Thursday, December 13, 2007

What Christmas feeling with all this worry

Well Raquel left with peace, she showed up when Lucas said she would. I was dressed ready to leave for the day drinking my coffee and putting on makeup. I dressed especially nice, because yesterday was the Holiday party for the office and I was invited to go along. Raquel came happy, packed up and left in peace. We talked, she was calm, apologized for the night before. Said many nice things about me, and offered her help should I need it. I was happy that the friction I was feeling earlier in the week was gone and we parted peacefully.

I don't know where she was going but she took the one piece of luggage, and some bags and left in a taxi.

I ate, and then walked into town. It is very hot and sunny, the feeling of Christmas is not in me or around. I have so much worry, the weather is hot so it just doesn't seem at all like Christmas.

I stopped and discussed with the gal at the clothing repair store the uniforms that I am designing for her to construct, she could tell I was upset. The reason was I had a call before I left from Tony, saying the car's Damage is $12,000.00 the cars Value is only $14,000.00. I may be lucky if I get $3000.00 out of it. What in the heck can you buy here for that? CARS ARE EXPENSIVE HERE. A toyota Hi lux which is the pickup I been dreaming about new is $50,000.00 an old one maybe five or six years old is more than $20,000.00 A small hyundai is Maybe $8000.00 old used. This is going to be rough.

I was baffeled as to what next? So my face showed yesterday the strain of Raquel, the stress of the car and my life in general lately.

Going into the office I saw the client that I was going to be working with,who had gone with another place that had pre packages. We talked and I told her the truth about what is going on and How disapointed I was that I would not be working with them. She told me not to worry that somehow things will work out, and that by Friday things would be different for me? Curious as to how? or why? i listened. She is a sweet old thing from Texas and has that southern charm. I listened and really tried hard to smile and not show my tears about to break through.

The day was quiet, I worked on a floor plan for the Casino, and pretty much emailed and nothing more. I met up with them later and showed them my friends condo in the hopes that they would buy and I would get a nice little commisson for just bringing them to my friend. They didn't like it. So that was dashed as well.
I walked back to the office and remained there for the rest of the day untill the dinner party.

We went to Jaunitas, and nice place on the beach in Herradura. Before sunset we all stood on the beach toasted to the holiday and with the hope of a better new year. We all lifted our champagne glasses, and felt so touched but the whole thing.
Happy that they invited me and happy that I was going to a nice dinner.

We ate laughed joked and had a super nice time, Later we all took a tour of the Marriotts, to see the holiday decorations I did. Most people were very impressed and proud of me. They all took photos of me.

Then we stopped at Spoons and little place that is nationwide here that makes good desserts. We ate Cheesecake and Chocolates. I literally pigged out VERY BAD I ate way to much. We drank another bottle of Champagne and then Tom began singing Christmas Carols.

Know that this is not common here the Ticos and Ticas were listening and I chimed in. He and I sang then others entered in as well. It was sorta of Christmasy but there is no real sense of Christmas here. The fact that I have no work, difficulties, I just don't feel at all like Christmas.

We then went to Whahoos where everyone was singing karaeoke We danced and talked and then I went home.

I got a message from my Sons girlfriend about some problems with my youngest son, This added to my worry and I am more depressed, because I can not help in anyway except pray he learns how to be a man and face his issues. Deal with them and try to resolve things. I don't believe this problem with him is exactly fair. But I know if he gets the courage to talk to the people that are trying to get money out of him they may come to some terms.

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