Saturday, June 10, 2006

I woke up this morning by four huge red, yellow and green parrots screaming as they flew over. For some reason the other day I saw a lot of them flying over. Helen was here, she and I stood on the balcony and I whistled very loud, they did an about face and then turned right in front of us at eye level! Wow she said she has been here a long time and never saw anything such as this.
Yesterday, I noticed in the morning they flew over again. Someone told me they have a keen memory and maybe was looking for me or the whistle they heard as another bird.
Today, I was waking up when I heard them flying over. They scream very loud alerting the neighbors in the trees that they are approaching. I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. I whistled and then the screeched and landed in the tree across the street. I ran back in the bedroom and got my binoculars and sat and stared at them. Wow how cool, the colors are so bright, the heads are huge and red with yellow on the wings and then green bodies.
Soon there after they flew away but they stayed for a moment as if to wish me good morning.

I heard them again just a few minutes ago along with a whole flock of peach face parrots. It made me smile, and I need that.

I know its not the end of the world, but yesterday shed some bad news on my future with Milo.
The corporate world that I hated so much when I lived in the USA, once again affected my life, and now our life.

Milo had meeting with his boss about work and his position yesterday. A week ago, Milo was ready to move here, made up his mind that is. Was going to sell his house and work here and buy a lot. He and I would begin either building or selling or something. I felt happy, but I didn’t let him know how relieved I was that he was now finally coming to Costa Rica to be with me and begin a new life.
Now The work load has been changed, his life and mine are now affected by what has happened. The future is on hold for two years.
The way the men are here, and how I have had to deal with some of the men is not something I want to do.
I could say more, but I just don’t want to deal with more men, I just want Milo in my life.
For now He has no answers, nor did he say much to me about this situation.

He has not left me a note or called, or message me… but he has filled his weekend with things. In the mean time I sit alone thinking, wishing I had someone close to talk to.

Last night was bad, I was very sad… for the first time since I have been here felt so very alone. I was lying in bed fully clothed with the Costa Rican colors red and blue and white on. I wore it earlier for the game. I took the Portland couple Eric and Aria, to the la ferria, then we went to the bank which was a joke, with the world cup playing the banks and all businesses were closed until the game was over, So no money.
We ended up going to Rosies, and sat and watched the game. I wore the red and blue like I said earlier. Everyone in town who is Costa Rican wore the colors. I thought it was fun.
We sat drank iced coffees and talked. I met a man named Pablo there and I think he and the couple and I are going to go up the mountain on Sunday. He is here to buy land, Maybe I can help him with this?

We went up to Rene’s house on the way to Esterillos, I wanted to just drive since I heard the news about my life changing here with Milo. Esterillos as I have said over and over is where I want to build a house, Milo and I had agreed on this now… who knows?

Rene is this big Mexican American that uses to be a pro foot ball player and volley ball player / Teacher in his later years. He has this enormous house on the top of a hill side in Hermosa. He wanted me to stop, after I heard the news I decided to go ahead and see what he needed. Just my advice, Seems Rene does want to be friends. But the dude needs to hire me, After Eric and Aria met him and saw the process of his crazed building he told me he needed me or a good foreman on his house. Rene had actually caught some of the workers sleeping and was paying?? Then he hired the, back after, he wasn’t mad. I would have fired them! Then Yesterday as we drove up one of the guys was drinking beer and talking to him. As we left his ciaos, I called him the mystery castle in California, right now I can’t think of the name but that lady kept building like a crazed woman and Rene is dong the same thing KEEP BUILDING….
Anyhow as we left some drunken dude, I said in Spanish BARRACHO!!! Was stumbling down the hill side, Mind you this is huge hill very steep… I could not believe he did that right in front of Rene? An Rene let him leave with out firing him?
We left Eric as in amazement over him, I drove to Esterillos, I showed them the place I dream about they loved it! Then we went right to the beach, and had a beer in this little place right on the water the only one in Esterillos, its not much of a town at all. The bedroom community of Jaco, I believe is what will happen here.

I was watching a surfer while we where there, come to find out it was My Italian friend Carlos, here he was clear over there too just like me. We talked and said our hellos and left.

When I got back I was very sad here alone thinking about what may happen here…. How I will try to continue with out the hope of having someone in my life now.
I heard knocking as I was laying there fully clothed, It was Adrian, the Taxi driver that saved me on the road. He just wanted to visit, and see how I was with the leg.

He is such a kind man, very concerned about my health and says he sees me all the time at the soda, just wanted to visit. So we did, he ended up massaging my leg, and gave me strict advice on how to take care of me, the leg and more. SAID HE WANTED TO BE MY PROTECTOR!

Maybe he is? I don’t know but he shows up always at the right time???? I really needed company I was so very depressed, sad… all I wanted to do was get a buzz, sleep, or eat everything! That is my way of dealing with things sometimes… but he prevented me from doing all the above.

He finally went back to work, and I went straight to bed and slept like a baby till this morning…. Now Still at 10:22 am no word from my heart throb…. So I go to town get the money for the rent then come back do my planned walked that I wanted to do two days ago. The beach…. Maybe I will walk all the way past jaco…

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