Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend, different than it has been, was tiring if not exhausting.

Friday, I had to go to la flor, the development that I have been working with. Ron one of my Clients wants a recessed ceiling and lighting in his office, the only one I know that do this in town are the workers at La Flor. Most of them are Nicarauguan, so I thought perhaps I would go over to the office of Edwardos, he is my contact and now we have become friends. Edwardo is about 45 possibly years old, shaved head, 5 foot 10 light skinned, green eyes speaks with a
Tico/ British Accent. He lived I think in England for a while. Very nice man, he must really like my finish product there at La Flor because he sends all the time new Clients. I am so grateful for Edwardo. I promised I would have one of the furniture makers, as soon as things progress and people deposit me. Make him some nice gift for all his referrals.

Edwardo and I talked for more than a hour in his Florida style office with air condition. I asked if I could subcontract the gypsum worker, to do a special design in the ceiling of the office. I want to use bleached rustico wood, and an artist design in the ceiling to add a special effect. The clients that will be sitting waiting for a sales person will be interested in looking at it and create some sort of conversation piece.
Just and Idea I have??
Edwardo, helped me hook up with one guy. So I will go Monday before Eida and I leave again for San Jose and show him where the office is. That way we can get an Idea of the amount and begin the process of building it out.

Leaving La Flor, I then went to Banco De Costa Rica, to check on funds from a client. No deposits, so I go to a long distant store and call an leave word as to why?

Then I stopped at the La ferria, The Farmers Market, to get a few things. I bought Nonnie for my friend Rene who is sick, and figured I would call him to pick it up. I saw Arja and Eric there Too!

I stopped to see Eida, and Aliycia, in century 21, this is Lucy of Ricky and Lucy. My old friends I use to talk about long time ago. Ricky as Cancer, he is 29 years old. Light skinned Tico, handsome and super sweet man. I felt bad on Thursday thinking about How life is so short, how when you know someone and don't take the time to show them that you care,things can happen and before you know it there not around.

I felt impressed to just visit them on Friday. I was right this time, Aliycia was so happy to talk to me.

I joked with all the people in the office and then Aliycia and I walked back to the Farmers market where we had a nice conversation about life in general. It was needed, I felt happy to be a friend for her.

Both My Mother, father died of Cancer, My older Brother died of Cancer, so I think I really know how it is to deal with it.

We talked and laughed and then walked back, I wrote a recipe for her for some simple fish that would be good and light for him.
I then went to park my car and for the first time since my leg was injured I walked the town. I just wanted to see people.

I had gotten a letter in the morning from someone and I wanted to contemplate this letter, and just walk. Have you ever done this? It was different, I looked at all the tourists on the street. Seemed to be many this weekend, and ended up at Essees a Middle eastern friend of mine who runs an Italian clothing store across the street from Mas permanos.

We Talked for another hour, then I walked back only after I got a fat free tcby with fat free chocolate on top. I said hello to many people it was nice to be out and seeing people!

That night Rosie had asked me to go dancing with her, I wasn't in the mood, said I didn't think so and I was wanting to just lay in bed and watch TV. When a knock on my door about 9:00. It was Arja, she and Eric were going down to Rosies asked if I wanted to come along. I was laying in bed talking to Jordan with the cam and mic. So I clicked off and got dressed and went.

Eric Asked me to drive there newly purchased Tico car. Its Red just like a taxi, most of the taxi's in Costa Rica are red, some are silver. Its a four speed, and has this funky alarm.
Older Toyota. The thing won't start unless you press the alarm button that is on the left hand side of your leg by the seat. Its just hanging there...So I got in reved it up, Varrrrroooooooom and flew out of the little parking area, in our apartment. Only two cars can park there.

I started to go when the alarm went off, I laughed he said press the button quick or it will die, so I did and sped like a bat out of hell down the road. The Red Rooster, Gallo Rojo... It bucks like a chicken when you hit pot holes.
OK OUR STREET IS THE WORST POTHOLE ROAD EVER!! So you can imagine how the car was!
There is mud, water, rocks huge potholes on the whole thing till you get to town.
Flying down the road skimming over the potholes rattling all the way and clucking like a chicken as we went. I drove to the center of town and got out at Rosies. I was laughing my head off, Eric was afraid, and he laughed too after a bit. The dang thing kept Clucking I had to press it several times. It died once too. I want to call this Car Gallo Rojo, pronounced, Guyjoe, Rowho.
I have to find a rooster to tie to the hood that would be hilarious!

We Watched the parade of people, and saw some transvestite robbing men as they walked back to the beetles bar. Four of them looking like sexy girls, they would grab the men and gracefully search them stealing there wallets, we watched them steal like four mens wallets. Not a whole lot you can do, If you say something they may come and beat you up! They are fast.. And slick...
It was an eye opening experience for Arja and Eric. I already have seen them and I get very upset. Finally Rosie Called the Police, but they came late and the chickas were already down the road some where. We watched all sorts of things this night.
Helen was Selling Hotdogs Columbian style, In front of the Monkey bar with a cute hot dog stand that I didn't know was hers? She has lines of customers waiting for her delicious combination of. Chorizo Columbianna style, with arepas, or in a bun, with Smashed potato chips, a salad of carrots, and cabbage, pineapple salsa, catsup, mayo, mustard and cheese.
She has chairs so people sit around like a camp and watch all the traffic in front of monkeys. Eric, Arja and I walked over to talk to Helen after we had iced cappucinos at Rosies Eric wanted to buy a hot dog.
We sat and watched, wow what a night. It was slightly raining, women are all dressed to the nines walking in mud and dirt with high heels. I had sandals on and skirt and halter top. Arja a sexy top, UNLIKE A PORTLAND WOMAN, I laughed she is getting into the pretty way they dress here.
We then saw these two guys behind us, young looking surfers/ god only knows druggies? rolling around on the ground fighting, I noticed them first.
I said Hey look at this behind us? Helen jumps into it with her grease ladened spatula, and hits the guys and yells at them over and over she didn't give up! Hitting them with the spatula!! Its very dark no street lights only the lights from the disco.
I was laughing saying Helen leave it alone no no... Then they broke up she lectured them like a mom. Walked back and wiped her spatula and acted like nothing happened! Wow ok IM stunned! Arja and I are laughing and talking. When all of sudden I see this girl running in red... She is Crying holding her face running out of Monkeys!
Wow now what?

then I see a whole crowd of people, one guy comes running with three holding him right to Helens stand, she grabs water and washes the guys face. Someone was fighting in the bar too and the security sprayed pepper spray at everyone! I could see the cloud of pepperspray coming our way from out of the monkeys. I backed up everyone coughing, It didn't effect me, but everyone around me? Strange... I could smell it but it didn't do a thing to me. All the people were talking loud and now hanging out at Helens stand. Wow what a night.

After about a hour, not about 1:00, I walked back to Rosie's to help her close. I told her if she wanted I would go and dance for a while. So we walked together to the monkeys about half a block. Went in, talked to a couple of people we knew. The place is packed, Always is, Its PACKED... Dancing is nearly impossible. But I managed to squeeze in. I started, Rossi watched, before you knew it I had two guys dancing with me. I danced straight with my boo boo leg for more than a hour. That was enough. I wanted to go I was soaking wet, Hair was dripping. Clothes were soaked. So Rosie walked me back. But before that.

I was sitting at Helens chairs resting she, had given me a chorizo on a stick, eating it dripping wet.. when Adrian saw me sitting there and yelled out MARIANNA GO HOME!! too late for you. I will be back in Ten minutes to take you home, Well I thought that was nice. Since my car was at home. I had rode with Eric, remember? so I asked Rosie to walk me back get my Key's and purse. When I got back Adrian was coming down the road. He flashed his lights for me to come. I got in with him and from the moment I got in the car untill he dropped me off, He lectured me in Spanish about me being out. Funny, he really is my protector. He told me he goes by my place at night all the time and makes sure when I am not home that no one is doing anything to the house! He watches for me... I was so glad that he has this personal admiration and care for me.

He is so nice, no charge for the ride. I need to do something nice for Adrian. He works hard driving, and has a nice family three children.

To bed at 3:30, fell asleep when the thunder began! Actually knocked me out of bed. Honestly its so dang loud its scary. I don't know why but here, it may be that the mountain is right next to us and the beach is behind us, so the electrical forces are strong. ITS LOUD!! Eric commented on it.

Then on Sat, I drove to Punteranas to a surf competition. Rabbit Kakai.. The most famous Surfer aside from the Duke. I interview several people involved in the competition and met some world re nouned artist's and surfers.

I am writing for a magazine that will be in the states called: Sports and leisure. It goes to 7 different countries! so this was the first Interview. I had a good time with these guys. Lots of people in this beautiful hotel in Punteranas. They offered me and Eric and Arja a drink. So they sat behind me as I interviewed them for more than two hours.

It was late now and the rain began so I drove back, only to stop at this pescadera, to have a fish dinner on the ocean. We got out and then got ate by mosquito's. God there were tons of dinner was not that enjoyable.

Got home called everyone who had called and rested. I was resting peacefully when another knock on the window! it was Tony. The driver I use for clients... he was in town and wanted to say Hello. He brought a bottle of wine. So he and I drank the wine and talked about work. He left around 12:30. I was so tired... Then I woke up at 6:00 so my weekend has not had much rest. LEts hope that today is calm, nothing to do maybe just swim... and sleep.

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