Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day

It is Christmas day, It was a nice day after all. I wanted to go to Manuel Antonio to the beach like Clint and I did last year. So I had met this family who were here from the south I we invited them last night for Rosies Christmas Eve dinner, that OF COURSE I ended up cooking. Here they celebrate on the eve of Christmas. Around 11:00 is when things begin. I had invited Joe, and Ken two men I met four days ago who came to try to develop a new business here. We have spent some time together as well. During the day Vorna Called and I met with him.
I had explained right off the bat that I had dinner plans and that he needs to get it straight that Do not want to be involved with him. But he does not get the hint. He is constantly saying suggestive things, even around a group of people that we shared the Christmas eve Sunset with.

I told him about the dinner, he asked if he could come so I of course said I am sure its ok.
When I arrived at the coffee shop, I began preparing and then people came. He was first.

I paid no extra attention to him other than being polite. It turned out to be a very nice evening. We all had a great time, I worked very hard helping waiting on people and cooking.
In the end This man was jealous and accused me of having something with one of the other. He got possesive, and said some things that were hurtful, after I had done everything I could to be attentive to everyone.

He did call and left messages today to ask if I was angry, actually I was more hurt by the put downs. He was angry that I want not to be involved with him. harrassment is the last thing I need. I did not return the calls today. I will address it tomorrow.

The reason to address it is because this family I met, decided they would rent a car and we would all go to Manuel Antonio.
Roise too, Ken and Joe. Steam boat, Joel, Bobbie and Jenifer, Rosie ended up taking her car So Joe and Ken and Rosie and I rode first while the family followed.

It was cloudy and they were late in leaving by the time we left it was after 11:00.

We stayed on the beach for several hours, we saw so many monkeys, Racoons, that came right up to us. That part was very nice. We also saw sloths in the trees. It was a quiet day really Rosie and I talked a little and shared time with that Family and Joe and Ken.

We drove back and watched the Christmas Sunset, nothing like yesterday it was stunning yesterday. Then we went to a Sea food place and order a light dinner. In the end of the evening I had talk to my son, and his girlfriend and Kelsey. I went down to Rosies for a couple of hours and had a coffee. Talked to the Family that showed up too. Then Vorna showed up, but only said hello.. I could see he felt guilty for the things he said.

I left and came back home. It was a very strange Christmas day.

Tomorrow, I must have hope that the resolution for the car happens.

Merry Christmas

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