Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Marriotts, and the Accident

I got up around 8:00 only after being up all night thinking and trying to figure out what i sgoing to happen now. The phone ran, it was diego he was standing in front of my car in there front yard, he was saying I can not believe this, OH MARIANNA OH.. he was very upset, said the boys mothers was crying having a fit feeling so much anxiety over this. I am so exhausted from the running, the hauling the lifting,lugging and designing, that I could hardly talk. He tried to tell me they were going to haul it to a repair shop yesterday and have it fixed in a few days. But honestly with my expereinces here so far. I hardly believe any of it. I never heard from them all day. Not a call not a word from Deigo later.
I got dressed around 9:30 we went for food, and then Walked into town to talk to Nelsen. See if he had sold any of my arrangements, so I would have some cash. He sold nothing....

I was disapointed, thinking now what do I do with all that? We walked to Diegos because he promised to take to the Marriotts around 1:30 or 2:00. He was too tied up, so I called Rodridgo, and he paid for a taxi for me and we went up to the Marriotts to do all the finishing touches.

We had about 45 more pointsettias to put out, hang a huge garland and construct it on site. Make a large wreath, and repair the spa product.

I knew to go straight to the office first and talk to my bosses, the two gengeral managers. I had a feeling they were going to want to review the work and probably question me about the accident.

Exactly so, We waited the both came in. My face was so stressed, my hair yesterday was literally falling out when I touched it. You could see in my face the strain and the worry.

She adored everything, loved the whole job, except the paper we used for the pointsettia's I thought it was very nice, red and white the whole job is basically red white silver and gold. She wants Craft paper on the plants. So I agreed, where I am getting that with out a car is the next question. But over all they loved everything. It is very well done.

Then the other manager left , and she asked me to close the door.
She asked me about the car and what happened. I explained what I knew since I was not around when it happend. She told me they reviewed the room and found that most of the alcohol in the frig had been drunk and replaced. I then knew what was going on. I was embarrassed, and apologized for their behavior. But they are young and I knew this when I asked them to work. I had other people, the two nicas. but they were no where to be found when I went to pick them up for work. Two or three times. These to brothers also are very responsible, and have worked with me before and work well.
These two new ones were fine except one Luis, he was wild an out of control.
I know he had the most to do with this accident.

She continued to tell me about the pot that has to be replaced, and then asked how is the car. I said right now I believe it could be totalled. The parts are only in one place in San Jose and I was not sure what or how it was going to get repaired, if it could? I remember when I was young I crashed a car a toyota. I was going home from my sister, the one that wrote on here. After I had babysat. It was late I had a fight with a boy friend. But that was not the cause of the accident. Three young boys ran a red light and broad sided me, it threw me out of the car. My head hit the pavement. I hurt my left side, and had a chipped ankle. The car was totalled.

I remember seeing it after I got out of the hospital and this car the tortuga is very similar look.I could see the motor is not in the casing. It is pretty smashed in that area, the battery is off to the side, the whole front end on the right side is smashed.
The fender is peeled back and the tire is gone, the metal under I believe the directional drive or that is what they call it here. The axel is broke. Now with the fire damage? electrical I am sure. And Tortuga suffered much electrical. So I don't know about any of the repairs.

I explained to her I was not sure... she was kind and said Marianna these things happen. Be strong we are not going to do anything to you and you have not worry about your job. I was relieved but so embarrassed.

Later Leda, Raquel and I walked up to the fourth floor to look at the view over the hotel and Leda talked to me. She said some very nice things, and told me not to worry that something would come as far as help.
I sure hope so, its not like I can go out and buy a new car, I don't believe they can pay to have this one fixed? and what a mess I have to involve the police the oijota, attorney's the Marriotts?

We finished the work, and then called Rodrigo , he came fast with Gerson and we did a tour of the hotel. They were so nice saying how beautiful, and enjoying the tour.

He then took me to Rosies, it was about 9:00 by then. I stayed and told the story to Rosie, Helen, Sylivia, and a couple of other of my friends.
Everyone is mad, everyone is saying Get all this do all that.. I know I have to, but honestly what will it accomplish here? Things are in slow mode process, I need a car now. I feel exasperated over this. I need to work. And now work is coming and I don't have a car?????

I woke up today after being at Rossies, till 12:30 and to bed at one again. No sleep last night only three hours.. I am burnt now.
I don't feel like talking to anyone, I don't feel like explaining again, or even dealing with all the paper work I have to do now about the car. But Helen, And Raquel and going to be my mouth today and try to get a order from the oijota or police with the evidence of the report from the hotel and serve it on the people.

Wow I really just have to be there there going to do all the fighting. Good because I have no energy to fight right now.
I guess were going to walk to get food. There is nothing in the house at all no coffee, nothing not even water.
But the good note is Weds I want to have lunch with the Marriotts for the payment and give Gifts to the managers for the opportunity to work there.
Then I am going to set up the meeting with the Casino for the remodle! so I do have something to look forward too.

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