Thursday, December 06, 2007

Walking home at night

Raquel and I walked all the way home from Rosie's. It sounds like Rosie's is the only place I go but it isn't I just like being there and so do many other people. It is a gather hole for many people from all over the world outside talking drinking coffee, eating and smoking. For the Vip people and I am one!! we get more. We get drinks, or beers, that she offers, little snacks, bbq, birthday parties and much social action. Jokes, talks, fights, you name it, every thing you think of can happens there. Sometimes its just wild, there are all sorts of things you see. From handsome men and women, drunks to tranvestes, to American elegantante, to European's. to Candians, Really I can't explain there is so many things that you experience in one night that is makes the character strong. Its fun, and interesing.

We have a ball trying to figure out if it is a boy or girl. It really is amazing these men, that pretend they are women. They are beautiful! and where do they hide all that stuff? We look we laugh, we get mad, because they are so good at it, and we get angry.Some of them are evil, they rob, they molest, and they gang attact some of the people. Not Women, but men to get there money. Its just interesting, not just the oddities but the people in general.

We see some wild cars, motorcycles that belong in the dirt, quads, that race up and down. Huge trucks, Buses that are full of Tourists, and some times the immigration buses. Then there is all the stray dogs that chase people, Rosie has three that are hers, she screams, yells and worries that there going to get run over, or that there going to bite someone. There is only one that is crazy and that is dingo. He is owned by American man and he never controls where this dog is so Rosie takes care of him, feeds him, houses him in the store, and leashes him when he gets nuts... Its funny really. I call him GRINGO NOT DINGO

Its getting to be very nice at night here now.By that I mean its not hot and not raining. Its cool but breezy. So it makes it enjoyable to be out and sitting and talking.

I love My Rosie, She is an interesting person herself.
She feels concerned about my situation, and is angry too but says the same thing as I. Which is I have to just move on with a plan to get something else and try to continue to work and pull my self up.

Yesterday, we walked all over again, its very tiring in the heat. But Great exercise. Can't get too much accomplished its too tough to get around.
We talk to the boys mothers, she is agreeing but I still see nothing yet.

I got Rodrigo to take me to the Marriotts to finish, Raquel was grouchy and complained about how much work it took to change all the paper on the pointsettias, she is not use to working. I am to me it wasn't bad but I was not happy with the look, from foil bright colors, to plane brown craft paper. Its simple but hey the GM is happy that is all I care about right now.

She is a really sweet woman, I like her and I know she likes me too so maybe things will work out with us.

This evening I go for the bid for the Casino, total remodle.Hope it goes good.

I have a meeting with a new client on Sunday night so that should be encouraging.

Everyday since the wrecking of my car, I feel different. I felt peacefull yesterday after talking to the mom, but today when I woke up I felt worried. And now I am sitting alone in the kitchen looking out the door which is wide open. No birds singing, its strange, Its too quiet?No one talking or yelling or music?
Its late, I slept good. But I have worry in my heart today. I need transportation, almost impossible to work with out it.
Today my plan is to collect from Marriotts spend an hour or more in the office to get some leads from the sales people. Maybe clean up the office. Then try to get beach time. The time on the beach is a cleansing of my mind. When I lay there soak up the sun. I pray, I think, I rest, and Relax the brain. I cherish my time there... It is something I thought about allot when I lived in Vancouver Washington, where you could never get warm but a few months out of the year.

I talk to Marley this Englishman who frequents Jaco every few months. He lives and owns several companies in London. We talk often he is a character himself. Full of Tatoos but beautiful ones the whole upper torso is tatooed. I am not a fan of tatoos but his are cool. Anyway we were talking last night. Of course he thinks me being here is a good thing, He said you only have one life. The kids have to learn how to deal with the fact that you are taking time for you now.

You gave them there first 18 to 20 years of life. He said you worked right? I said oh my god did I work! So you fed them clothed them housed them? treated them, gave them gifts? and more right? I said of course I tried to be a good mom. He said now its your time... learn to live and enjoy what life you have.That is exactly what I am doing. I am learning how to live, differently. I actually find joy in small things. I am stressed about the bad situations but not pressured, not scheduled not crazy running around like a mad woman. And for me I feel better, I look better, and I act different. ( no matter what my family thinks) they remember the past and dwell on, instead of trying to enjoy me now and allowing me to enjoy them while I visit. Taking time to talk, taking time to eat together go somewhere together just be together.

Now its up to them, If they want to see me or know how I am its up to them.

I went and saw Lucas when Yesterday, oh boy we have to talk. He leaves for California in a week. He had invited me to go along, but hasn't said much to me since I backed off, after he wanted sex from me. I just want to know the man first. Not know him a couple of days and automactically jump in bed with him. Besides he has to many women around him all the time.
I understand men, but I want to be number one. I don't see that ever happening with this old geezer. 70 something years old and has a hairem?

He is living his dream... and I don't think I am a part of it. Although he got jealousy when his neighbor began talking to me and invited me on a fishing boat. I agreeded to go.. why not? I love fishing. That would be a fun thing to do and to eat it!! yummmm!! Fresh Tuna or Mahi mahi?
When the neigbor walked off Lucas was mad. He said if you go with him I will never talk to you again... I said why do you have rules with me. I am only your friend? when you have a whole city of women here all the time. And I say nothing about it to you? He said ohhhhh? I see I said no I see its one sided were only friends! whats the problem with me going fishing?

He dropped the subject and drank his drink. He was working on getting tipsy. I left I had to go to Marriotts... But that is story I want to work on. I think he likes me more than he knows... and actually I like him too. But TOO MANY WOMEN AND HES TOO LOSE WITH HIS MONEY WITH THEM! I want some!!!!lol

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