Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Monday started out a bit frustrating, message's sent to me were once again on the negative note... Then I found out that my photographer couldn't make it for the Rabbit Kakai surf competition. That was really frustrating, since I know it would be great copy for this Sports Magazine. I left to pick up Eida to go to San Jose to see these Doctors, she was not ready... The whole morning was just a mess. I went to talk to this guy about the ceiling work but he wasn't there... This is Costa Rica! Things are slow to happen.

About and hour and half later, now being 12:00 Eida was ready. We drove over the mountain in my car, slow as it is..We made it. She complained it was loud, it is loud.. Diesel makes a ton of noise.

We then went to this salon for me to get the nails fixed, they were booked till 4:00, that was the time we had to be on pacio colon so no go with that either! What a day... Eida was dressed up in a long black gown, I had Khaki brown tied at the bottom pants and pink and brown top on. We didn't look like we were going to the same place? I thought it was strange and said hey I will just buy a dress so at least were both in dresses for later when we go to dinner. Couldn't find anything in a short period of time.
Not a good day. Then we go to the clinic, I was the first one in.. I talked and found out prices, then waited on Eida for nearly an hour in the office. We then drove to Santa Anna, were I wanted to go to this Italian restaurant that I have gone to before, I missed the street, had to drive on the freeway twice back and forth, then remembered it was past the first exit over another mountain. We finally got there walked to the place after parking. And found it was closed.
We then went to another place, Eida didn't like it so once again I am driving to find a place to eat.. We finally went to this Peruvian restaurant in Escazu, it was good the desserts were divine, and the coffee.. But it wasn't that great. The price was high and I felt let down because of the day.

Driving back we talked about Real estate, With what money I do have now in this time, its almost impossible to buy something! Before a year or so ago before this big boom hit I would have had a nice place.. But now no. She said she hated to tell me this really I was knowing this before we talked. I have no idea what I will do?

All I know is that work is good for me, things in a few weeks will be very busy. So I just keep on working toward my goal, which was in the beginning to have a home on the mountain over looking the sea. I have prayed and really just put it in gods hands, he knows all my needs... And some how weather people believe it or not? I get provided for by some way or another! I am grateful...

I took yesterday to take care of business, Rocky had owed me some money, I went to the bank now for the fourth time to see if he deposited it, yes he had this time! So I then went and talk to Eida, for a min, shared with Ricky and Lucy my hellos, and talk to Hannah. Then I went to Helens to ask her to do the nails, ended up I did the acrylics my self, Helen said she knew how but when I saw what she was doing? I said hey I did a ton of nails for people I can do it, just let me use the stuff! an hour and half later I had them filled and painted! GIRLS THE THINGS WE DO FOR BEAUTY!

I had Called Tony the Driver, to talk to him about Panama, or Nicaragua, I need to go this weekend in order to get my pass port up to date. He agreed to drive me in my car for a reasonable price. So Thursday we are going to decided where I will go.

He Doesn't speak much english but we get along just fine! actually he laughs at me and thinks Im funny! I will try to get the camera fix so i can post a photo of Tony. He is not the typical Costa Rican, Tico, Hes tall, and from what I have seen many are sorta short.

Today I have to take Eida to Orotina to see the girls school projects, She is afraid to drive alone in her car? I don't know why but she said to me the other night... that she is? she Asked me If I drive alone at Night? I said of course? why? she asked aren't you afraid? No I answered.. I have done so much alone that its not scary to me.

I love the girls, so I guess I am like another auntie, a tia... they called me and begged me to go. So In a few I will get all dressed nice and go see there school projects. Its early Morning right now. It is cloudy, some what cool, and today Anna Carina comes! We are all meeting at the Del Mar for Dinner and drinks! I get to meet Marsh her architect roomate who is close to my age, single... he brought two girls with him on this trip, nothing like having some fun aye? wow boldly letting the girls know there are two? OOOOOOOK.

Well if anyone knows how to get this pentex optio camera off internal mode let me know. I am going to try to trouble shoot it online.

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