Sunday, June 04, 2006

Back To Waco in Jaco

Leaving the Marriot early this time, we headed back to Jaco around 3:00 on Friday. There was hardly any traffic so we actually clipped along pretty fast. We were very happy, I found a jazz station that was exactly like the one I use to listen to in Portland. Wow was I ever happy to hear that!

The scenery on the way back was shocking to Milo, because since he was here last we have had allot of rain.. Being that is so warm the growth of the plant's and trees are had almost doubled. The color is a brilliant green with deep shades of green in the shady areas. Some of the trunks of the trees are black in contrast to the lime green leaves. The difference between the old and new growth is so dramatic, that when you drive its feels surreal.
We played the jazz and drove through the mountains, what a beautiful ride, with this music is was just like we orchestrated everything. Milo commented how it was different this time. Really beautiful!

Earlier in the week I had met with Masami and Gary, some friends of mine through Bill and Barbara White, they were visiting here. I knew they were staying at Villa Colletas, so I suggested we stop and try to find them and have a drink and watch the sunset from this spectacular Mountain View. I mean to tell you, you have never experienced such a Sunset as the ones you will see from Villa Colletas.

We missed the exit I was disappointed but assured Milo it was ok that it was just a thought. I wanted to do something very romantic, but he didn’t get the hint right off. After about a mile of driving, he decided to turn around and go back.
Then we missed the exit again going in the opposite direction. Now I was upset as the sun sets pretty fast here and I knew we had missed it already.

The Road to Villa Colletas, pronounced VEYA COL ETTAS it quite a grandeur view. At one point you are on a crest of the hillside seeing a full three sixty view of the sea the mountains and the Nicoya Peninsula.

As we arrived we drove to the top the very top where most people do not park, and got out walked to the infinity pool. I heard people it sounded like Masami so we went to look and see who it was but it was not them.
We looked over the view, wow what a view over that pool spilling water over the edge right into the sea. Although it was not really spilling in the sea it appeared to looked that way. WOW…

Walking up the walkway covered with plants and flowers, Iron statues of Birds, and lots of cover, we see the sunset in the horizon beyond the amphitheater.
I choose a table close to the edge.
The amphitheater is sunken in the hill side with tall columns that frame the sea and the sunsets. Its so perfectly planned. As if the owners of this place sat in this very spot way before the building was in place and knew in there minds how they would frame the sunsets and create an incredibly memorable experience. Once you have seen a sunset here, you will never forget the feeling you have had seen it in its glory.
This night in particular was not an exception. Although the sunset it self was not the best, Clouds were in the horizon and covering the actual sunset, it was the after glow that made us in awe of what God created.
We watched as the glow got larger and more intense, the colors in the sky ranged from brilliant orange and red and then deep shades of purple , gray and almost phosphorescent blue. The angle of the sun has to be playing with the colors in the sky, I began to see images in the clouds. We look at the left of the horizon and saw a group of clouds that resembled wild Horses running to the sun. Then on the right was a giant stair case that actually turned and went upwards toward the heavens with this glowing orange cresent right underneath it. In the far right distance was images of lighting striking lighting the sky up only in one area , like fire works. This staircase was perfectly formed. I told Milo it was the stairway to heaven and he saw it and then told me wow Marianna this is the most beautiful thing, God is actually talking to me??? I was shocked to hear that since Milo says he doesn’t believe in Religion, but he does believe in God. He wouldn’t speak. We both were very quiet as we watch the sky change and move and the figures emerged from the clouds and colors. I am sad that I didn’t have my camera, this one was one of the most awesome sunset I have ever seen here. It was not just the colors but the whole picture overlooking the Nicoya Peninsula, the clouds the sea.

Down below this sunset was the sea, the waves slowly breaking over some rocks. It looked to me as if they were moving in slow motion. It was the best production of life, not even a computer created image could do better than this! You know What I mean how all the movies today are enhanced by images created on the computer.
The earths images that we experienced, were better than any movie. We the sweet taste of a caprihinia added to the happiness we experienced we toasted the sunset.

Then we left, we did not find Masami and Gary. We drove to Jaco ten minutes away and to the apartment. I called Eleana and Terry we were suppose to get together with a group of people to go dance and sing. But everyone I called was tired and did not want to do anything.
We bagged it, and got some wine at some dinner and then went to say hello to Helen.
Helen is my assistant, the Columbian lady who is wild…. She lives in a small commercial space in town a one room salon with a partial wall and bed behind it. A self made area for cooking with a gas cook top, and a small bathroom with a make shift shower and a washing machine in the shower.
Yes this is how she lives, with Betty and now her son is staying there. I would be in sane in the small space with that many people. She has a small patio out in front of the shop where she sits and plays music loud and dances.
When we drove up she was there with a life guard friend of hers. Betty was inside. We got out said our hellos and sat in some plastic chairs she had just bought. She did not have glasses for the wine so she ran across the ways to Rosies and borrow some wine glasses.
Poured the wine and the party began. We watched he and her friend dance then all of sudden before Milo and knew it there were like five people there, all drinking and partying and dancing and laughing.
Simple pleasures, enjoying the music, not caring who came but invited people to come and dance? I joined in it was the first time I tried to dance for real. It was hurting but I did it! And they all cheered and said wow you dance good!! It was funny the people on the streets were watching and walking by. How different this life here is. The latins welcome others, with out any reservations. They love life itself.
We then after a few hour’s of this entertainment, which was very different. Walked over to Rosies and sat for a few minutes. It was not 1 am, I wanted to go home so we did.
The following morning I was a bit tired, too late. The phone rang early it was Carlos the land lord asking about some people who have been writing me from the internet blog, and wanted an apartment here. So I told him what time they would arrive and he was happy. Then Tony the driver tour guide called to talk to me about the people.
Then Gary,and Masami called and wanted us to meet for lunch. So Milo I spent the morning just piddling around, and then we walked the beach to town and met up with them and had a very nice lunch at the Hacaco. Later we drove back and saw the apartment, and I told them about the condo’s That My landlord is building here on the beach and if they wanted to get in on the presales? So we discussed that.
Later in several hours we got a call from Terry and Elena and we went to Heradura for dinner and beers. We views there lots they just bought, and Milo are concidering possibly buying one or so.
She has many lots, and wants me to help her sell these.
So we enjoyed the company of new friends. Terry had gone sea fishing earlier and caught eight mahi mahi, so they gave us a huge one to cook.
Elena had been on the beach in the morning and met the ponga boats with shrimp huge shrimp. She made us some appetizers with yucca and shrimp. IT was so good!!

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