Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Green Valley

Green is the color of Costa RRRRRRRRRICA now. Wow waking up this morning was like looking at a video game. The color of Green is very strong , The night rain changed the surroundings.
Previously I had said that it was getting greener, but wow today I really see it. I know that Portland is green and very beautiful, but Costa Rrrrrrrica is even more so. Every shade of green imaginable from Deep almost black green to Pale almost yellow.
The temperature has dropped conciderably. It is very pleasant most cool.

Last night I could hear the sounds of the rain pounding on the tin roof that covers the apartamento, The tin amplifies the sound, making it at times very loud. But even so I fell alseep with no problems.

The birds are not singing as much today, but I already had visitors while I was drinking my first cup of coffee. I big black Cackle came to the balcony and ate his breakfast, I had set on the railings. The humming birds are busy drinking the nector from the two feeders I have hanging.
The soda Down below is busy with taxi drivers and men eating before going to work. Its always busy in the morning with men. Trucks, buses, surfers flying by.

Two waved to me today one I recognized it was Adrian, the taxi who picked me up out of the street, he sent me kisses in the air, and waved very big. Said in spanish COMO ESTAS?? I answered Bein, es MEJORE!!! the best. HE just now called out Honey! I'm going have a good day. He is a very kind man... Thank god for him!

I have no real plans today, I may take Helen to Elenas to have Helen give her a pedicure, Then I don't know what the day has. Yesterday was a strange day, but it did have some good parts, though most of it was strange.
It began when I picked up the phone and found out it was shut off, Now I know it is due before the fifth, they send no notices, or bills so you have to remember to pay everything like this. It was temporarily disconected. I owed 8 thousand colones,which amounts to around 16 bucks or so in dollars. I had no idea that it was due! So I waited for a massage therapist that never showed up in the morning, then I took the new Portland neighbor to town and showed her how to pay your bills. We waited only for a few moments, then I paid both phone and power. ICE CONTROLS EVERYTHING.

On to finding Helen, for Eria, She needs her hair done. Helen is no where to be found, Maybe she went to San Jose.

Eria and I go farther down the road to Eidas and Joeys place, we sit and begin to talk when a street sweeper comes by not once but four times and blows rocks dirt, and dust everywhere, I have forgotten to mention that the street is no longer pot hole hell. When Milo and I returned this weekend they had paved half the city main road. WOW A REAL ROAD!!! everyone is so happy. So as I was saying this street sweeper came by at high noon with no notice, and shot dirt like you have never seen everywhere. Getting ready to pave the area in front of there businesses. Eida was pist, she had just, I am not kidding Just cleaned everything, put new plastic sleeves on all the shirts, and beach wear that hangs out front of her souveneir store.

We all ran so we wouldn't get dirt all over us or have rocks shot at us. I laughed inside thinking how weird ok? why the heck didn't they do this like at 5 or so in the morning when no one is around, and the shops are closed? but high noon? it sent dirt on everyones food sitting at Jaco Bell, and it sprayed rocks all over the shop.
They didn't even have someone come and warn you, to say close your doors, ,move your cars, were going to clean.
Well we talked for a few brief moments, I scolded Eida about the preposed weekend we were suppose to share. She had excuses, said she doesn't talk to the answering machine, but while I was sitting with her I noticed she called several client's and left messages with them on there machines?
I don't know, it was her idea that we get together but the whole weekend with them fell apart.
It was ok we had many other things to do, and other friends we visit with.

Then we walked down the alley anita, to Cristina's and Joes, Joe was hanging out Cristina was in bed, she hurt her back fell while cleaning the pool. We chatted with Cristina for about an hour or more waited for the rain to stop then left.

We stopped at TCBY, and I bought us a yogurt, then stopped and said hi to david the furniture dude, then traveled back mid day to the house. That is when everything got strange.

I tried to open the door, it wouldn't open I tried the other door it wouldn't open. Alrighty then! I have no other access but these two glass doors, and I was not about to break glass to get in.
Then Eric the new Portland Neigbor, tried. He couldn't get it open either. It was stuck for some reason? We both tried nothing... I was walking off when Eric opened it.. ok this is strange. After I thought oh well I will try later and not get worried about it, it opened? maybe not strange to you but to me it was.

Then I got a message on the computer the minute I opened it, it was miguel. The guy who took me to the hospital this last time, He lives here now and works at Century 21. He asked to come over? I said sure come on over. Well he shows up, and begins to ask me to move in with him???? out of no where??? STRANGE DAY.

WHAT? I said What? why ? he said he needed me to live with him, I didn't understand his logic but I disagreed and said what it the real reason your here? he kept flirting with me, I said hey drop it, You need to be a friend an that is as far as it goes. I got my computer out to check mail, he pulled his out and got on line too? ok now this is weird???he never has done this at my house? QUE SIEMPRE!! What ever!!
As soon as I got the computer out I got a phone call, it was Gloria vell.. GLORIA VELL? Have not heard or seen her in months or longer... She asked if I was occupied? and I said no why? in spanish now not in english. She asked if she could come over? I said sure, Miguel a freind of mine is here but your welcome to join us.

I asked before she hung if she would bring me some bbq chicken. She said yes,a few moments later she showed up at the door. SHe was pleasant in the begining, acting very interested in the apartamento,looking at all the pretty things I have done to it. She hugged me and sat down. I made plates for her, Miguel and I.Then I poured a glass of wine for her and I. As we ate and talked she said she had to move out of her place, had no money for it and needed a place to stay for less than a hundred a month. I knew what was coming. I would allow Gloira she is a good kid, still works at the taxi company and is very decent. BUT I have people coming from the USA in a couple of weeks that I commited to this morning. So now I have to tell her no.
Miguel swoops in on her.
She gets this phone call from Marvin, a taxi driver who I know and she is very familiar with, well Marvin is crazy for Gloria, but Marvin is married. Four kids this guy has... Marvin and her talk a long time. I tell Miguel lets go outside and let her talk.
I tell Miguel look you need to understand our freindship. I have a man so lay off with the getting me to be with you idea! he laughs we talk about other things, then he says he likes her??? BROTHER! MEN!!! he goes in while she is crying and asks her if she wants go with him? WHATEVER????

So now Gloria is very confused. Marvin calls my house. Now I am in the middle of all this mess. I am inocent I want them all to do away!

Now Miguel takes over, says Marianna let her stay for a night or two, I said Miguel you have a huge house, I know you just met her but you let her stay with you? he says if she does ohhhhhhooooo I said fine ok one night.
So he tells Gloria he will take her to get all her belongings, Now im freaking. I dont want all that stuff here, my place is small. And besides what is the real drama? is it that Marvin pays for the place and they were fighting? or what? I don't know but its not good.

Miguel takes Gloria to her place to gather up things. I am worring, and cleaning up the room. When Marvn calls more than once. I finally told Marvin, JUST GIVE HER THE RENT MONEY so she doesn't have to move in the pouring down rain. I am sure she will pay you back?? he agrees to call her cell, that I think he provided....

Then Miguels calls, says god Marianna, she has a nice place We need to just lend her money, I said Miguel if you want to then go ahead, I am offereing my place for a day or so till she can find a place. He says I like her,,, I said fine then do it? he asked if she would pay back, I say I thnk so? but how do I know? It's sorted ok, now I am thinking I want my peace back... PLEASE EVERYONE!!!

Gloria and Miguel come back ,I am laying n the bed watching the boob tube, resting my now swollen ankle. It is begining to hurt so I stay right where I am at when they enter the house.

Miguel comes in the bedroom saying Marianna I like this gal I think something serious is going on with her and this marvin dude, I said oh well? she is standing right there but speaks very little english.
HE continues, tries to pull me into this by talking to Marvin, I don't want too. Then he asked if he could use my computer I say ok, then Marvin shows up. NOW there all here talking I am in my room. What am I the medium for this whole ordeal?

Gloria and Mavin talk for about ahalf hour, Miguel is on my computer now he is playing chess, Im getting aggrevated... I want everyone to leave.. It was like 9 now. I tried to be nice I said nothing allowed everyone to do what they chose. Then Miguel asked if he could have RUM... I said NO just flat out no.. this is Milo's rum. I don't touch it. He bought it for him and I don't offer it. Sounds mean but I knew if I did that he would be hanging and then really doing stupid stuff.

Marvin calls me out to the balcony, I said Im not getting up my leg hurts, Gloria doesn't want him in the room tells him to stay out there. So he sits forever... GOD NOW WHAT?
Finally some how Marvin tells her to go with him. THey leabve Miguel tries to hang, I say Im going to sleep now. Just to get him to go... wow this was not the evening I planned.
I sat after they left and thought ok what was this all about? I almost had a live in there for a moment?

I listened to the rain and talked to Jon for a moment on line and waited for Jordan to come on, Since now he has a computer. I was hoping maybe he had put the msn on so we could chat. But no.. I fell alseep.

During the night I got up the power was off, the rain was pouring and I thought back over this whole day wow ok this was a strange day, even Milos MSN would message me it kept cutting off, I had other people message but he couldn't talk to me. He is still very Ill. So I was worried, thinking all this in the middle of the night GOD JUST GO TO SLEEP I thought... so after afew I did.

Now today, the plan is not very big, I just hang out waiting for calls, email potiential clients, and talk on line. Maybe as I said take Helen to Elena's But now Gloria vell just showed up, trying to find someone to help her so I must sign off now

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