Thursday, December 20, 2007

Taking it a little easy toda

I had to take it a little easy today, I walked so much yesterday that the leg that was injured some almost two years ago on my Birthday, was so swollen last night I could hardly move the ankle.

I rested today with up for a couple of hours. Then I couldn't stand it, I had to clean the house. It was not really messy, but the weather in the past couple of months has caused alot of mold everywhere.

The whole place smelled moldy. The leather the bed, everything. So I cleaned like a mad woman and now the house is spotless. Its so hot I was sweating like crazy but that kinda felt good.

Its late, now but I need to drop off the laundry, get some light bulbs which here is not a simple thing. you have to go to a hardware store to find what you want. Its not like the states that you can run into a store and they have everything!
Off I go, walking again.

Yesterday I had two other people come to check out the car they both said similar things. It might take around 4 to 5 thousand dollars to fix but the electrical is not determined. One offered me 5 thousand for the car the other wants to try to find someone to give me 8 thousand but it has to wait till after the holiday.

I feel worried, but I am trying to be positive in all aspects.
It has to get settled but here everything is so slow.
Its parked in front of the kids mothers house that crashed it with hopes that she would push the kids to get moving on it, but I have heard not one word.

Trying to do simple things is a task here, so this is super complicated.
The guy I met that is a manager of this little hotel and mini mart is really trying to help me. He seems like a genuine person but I am so cautious.

Now about the pastries there a hit, but no money yet. Maybe I have a little new business here. I thought when I get a reorder I may try to borrow someone's car and go to the better places and give samples and see if they want to order too.

None of My holiday decor has sold. I spent nearly $500 bucks, So today My plan is go to Nelsen ask Rodrigo to load them up take them to Rosie's discount them and at least try to recoupe some of the money. I am not a crafter, Its professional pieces like you would see in a magazine. They don't have them displayed at all so no one is asking.

I have no plans for Christmas, the only thing I wanted to to was go south with my friend Kevin and see a new area, but it doesn't look as of now that I have a ride. Its six hours away. We could take the bus, this is too much for me right now.

I need a huge miracle. IT COULD HAPPEN! I have hope. I won't give up.

Yesterday I waited all day for the people with the garden but no one showed up. I was dressed for hiking, it was too hot to walk back and change.
What I had done was meet the men for the car it was a little over a mile or so on that, then walked back to the office another mile. The later walked to Nelsens to find out about the holiday decor, then again to the office. Later that evening walked through town then home. I cleaned up rested and tried to put on some tall shoes, to go to Rosies to visit. She called. I eneded up breaking down and taking a taxi, then I had a ride home late from a friend.

Right now there is alot of pain but I have to go and take care of thes little things. It will make me feel better about my house and that things are in better order. Dirty clothes is an issue, its heavy hard to carry, but I have no washer or dryer here, and most people wash by hand and hang dry. In my apartment there is no space for this or lines to hang the clothes from.

Nothing special to say today, just simply need to press forward and think positive, wish for the things I want and pray it all happens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember the last time you borrowed someones car. What a nightmare that was..