Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Doing Well

Doing Well is not always easy for people, in that I mean to do well to others...

For so is the will of God, that with doing well ye may put to silence the ignorance of the foolish men!

People talk and say bad things about you? right? and its offensive and hurtful, but if you do well, there foolish talk will be silenced by the your works of constant doing well or good.

I do try to do this, I do try to be good to others, Not one person is perfect, yes you can forget how to be kind to others, but if you keep this in your heads, that doing well superceed the ill will that others wish upon you.

Now! I began yesterday here with Eida showing up at 7:00 in the morning wanting to talk to me about plastic surgery on her and me?? I was shocked to see her as she never comes here and at that time in the morning she is usually sound asleep!

She has been Depressed and just needed my freindship, we were just hanging out. I made us breakfast and we girl talked for more than two hours. I am trying to get things done like change the oil on my car, make calls to Rocky, to have him send more money for work I have done last week, and call new clients in Las vegas, Texas and New York. The oil never got changed they didn't know how much to charge, and then when I went back they were resting and said to come back later.
A police showed up at my house, asking me question's about a car, come to find out he was asking me to explain to the neighbor's, who were trying to buy a car from the police department. It was a car that they took from an illegal immigrant, with all the details, So I had to interpet for them and try to communicate to the cop what they were saying. He was tall, very confident, and not bad looking actually... smiled at me alot.
I get that her all the time, there is no problem with men smiling and looking at women here with intent. It is the way of life here, unlike the states where Men harly give you a look and if they do there afraid of being sued or pressed charges againts... one more comment on this then I will go on. I think its refreshing to be amired and looked at. In fact Its a compliment to me.

Nothing was said to me about private matters with him this was strickly business. He returned twice for me to talk to them. His name was Marteen.

Later, I laid down, for some reason the leg is flairing up, red sore swollen again. So I rested most of the day, and tried hard not to think about my love situation, (WHAT LOVE SITUATION??? THERE IS NONE) haaa I mean the lack of love damn it!

Then Arja and Eric stopped in to ask me to dinner next door. It was pleasant, we walked down to the soda and ate and talked. I had Fish, so did Eric, Arja had arroz con pollo.

Then I got the computer with the intention of writing my work for the paper, I took it went to Rosies so she could talk to me and visit while I did this.
When I got to Rosies, she was depressed, What the hell is everyone around me depressed? including me?? GOD!!! so we talked for a few short minutes when I heard Helen, who by the way I am so confused about... weather or not she is gay bi or what??? yelled MARIANNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA venga!!!!!!! So I walked over there and sat and talked to her for a few minutes then the torrential rains started... the thunder began the ligthing was constant. So I drove home.

I laid in my bed with all the lights out watching the Show of lightening in the sky. The natural electric show was so incredible here.. you see lots of bolts with long fingers of electricity, huge strikes of light in the sky. Lighting up the whole area like day. The thunder is boomin. I was wishing someone was with me laying next to me, cuddling me, and watching this awesome power of the world. To see how powerfull the world is by its nature is something to behold. I could hear the sounds of the turbulent waves outside my window crashing againsts the land, the splashes of water on the window from the rain, and the sounds of the rain drops hitting the tin roof of the apartment.
For more than an hour I watch this spectacle, it was beautiful and amazing. It makes me feel in awe of how powerless we really are.

Then this mornng I woke up now at my usual time, 6:00 hearing the roosters crow, they still are and its now 9:18, the bird singing and knew it was going to be a beautiful day again In Costa Rica.

I got one message from a reader about my last post, it was a positive note.

She told me how she felt I was an inspiration to her... So I hope that I do influence others, maybe that is my calling in life, if not for my children to listen but for other people outside my family to be inpsired and moved by my perception of life.

I have had three phone calls this morning already from vendors wanting to know If I need them, not yet... but Things are picking up.

Tomorrow I go to San Jose with Eida, for a plastic Surgery appointment for her, I may have them look at me too!! then when I get these two jobs done I think I May do it!
Friday I meet with several people, clients and vendors. later I may drive to Punteranas, to a long board competition, see some old farts surf, then interview few for the Sports Magazine maybe I do something fun!

I swear, next week if I have a week like this with very little work. I am going somewhere different for a day or so... just to see more and get out!

Lets see what today brings, aside from more hummigbirds and tall police.

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