Friday, June 09, 2006

Lets try this again: Yesterday I had a blog all writen ready to publish, hit publish and the page went blank. Guess the dashboard was down?

Gloriavell was here in the morning two days ago, she was in crisis mode, needed help financially or physically with a place to stay. I offered the place to stay. She stayed for hours. Crying sobbing, talking to me in spanish. But she talked so fast I couldn't undestand a word she said. I felt frustrated, because I couldn't communicate better with her. I wanted to give her some motherly advice, but it was a very difficult situation. She continued to call on the phone, talk to milo on the msn,while I worked on this little trunk for Rosie, gluing on shells.
Finally Helen came by to do the neigbors hair, she talk to her gave her the talk I wanted to give in spanish, by me talking in English and she interrpeted. It worked out good, Gloria left for work, and I have not heard from her since. That was two days ago, Mind you I have not seen Gloriavell in months, only when she needs help.

Later I drove Helen to Elenas, to give her a pedicure, I acted as the assitant and helped, made coffee and layed with my foot up for a hour or more while she worked. Elena lives in the country in Herradura, you have to go down this pothole filled road with rocks mud and now lots of water, you pass pastures, some typical Tico houses, a store and then come to what I call a ditch bridge. It was sunken down some, an look as if it was gonna cave in.
Then you drive a little ways more, make a right,(No Street signs) down this one lane path of mud. I mean Mud.. quads would be perfect but you would be covered by the time you get to Elena's and Terrys. Terry was busy making ropes for his new boat, Cow girl there cattle dog was happy to see me. She is all black with blue eyes and some gray on her coat. I don't know the breed, but she is very friendly to me, she is getting to know me now. She laid right besides me as I rested my leg. I pet her and she kisses me incisivley,
Yep she is getting to know me well.

We are there for two hours, Elena and Helen talking very fast tico, I can't understand. So I just listen to music and relax.
Then TErry backs my car out since they have one of the little ditch cover bridges to their house too, I don't like it since it is all broke down and if I don't back out just right. I go in the huge ditch. So he helped.
Then we went to mas permanos, saw Eida there,she asked Helen to do her too. So Helen came got her bike and went to Edias, I talked on the computer to Jordan, he got a new computer and we made a date to talk yesterday.
He is getting a web cam so we can talk and see each other! I can't wait to see the baby.

I then went to Eidas, she asked me to come and talk with her and Helen. We stayed up till one am. so Yesterday morning I was very cranky.
I had a nice morning, I ate eggs with toast and honey, and pineapple. Then I worked on the trunk till Helen showed up again to do both my new Portland Neighbors hair. She cut Erics,and died Arias hair. Arias took all day, she died is all one color, then bleached some parts for highlights then added this pretty red to it. Now I want it! it looks great. We then after the day went to Rosies, and I presented the trunk, and candles I bought for her. She was very happy. We ate dinner and talked to Cliff this American who lives around the corner here, Hes weird, I think anyway. He has a very awesome house, but you never see him with anyone. A recluse I think?

Then This really big guy pulls up its Rene. He comes over and almost falls in my lap. Everyone laughs, I told him he would have had a soft landing didn't matter.
He pulls up a chair and sits with me,and talks nothing but about his construction, and how he got screwed on this and screwed on that. He says he doesn't need any one to advise him, but From what he said AAAA YEAH HE DOES!
But wont hire me to be the help.
But he said come by my house, I need you to look at something tomorrow.
I dunno if I will.
One thing on my agenda for Friday is, pay Carlosm but I might not be able to since its the world cup today, and costa Rica is playing against Gemany. The whole country is shut down. THEY WATCH AND SCREAM<>
THEn I want to go to the la ferria and get food, then a shot at the clinic and then I wanted to swim. The weather today may not provide that its rainy and very cool. Actually it reminds me of Portland in the few months of summer, like two I think? Aug and Sept, when it rains and its still warm. But for her its cold. I am so adjusted to the climate now that this does actually feel cool sometimes cold. It is still around 78 degrees.

Have not heard from Milo much, he is still sick. IT seems like when he goes back to the states he is so busy he forgets to take time just for me.

I talked to Brandon last week it was nice to hear from him, sounds like things are going good.
Oh this is funny, one of my tico friends just signed on on the MSN and his has photos of the socker team jumping on it. Ready for the game!

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