Monday, June 12, 2006

Deep Jungle experience!

This weekend was filled with different emotions, The letter from Milo telling me he will be staying in the states two more years untill he can get back, shattered my hopes of having a great for once in my life relationship with a man that I truly adore. Funny how people choose money over love? this isn't the first time this has happened to me.

Paul Brown my boyfreind in Oregon, was hired to be a Gm over a huge furniture store in the northwest. Paul and I had been together to two and half years. I loved Paul, he was difficult but genuine, and generous, and very affectionate. That break up was difficult on me at my age.. he made the desicion to take the postion in Seattle and to break up with me since he knew I had a postion with the Columbian, and my own buisness in Portland. That would have made it a long distant relatiionship ( only two hours) but he knew how hard it would be.. we continued for almost two years more to see each other as often as we could. Then finnally I moved here, I have spoke to Paul a number of times he promised to come and visit but our contact has dwindled and now I never hear from him.
I understand his position, but there are always solutions to things if you want there to be! Enough said about this.. I am having a difficult time understanding life for me at the moment when it come's to being a part of a team that would be very dynamic! and Architect and a designer??? with Jaco building 7 story buildings house's condos and hotels and more... Would be have work here??? A YEAH! but Oh well such is life aye? things come and go.... this is one thing in life you can depend on, that is constant change! What did I learn from this long distant love? can anyone tell me please????

Right now the humminbirds are fighting around my house, there flying and fighting over the two feeders I have hanging in the eves of the apartment. The humminbirds here are huge... and very vocal. I enjoy my birds, in the morning this morning. It was a reflective time for me. I got up very early around 6:00 am, looked out and the day was filled with sunshine and shadows, the birds were especially happy since it rained hard last night and made them cold and wet. The sun warms their little wings and makes them very happy. I know it does this to humans too, it does me! I looked out my bedroom window to the sea and saw the huge waves crashing. The sound of the waves and the birds in unison, make beautiful music.

I made some strong cofee and sunned myself early just like the birds, did some heavy thinking about my life.. knowing I do have a future here in Jaco but for how long? no one knows. But I will stick it out and try to make things pan out here.

The growth of Jaco is scary to me, as I see how much the places are going for now, If work doesn't roll in I won't be able to live here either, then what try again in the states where the economy is faultering? NOT!

Today will be a day to pay a couple of bills run some errands and then talk to a few people about work. This week I have an appointment with a General Manager for 200 condos on the Costa Nira. It is called Jaco one, its right on the Costa Nera, it will have built in private infinity jacuzzis, huge pools three restuarants, and an event Center... So I need to try to get involved with this project this is one of 7 here in Jaco now. When I first moved here there was nothing, like this at all it's all broke loose in a matter of months. Can't imagine what its going to be like and who is buying all these condos?

This weekend was very fun, although as I said was filled with emotions. I manage to put things on the back burner like he does with me , and have a great time. Friday was home, Saturday was filled with visitors, and then dinner with Ken and Marcia. Came home kidnapped Helen and died her hair like mine, dressed he in my clothes and called John this new guy I met in town. He has Apartments and a house here, he has been coming to Costa Rica for Ten years, He speaks perfect Spanish. I got Helen all made up and invited John to join us he did, we decided it would be best if he drive us to this jungle bar that earlier Joey and Eida had offered an invitation too.

I was worried that is was too hard with the rain, and no white lines on the road. I don't see perfect at night. So he drove it was a fun ride, It took about fifteen minutes, we took a left off the main road on a small dirt gravel I don't know road????

The road was a gradual incline up into the jungle and the mountain side. It was very bumpy and like a rollercoaster, the rain was pouring and we were following Joey and Eida, Joey Drives fast, we loose him as were sloshing and jumping potholes, and swirving to miss them.
The Jungle is dark no lights no houses nothing but jungle and rain.

I looked to my left I could see nothing I looked to the right I could see nothing.. then out of no where we see Joey and Eidas car, flying down the dirt road.. Mud a splashing everywhere, huge puddles.. Then there we were, in the middle of the jungle a cool place all tropical style.

Tyical Tico style buidling but really nice. The roof line is peaked made with timber but not refined you can see the limbs but not rough. They call it Rustico, the inside of the ceiling is lined with bamboo and mat, the struture is all different roof levels. The dance floor refined bamboo. Very nice! very awesome music. All typical Tico music. Latin american Music. I am dressed in White cargo pants that have a draw string on the bottoms really cute, high heels made with mother of pearl, an orange sexy top that has long strans of fabric hanging kinda grecian looking. The people clear out there were all dressed up to date just like the states. I was surprized but happy to see that I fit.

At first I didn't dance I was afraid honestly to get out there and not knowing how my foot would respond. But later Joey asked and after that Wow I danced a lot. I sure did pay for it yesterday! But all in all a good time very nice music, marange, salsa, cumbia I did it all! So fun.. the place was filled with people the food was cheap and great, like smoked meats,and chips and beans.
We had a good time. Eida got tipsy but it was fun to watch her.. I drank three beers and had a bad headache most of the day. I think I was very dehidgerated, from all the sweating and dancing and not drinking water. It seems I can not party much since the leg thing!

We got home at 2:00 but they continued to Nacho Daddys, I was too beat the foot pounding.. To bed I went and read a note from Milo Mind you a short note that was not good news. He never calls me, and lately on weekends doesn't message at all, just a note.

Yesterday, I spent all morning Talking to Jordan and watching Julian, my grandson on the computer. He is so active, very curious looking and touching and very fast too. Smiles all the time laughs all the time, a very happy baby. Jordan has been telling him Nonnie, that is Grandma in Italian... and he swears he says it. I talk on the mic to them and when hears my voice he jumps and laughs! looks at my cam on the computer and trys to get me.. its so cute!
Growing very fast, this is great to have them on the internet at least now. I can watch how he grows.
Then I got my suit on after washing all my clothes by hand and hanging them on the line.. and went to get Helen to go swim at Rockies place. The sun was out for the first time in days.. it was beautiful yesterday. I swam and hung out then went and bought a huge peice of Fresh Tuna and made Helen and I a beautiful dinner of, Tuna cooked with soy, cracked pepper, garlic smashed, honey and marsala wine. BAked in a banana leaf with rosemary and fresh pinapple on top. Then I sauteed fresh baby veggies squash, carrots, chiote, and baby corn in garlic and olive oil, and a salad of Avocado and tomato and celantro. WOW was it ever good....

WE retired to the balcony where Helen massaged my leg and Aria and Eric came over. We sat and talked and enjoyed the sounds of the many frogs, the owls and night creatures, and the rain falling on the tin roof above.
Slept like a baby last night..... best in a long time!

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