Hello to me,
Poor negro, life is short… you’re here one day and gone the next. Be Good to others, you don’t know what may happen, try to be kind, and take care of those you really love.

I held Rosie and we cried together, this was like her child she has no real children. I understand how it is to loose someone you love

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