Friday, December 07, 2007

Feeling different today

I woke up feeling really bad, part of might be that I went to bed so late. Kevin Clint's friend called me earlier in the evening and asked me to go the Jungle bar to dance. I got cleaned up and met him. I needed to get out. I have not gone to the beach nothing to releave the stress or tension. So I went after the day of waiting on the Mariotts for four hours for my check. They couldn't pay so I am waiting still. I drove up there with a borrowed car that the lights went out when coming home after dark.
I talk to Lucas feeling a little down, but not saying how I felt. He talk to me for a while and invited me to eat, he wanted to go see the Christmas decor. So we drove back up there and it was a bit scary the lights kept going on and off.

I called the owner and asked about why? he explained the trick. We drove back and that is when Kevin called. So I went with him to Dance.

I did not drink a thing but water, No money anyway and I did not feel like drinking. I just danced, and danced. My feet were killing me bad, all the walking, and then dancing. It was fun for the most part. I met an attorney and an architect that were celebrating the architects wedding. Sort of a bachelor party for a couple of days here in Jaco. They were fun and very nice. We talked allot and danced with all of them. It was a group of guys in the late 30's early 40's really funny men. That was fun they kept me busy dancing.
Then I came home around 2:30 to an empty house. I have no idea where Raquel is today.

But when I woke up I felt worried again. I am waiting for the call for the check to find a ride and go to the bank. Its not much not even enough to cover my costs for the month. But hey its better than not having anything. The only thing here is you can not pay portions on internet, phone, or power.They shut it off with out the whole balance.

Other than this, the car is still there , yesterday did not accomplish much in getting it resolved. So today if I hear nothing I am going to just sell it to someone fast. I have to have something to get around.

I feel bad .. not sick, not tired but just bad about this whole thing. The hotel called about the check but wanted to take the mini bar bill out of what they owe me which is not much.. the bar bill is probably if I can imagine $200 or more.. those kids ate everything and drank everything with out my knowledge, When the GM told me I felt sick, and worried about how they were going to handle it. I sure hope they don't take it out, it will put me back in square one exactly where I am right now. Which is having nothing. Oh boy!!! I am praying they don't I need to pay bills and eat...

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