Monday, December 10, 2007

Yesterday, today

It began at Five am when Raquel came in and woke me up . she smelled of strong alcohol. I know she was drinking earlier I saw her with Lucas at the Copa. I didn't enter as I said Rosie and I left and went back to Coffee shop. But I found out she was out all night doing what she does. When she woke me up she was upset saying she was angry with me for not getting her up that morning to go to the beach. She was sleeping hard, I needed to get to the bank before 12:00 and I was about to leave around 11:30, I had to walk so I figure let her sleep, call her in a hour or so and tell her where Rosie and I were. I let her sleep and walked to the bank.
I then walked down to Rosie's as I said and ate a biscuit from KFC. She came there angry as I said in earlier blog but I didn't know why. She stormed off while we were talking. Some how she was mad about this instead of asking what happened? Raquel is a troubled person I said in a very early blog about her she always looks angry. She is... So on to this.

She went on rambling about all sorts of things I never heard in my life.
Stories about friends from Columbia who kill people, her tattoos and what they are for. How she feels about me, that I am good but I am bad? it all did not make sense. SO MUCH RAMBLING AT FIVE AM, at first I thought she was just drunk. I listened with experience in being around people who are really drunk its best to just listen to them.
Besides I had nothing to say. I was tired myself.
When I finally said Raquel I have to go back to Sleep I have a client coming this Sunday and I want to be fresh today.

So I returned to my room tried to sleep, while she used the phone to call the world. I heard her over and over. Finally I got up and said stop using the phone. She did for a moment, then I heard her hustling around in the kitchen. Again I got up she was on the couch using the phone with I don't know who having phone sex. I WAS SO MAD!! I SAID STOP... she got off the phone got her things, mind you its at 9:00 now and left.
After this I got up got dressed and walked to Lucas, I told him about this and he said she needs to get a real job, and move. I said please I have to I have no peace.
I went to the beach, alone and did not talk to a soul all day. I got a call from Diego, who said they were fixing my car????? So I walked to the peoples house, and saw the older brother from San Jose tearing the car apart and had all the broken pieces on the ground.
He has a mechanic shop and said he was going to order the parts.
We talked I said this was not the deal, but he insisted he could fix it. I said if he did I need to be where it was and I want to see the shop, not only that but if it doesn't run then they have to find a place to sell the heap.

Right about then Carson called about the client coming. So I walked to the house. mind you its not close.

I ate and got all cleaned up and Raquel came. I didn't ask where she was it dosen 't matter to me. But she plopped down laid on the sofa and watched TV. I was thinking why doesn't she go and clean up that room of hers. WOW ITS A MESS I real mess... clothes shoes dirty and clean all mixed. Papers, garbage. more... But I didn't say anything I concentrated on getting ready for the meeting. She still smelled so strong of alcohol. She complained her head hurt so I knew what happened all day.

She asked me what I was doing, I said don't you remember? all week I been telling you I have a meeting today? No she didn't remember...

Lucas and her have been as one person said on the comments here, consorting. She was involved with the liquor in the room. I caught her one night when we were working at LOS SUENOS, drinking and I asked where she got it she said the room. So I do not believe her story that the boys drank all of it. She did too.... Ok so now! He and she have been consorting, Lucas has now after today turned against me when I called to say hello. Simply Hello... he said first off DID YOU CASH THE CHECK from the hotel I said yes I did. He said bring Raquel her money. I said I am walking to the office I have some work and if she comes tell her to come there and get it. He continued to insist I come there first. I said no I am meeting with someone she is doing nothing, tell her to come to the office. He asked how much I told him $250 dollars for the hours she worked. He said you ripped her off and so you should give her free rent on top of it.

I said no, this is not working for me. I have very little money that I got paid, I have other people to pay and my rent. He yelled. I said look its not your business. And I left it at that. So today when I see Raquel I am paying her that, and asking her to move out now.
She has used the phone so much... when you call here, you get charged like a cell phone on the house phone. I never use it only when someone calls which is hardly ever. Or if I need to phone a taxi.
I am sure the bill is over 100 bucks.. To say the least I am angry about all this. She was nuts Sunday Morning she freaked me out honestly. It was because she was drunk, and god knows what else.

Hope it goes well with out arguing, and calm but I doubt it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that you like to help people but at some point in your life you have to start thinking about who you let into your life and into your house. I know it is hard when all we try to do is help someone in need but it seems like it always ends up with bitter taste. I knew from day one that Raquel was a user and a gold digging whore. I know that it took you a couple of days to find out on your own. All they know is survival and they are in a predator mode. Only looking out for themself and if they have addictions it makes it that much more worse. Like the old saying. Rip me off once shame on you . Rip me off twice shame on me.. Just another chapter in the life of Marianna the mother of mercy..
And Lucas is just another predator in male form= Male Whore


A woman who uses charm and or physical means to get her man, no matter what the cost. Sexually insatiable and very experienced, those in her sights will most likely never escape or be seen again once she's had her way with them. Especially true if she has been without for long periods of time


1. a person or animal that preys on others. often refered to as a stalker
2. Refering to a type of creature that stands out as a dominate form in an environment, not generally defined as one type of creature they can come in a variety of forms often call a true Predator