Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Rosies Party on Monday and walking home

Leda, Raquel, Luis, Alysia, Rosie

Raquel Saluteing Rosie

IT was a nice party, I hope she is Happy! the weather was perfect, no rain and so cool. Now its getting super hot this is our summer.

Yester day nothing seems to come together, only my story for the Jaco Guide. I wasn't in an inspiring mood so I am sure its not that great! but I did it.. I spent most of the day in the office emailing and writting. I had a visitor at the end of the day it was a florist here in town, who wants me to colaborate on a botanical Garden. Sort of a public effort, and a place for Tourists to come and enjoy.

I like the idea and I know I could do a really cool place. But its finding investors. We have the property according to this guy. He said he thought about me directly and knew I would be the right one to contact to design it and make it happen. But I need investors, I want another investor for my orginal idea before I came to Costa Rica. I want my Bella Esperanza, this was a dream I had about this coffee pastry and some food house. I know the plan I have it on paper I drew it up some four years ago.

This Morning when I got up I had an email from Dick Voles, telling me to be positive, to not look at the disasters I have had, and honestly I have been trying super hard to do exactly that. Bella Esperanza means BEAUTIFUL HOPE. These were words that came to me, and I had no idea at the time what they meant. Bella Is Italian for beautiful, Esperanza is Spanish for Hope. This was before I knew much spanish. Weather or not its a good Idea I don't care. Its something that was in my heart for a year, I drew it up one day when I was working in my garden.

I had a sort of botanical Garden in my home, It was lovely. I worked it in all year long twice a week in winter and almost everyday in summer. This is where the idea came to me, I saw the whole thing in my head. Later I dreamed about it and the ideas formulated.

My son is a chef, I know how it will work. ITs hard work but it would be something for him, his family, and myself. lastly.

I am trying everything I can to think of ways to be strong, and how to recoupe. This business is a tough one but is well needed here.

When everyone ate my pastries they died!! they were saying oh my god Marianna, wow! I learned all this from my mother, I give her credit for it all. She was the best ever.. My mother could do anything and did it very well.

So now I follow after that.

Nine of the 13 people who ate my food all said you need to open a place or something?

It would be a good idea, hard work but good.

So now I am on this kick , but I want to see this property for the botanical garden, wouldn't be swet if it was close and incorporate bella? but Down town is best here where all the foot traffic is.

Now onto the yesterday, It was just as I said nothing coming together. I started to walk home around 5:00 when I notice how nice the sky looked. I decided to go a place that Cristhian and I would go for Sunset. Malacone, So I walked over the bridge and through the parking lot of the gym. It leads you right to the beach.

I went upstairs and sat alone only one person was there a Canadian guy I see often around town. He was drinking a beer, the sun was so beautiful. So I order one too.

I love the mechiladas, I got my camera out to take a photo of the sunset, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was a friend of my Jose, he wispered in my ear no flash.. he doesn't speak much english but I had no idea it was him I didn't look at him I was admiring the sunseta Then I looked it was Jose, he bought me another beer. We we chatted for a while, he asked me what I was doing on Christmas. I said nothing.. he said he had to work all day but he was going to buy me a gift. I thought ok, I am not sure I believed it but that was a nice gesture. He talked to me and hugged me I never said how I felt but he could feel it. Said not to worry that Tomorrow was a new day.

I ate a small pargo about the six inches long and a tiny little salad and then walked to the coffee shop in Galeon. That is where Kevin works. I stopped for a while talked and then walked to the house. It was about 8:30 Ate a litte left overs I had and fell asleep.

The dang dogs this morning from five oclock on were barking there heads off like a bunch of wild pack dogs. There ia quite a few at the corner neighbors house and I mean they were wild this morning. So it woke me up pretty early, I laid there but they continued so I got up made coffee and got ready. To meet this guy but now its past 10:30 I walked here fast only took me 25 minutes today. Its a long way but I put some old tennis on and shorts and practically ran.

Still waiting for him,

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