Monday, December 31, 2007

I just wanted to scream

My Home computer that I use for photos, usually blogging, some business contracts, and the book I have been trying to write crashed yesterday. It got a very serious virus how is still not known. It may have been my friend who used it here a couple of days ago. I noticed it was moving slow, and it keep doing strange things. Or it could have been imported on some music I down loaded. But it crashed big time. Its a new computer by new I mean less than a year old. It deleted all my documents, ate windows, and more. I was just sick about this.

Ok lets see, Summing up the past year. There has been some very good things, and some extremely horrible things.

The Horrible first:
The mechanics with the car, the waterline breaking in the new office ruining a plasma and the bar, the owners of the mall never replaced it.
The St Regis issues, the Macaw horror story.
The car again, The Tony issues, the phone being stolen twice, the house broken into twice and stealing my computer,a little tv the only one I had, and some clothes.
The car getting stuck in the bridge hole, while piles of cars waited on a one way bridge, for someone to pull us out. The car sliding in the mountain and me falling into a huge colvert in the pitch dark, and the pouring rain. The Car again.... breaking down.

The land slide of the mountian of a client and us loseing alot of plant material, top soil half the mountain fell away and not to mention the money on that job.

My apartment flooding twice with foot or more of water in the middle of the night.

The car again.... Then the closing of the office and the loss of all the money that was invested in the building of it and the furnishing.
The car getting stolen smashed into the very resort I am working at, at one in the morning. Pretty much totaling it out. And last but not least now my computer crashed just at the end of year to top it all off!!! YEAH HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! FOR GOD SAKES IT HAS TO BE BETTER!!!

The good things:
I did some very nice design work, good experience, I met some incredible people, I saw and adventured to some pretty amazing places. I experinced some real tico living where poverty is the norm, a situation my friends and family could not understand where I slept on rugged floors, the kitchen consisted of dirt floors with no windows pretty much open with a fire for a stove and chickens were running through the house, light streaming through the rough wood walls, and the people who were incredibly happy, because they knew nothing more.

I was able to introduce a different life style to my best friend Clint, who is now effected by the way of living here and misses it dearly even though it is not easy and is not as sohpisticated as USA.

I ate food I never tried before, I lost alot of weight, became a little healther, had a surgery I wanted for some 28 years.

I learned how to dance, salsa, merenge, cumbia ,rumba. I flew in an open cockpit airplane, and saw spectacular sites. I road a boat to a very enchanted part of Costa Rica.

Visited San Andres Island, experienced many adventures with friends. Had my hands in a few projects, and began writting for the Jaco guide. Not much money was made, it was deffinately a loss year, a huge loss in money my whole life's worth, but a gain in life experiences, patients, faith, and learning how to be more humble.

Walking had shown me some other things about myself. Being forced to walk around , I see things I never saw before, the trees are so beautiful, sometimes the smells are bad here then in the evening you can smell the the ylang ylang. Its so fragrant, it makes me smile. I hear the macaws better and actually watch them fly. I learned that thinking when walking is good. I have tried to sort out my anger, fears, and frustrations.
I often think about my mother who, I claim was a wonderfull person, an amazing woman.. clever, witty, pretty darn smart with a third grade education. She would walk every day till she became to ill and died of cancer.

I need some answer's I want answers, as to how to regain my success, and survive.

That is my only goal for the upcoming year.. Oh yeah and three more good things happened today!!!

First, I met a man some three or more weeks ago, I had told him I would like some things from the USA when he returned, and I would give him the money. It was purfume, and couple of other items. I have not had purfume since Aug. He left them for me at Rosies, all wrapped in pretty Christmas paper.. I WAS SO HAPPY!!! one was Dolce and Gabana Light blue the other was be delicious by dkny. I have more I like but this was great!! then I picked up a Chunche guide here and found out THEY HAVE JAZZERCISE!!! I hope its the real thing I am checking it out tomorrow... How I am paying is another story, But that excites me! now the last thing.

I decided to walk back into town for the third time today, this evening after I dropped off the computer and realized I didn't have the code for the internet or a power cord. The guy recovered the system but no internet code,and the cord he did not return to me. So I knew I had to walk to the office some two miles or so from here and see if I had the code and cord.
Instead of going to the right which is the main road I decided to go left and take the cultisac way. When I looked to the left there was my crashed car???? in the lot next door??? I didn't pay to have it hauled here, nor do I know when it was put there but its there.

Some paid to have it towed here and didn't tell me. I wanted this so its safer and closer so when
I get someone to buy it its right here.. well someone did,it may have been Angely, but I don't know. I said yesterday the car is getting resolved maybe I said it ten or more times to myself not knowing how. It not quite resolved but its closer than it was yesterday...

Well Happy NEW YEAR I sure hope your past year was better than mine and that the future year is a hell of alot better than mine!!

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