Sunday, December 23, 2007

Dreary Sunday

It was Dreary yesterday and now again today Sunday.I usually like to try to beach it on Sunday. But I guess not today. It sprinkled earlier about 8:30, so maybe it will clear up later on. But Right now its dreary. Not cold nice actually.

Yesterday was a simple day. I got up around 8:00, Joswea another friend of mine came by in the Morning to see how I was. He was the one I saw last week at the Malecone, at Sunset. He showed up with breakfast and visited me for a couple hours. He feels concerned, that I am not eating much so he was thoughtfull and brought something by. We watched a show on the tele, and then he went home.

Angely has not called. So maybe not? I like him but who knows about these things. I called him the night I baked to ask him to come down and have some pastries, but he was occupied. Its only a half block from where I was. I was going to ask him for dinner. But when I waited two hours and he didn't show. I just messaged him saying I am going home.
Not a word since.

So later in the day yesterday I walked into the office to check it out.
They had an invitation to the Wyndahm hotel office grand opening. Its a new of course another project being sold here in Jaco. Wyndahm Is a first class operation, they are selling the beach front condos beginning at 350 thousand. Its fourteen floors, In 2009 is the opening.
We all got invited to the office party and it was very nice. Hor de orves, and wine and drinks. The presentation was very impressive.
I met one of Century's clients there who was wanting to meet me, I thought for business but it was for otherwise.
I NEED BUSINESS!! I don't need another admirer... Well he is a nice man, Vorna, is his name.

He asked me out during the party, I said yes, But when he came to get me he was dressed in the same clothes as when I saw him earlier. I was dressed very nice. Its holiday even though here you don't see it or feel it I wanted to dress nice. I suggested we go to sushi, but he first took me to his room. I really felt uncomfortable, He wanted me to drink some rum, but I said I was fine.

After 20 minutes I said hey lets go and eat!! so we did, and he sort of talked alot about his divorce, and the ex, the other ex.. well it went on and on. I was bored. I ate and ordered Dessert!!! he ate most of it but it was good, Tempora fried bananas with Ice cream, and chocolate sauce with a few strawberries! I was more involved with the dinner and dessert than him.

He wanted to rush off and go back to the room. It was still early like 9:00 the town barely is waking up. I talked to Kevin for a minute and I could see my date was wanting to leave he walked off while Kevin and I chatted, it was only a few seconds.

I didn't want to go back to his room. Although it was a nice location right on the beach, I was dressed so nice, to nice to go and sit in his room and well!!! I knew what he was aiming at.

I didn't want to drink, I had a diet coke. It was a little chilly out, So I got one of the bed covers and we laid out by the pool in the lounge chairs and looked at the stars. He fell asleep, Then so did I, When I woke up it was like 3:50 in the morning. He was in the room.

He did try earlier to get me to frisky with him. BUT I WANT BUSINESS, he just bought several locations and one is a hotel that desparately needs renovation. He and I talked about it, he is going to invest alot of money in it and I said and of course your hiring me to do the renovation? he said he wasn't sure. But he was sure he was going to try to do something else with me! I was strong and didn't budge. I want the job not other things.

So when I woke I told him I was going home, he insisted I sleep there and he wouldn't touch me but I called a cab and went home. He is probably mad and maybe I blew the deal. But I just hate it when I get put into a position where sex is the key to the whole deal, then you get involved and nothing happens anyway.

He is Iranian, he played his arabic music the whole time. Very strong personality and mostly talked about his properties he bought and his ex's that was it really not much interaction with me or about things he likes or does.

He questioned me when I left, are you alright. yes I was fine but I just wanted to go to my own home. I felt sleezy staying in a hotel with a man I just met. I don't know if he is going to call but I feel like I should get dressed and go to Rosies which is where he said he was going to eat breakfast and try to save the deal. He wanted me to see the hotel today.
He is going to turn it into a Hooka bar, with rooms for rent. I never heard of this but he said in LOS ANGELES it is becoming very popular. I told him I belly dance, he said yes with belly dancers. The people here like the arabic music so it may be a great idea.

I may just do that, but god how do I get around the other part???

When you feel uncomfortable, it not good.

Well the sun is coming out so I packed the bathing suit and off I go walking into town, I make sure to call him later or make a call to try to get him to understand I want work.

I can tell he is very use to getting every thing he wants, He is a typical Los Angeles man, stressed, rushed, and well better not say!!

Off to the beach I hope!!! I know every one out there in the USA is running around like Chickens with there heads cut off, Trying to get ready for Christmas. In a way I kinda miss it, but in most ways I am happy I don't have that pressure. Still don't know what I am doing Christmas day. Maybe nothing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm weather with rain? Sounds like you chose the right! place mama here------ no rain, cold, I would rather live back in Colorado or Michigan! at least the powder seals in the warmth! our fireplace goes non stop now!!!!! Merry Christmas dear our thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!!! love,Nancy oh Monroe! smile