Monday, December 03, 2007

We finished and its really spectacular

BUT!!! of course something had to happen!!! One of the guys had to move my car, I was tied up on top of a big ladder, finishing up the last tree for the end of job.
A huge bus was pulling in. Lots of people were in the hotel and more were coming. The place was packed. Honestly, in my life of working in Hotels, and restaurants doing decor. I never saw so many people, its really fun though to watch them oo and aww and photo and appreciate the gift that god has given me. I thanked god so many times today.
Well he went to move the car but had to go around the turn about, he hit a speed bump and lost control, how I have no idea. But he hit the post in the hotel at the end of the drive, and well the car is about totalled. He was frantic,and not in control.

Raquel ran and so did the other people. I stayed calmed and controlled, and finished what I was doing. Honestly, I did not know where my peace was coming from( it could be my faith) but I didn't go and look. I cleaned up the area, put things in our room. Then walked out and and saw what happened. The poor guy was crying, screaming... he is poor he's working for me whos practically at this point poverty now. I felt sad for him, and now shocked at what will I do. There is no way as of today that I can fix this, he has nothing... I have nothing. So we talked and he paid for a tow truck, but it came three hours later. I was very calm, Can't tell you why but I never lost it. I was just sad, thinking now what? how will I do the new work that I just aquired yesterday?

Thank god he didn't hit anyone, or tear down the post and the roof. It was not the main building it was golf building.

The front right side, axel is broke, the engine I have no idea. the tire is gone so is the hood, the fender.

I went back inside after I signed a report, and finished the job. Raquel was upset with me as for why I was not upset, and how could I keep working??? But all I knew as this had to be done. And I will figure out how to get around again some how.

This is horrible really, but I can't explain it, I have no tears, nothing. I just am numb.

Now I have no car, when the tow truck came. Raquel was yelling in spanish at the two brothers, they were upset too... crying and screaming, I was standing with my arms folded just staring, really I was upset, but I at this point am so tired and exhausted, and my brain can not think how to comprehend spanish. I did not understand a word anyone was saying. I felt as if I was in a bubble and couldn't hear at all. NOT KIDDING... I then shook myself out it, talk to the tow driver, asked him to wait for 20 minutes while I cleaned up my room in the hotel, got my things and he could drive me home. I decided to put the car at the guys house.
NOT MINE, and the mother could look at it every day. They have to pay but I know that this may be the last of Tortuga, this is what i have called this car since day one.

Now if I had insurance, not a huge problem, but hey I have been so down now for so long its been inpossible to do anything. Let alone pay insurance... ok don't get appauled at this!! I am doing what can at this point to stay alive. Soooo now this is huge issue. Its now 3:00 am I can not sleep, I drank a beer from the hotel just now. And really, crazy as it may sound to some people, I believe something good is going to come from this too. This year has been pretty bad. But I hope that something Good comes from his bad situation.

As we pulled out with the car, the two guys were sitting in the car while we were in the cab of the tow. all of a sudden smoke starting pouring out of the hood of the car. It started on fire... we stopped and all jumped out of the tow. Raquel is now hysterical.. running. I got out stood by the side of the road and watched. They uhooked the battery and put the fire out and then we all got back into the vehicles and went to Jaco.

Its not a light situation, its serious for me.. but I have no freaked out additude...
What will I do? How will I explain this to people? I AM NOT GOING GIVE UP... untill I am in the ground. ( this is getting close)

I don't know what I am doing tomorrow to get the hotel to do some finishing touches and talk to the general manager. But I have to find a way and the hotel is, it is fabulous really, I thank god for the ideas I get. I am blessed with a talent that amazes me as well as it does other people.

Raquel is exhausted, she stated to me tonight, I only work four days with you, how have you done this for all these years? I cried then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your faith is strong as ever and you will see that as one door closes another will open. You will be a testimony of your faith. Expect big things. You are protected by an angel and I see that you have much courage. Loosing a car is just another way of allowing your faith to prove to the world that Your God is watching over you and taking care of your every need. You are only the co-pilot.