Sunday, December 16, 2007

New day, yesterday was good!

It began with Helena and I going to the clients to collect the money from the Sale of the art.

It was beautiful yesterday, the weather warm and the breeze just slighty cool. We drove in her old red jeep up to Playa Escondido, this sits behind the Los Suenos resort on a road that goes up a hill lined with Chinese palms. This are the small palms that get to be about 6 feet max, and have rounded leaves in a deep green. The resort has planted the Jungle mountains all along the way on this road. Its is stunning to say the least. Helena and I both exclaimed as to how beautiful it was driving to there home. I am so thankfull when I see the natural beauty here that I live here. Even though I have had the utmost shocking, unfortuante times. I am greatful for whatever I have and my surroundings.

Things have to change for me, I was borned to be a success, not a poverty failure. Everyone has problems. And Yes happiness is from Within, but it is serious when you loose everything, and Money does not come in. But yesterday was a new day and being in those two incredible homes in one day was something that most people in the world do not get to experience. So I was happy to be exposed to such wealth and such classy lifestyles.

In Posting those photos I was in awe at how this Man Paul did this with no plans, and just did it as he went. Honestly I am that kind of designer. I know what I see and I know what I like and sometimes putting it on paper doesn't happen. When I do landscapes I always come up with a plan or a general perspective of how it should look and what goes where. But in Gardening, things change the plants grow, die and fill . It is always a work in progress. I want a place like Pauls, with Wandering Gardens that you can enjoy from below and above.
To see the grounds from all different perspectives is really fascinating.

He has so many specimens, and I about recognized all. I saw in an area where he could use the Planter's Palms it really is a Heliconia but it doesn't flower. It has towering branches that go from south to north and look amazing when there full grown.

I have a different view today, THANK GOD!! I was so worn down, so beat up.. But I have to pull myself back up and know that there is only one place to go now and that is UP!! I have so many abilties, Some of my friends are amazed at what I can do. When my son thinks of me he only says one thing that is great, and that is you are "REALLY TALENTED MOM"

Ok if this is so, then I must use my Talent to gain the wealth I deserve, the home I want and deserve, and the Relationship, I long for and deserve!!!

When I came here some time ago, my dream was, a home with a pool and huge garden. I Want the kids to come and stay, friends to fly here and visit and my place be a place to Entertain... but it has not happened none of that. But by God I have to get back on Track and find the dream. Dreams can happen.
I wrote about this some years ago when I told people how I got into what I do for a living, in an article I wrote. I need to read that to remind of how to get back on track.

Most Often lately I ask my self what is my purpose here on earth. Half the time lately I have no idea. But my son said don't worry about your purpose, just do what you need to to make yourself happy. So ok this week I am doing it, How I don't know... but I need a pedicure first let me start there so right now I have the water boiling, the nails are free of paint, and I have the tools ready to do it myself! Generally I get one but haven't had the money. So I am going to save that money its not much but I am going to do it myself, then the rest of the week find ways to make myself happy!

I need purfume,( now your saying this is silly) but women are very complicated, we need personal things to feel good. I have none not one bottle, while I was gone someone decided to use it or take it along with my bikini.. so that is something I am doing this week too!

This little Columbian girl needs my help with her clothing repair shop, she makes a line of bikinis called Sexy 7 and well I am going to help her this week and ask her for part of my payment in one or two bikinis!!! CUSTOM MADE!!


Another thing, I am going to Paul this week asking him if he wants to buy Felix Murillos art that I sold to the Voles, Felix is from here, he is becoming very famous for Painting to Concerts. He is amazing. He is a friend of mine personally. His art is really different the styles change from one to another.. but Paul has money, and If I sell I make a nice chunk, Then somhow I would love to rent out Pauls place for vacationers, or for parties, or HELL I WANT IT FOR MYSELF!! some way I am turning this around.

Now the car:
Tony, the old Tony offered me a 1991 Toyota, he said it was valued at $4000.00 but I looked a couple of them up here and there only worth about $1900.00. Yep I need a car but I am not sure about this deal. They want to take the car and give me this old junker. It appears to be ok, but god its old. And how do I know how much there going to get out of this car? I want a truck, that is what I want.. a nice one BLACK WOULD BE GREAT! but I need a vehicle that works for what I do. So On Monday I have a couple of other people looking at the car and telling what they will give me for the heap. This needs to be solved this week.

Still don't have the feeling of Christmas, funny I want to feel it but yet I don't.

Well Off to the beach, to pray and turn this head around. Maybe hitting the bottom will be such a source of Inspiration for others that I become some sort of resource for people to use and turn their lives around!!! I hope?

Couple of things: Bikinis: Sexy Seven, Art: Felix Murillo, The home in TOUCAN CALVO, all for sale. Interested please email me: or comment on here

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