Friday, December 14, 2007

Is it really Christmas Part Two /Life styles of the rich and Famous.

THe blogger is on the fritz its not me ok? First it wont correct spelling now it says I haven't posted in a week? and it wont allow me finish what I started. Ok back to the end of the road!

After he asked me if I wanted to eat something I knew immediately that he was interested if not feeling sorry for me.
He drove down the end of the town, to the very end. It dead ends into this river and a very tropical area that is secluded, There is a lovely restuarant there in the end. Its nice in fact it is one of my favorite locations because it sits next to a small river and at the end is a big river that feeds right in the ocean. Its really beautiful.

We had candle light they have it on every table. It is all outside and very cool and nice. We ordered I had ceviche, with patacones. That is fresh fish soaked in lime and ginger ale with Celantro and onions and a little red pepper. He had a salad with chicken breast roasted.
It was lite and cheap but good. We talked about everything. In Spanish of course, he sounds like a very nice kind person. His concern about my car was seemly sincere but he may have alterior motives. Normal here...

After dinner we drove to my place and I did invite him him. We watched two Soap operas called novellas, they are Columbian or Spanish or Mexican. He liked those so I watched along and laughed. Very dramatic.
We talked about many things and he left around 11:00. I was so tired from worring and not sleeping so well he could tell I was tired.

In the Morning, I had an appointment with Felix Murillio the famous artist to sell some of his art to these people who were going to buy my sofa.

Helena, from spain showed up in her red jeep. We hauled all the art I thought would work to Fargo Escondido to that fabulous house.

We talked to Dick and Jenny in this beautiful home at the end of Escondido and I sold the three paintings in a series to them. I made a nice little tiny commission for it. They took us to lunch at spoons, but she didn't pay and left early so when we left we were shocked that they guy chased after us to pay the bill... I WAS SO EMBARRASSED.

It was a beautiful day it was warm sunny and super nice.

We then drove to the office where I wanted to check mail and see if anything was going on with the other client that fell through.
Well little did I know everyone was going to this freaking awesome house in Toucan Calvo for a party for the evening.

This house is undescribeable and is for sale. They still have to build the main house when you see these photos WOW! ok now I was really feeling poverty when I went here... although I was thanking God for living here and having the opportunity to see and enjoy things I would never get a chance to see.

This house sat on a top of a hill two pools, views from every side.
They had a professional gorgeous chef come in and do sushi, and pizza of all things and he made like ten different varieties and fresh Tuna, on the side. He made Tuna sushi, and shrimp sushi and pizza like my mamas! I didn't eat because I had eaten earlier with DICK AND JENNY.. so I couldn't take eating again although I was angry because this was first class food.
I ate one peice of shrimp sushi and one shrimp itself and wow it was good! The party was exceptionally nice and the music the best! The whole house is amazing and I found out he wants to sell it after the big house is built.

Mind this part of the house is four levels, and has two pools, a water fall into the pool and gardens that made me just ooo and awee but I was the only one. No one else aprreciated any of this. I made sure to tell Paul and ex pharmasist, that it was fantastic and I really noticed all the details.
I was pretty much alone the whole time, although there was about 15 or 20 people, I talked to all of them but I always found my self sitting alone. In the end I was out side in the dark while others were in the jacuzzi and in the pool. Sitting at a table thinking about life.

Thinking about how Ironic it is that I am so poverty at this point and sitting in a masion enjoying life like the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

It was a bit much actually, I felt overwhelmed and out of place. So I heard two of the guys were going into town. I asked if I could ride with them. Both could see I was feeling a bit out of place. They asked me what was wrong, I said its ok I just want to go home.

So they drove me to town to the office and dropped me off.
Now understand that the office is at the opposite side of town in retrospect of where I live. It is about two or three miles to my place. But I felt very lucky that they took me home from there. I walked almost to the party till I found a taxi and he took me about 200 meters to the house. So the ride back was a blessing.

I walked to Rosies, but she was in San Jose. I talke to Maley this Englishman but he was super negative and lectured me on how happiness is not from Material things... EASY FOR HIM TO SAY HE HAS A LOAD... its weird when people have money they always say things about how money doesn't make you happy and it is true but it sure takes a load off and it helps you to realize things much faster than when you have nothing.

I think this experience of being NEARLY POVERTY has help me to see how people really are.. Insensitive to others, and how when you have to really dig, it makes you know what you are as a person. You see what people are in reality. With out material substance, makes you feel and think very differently... FOR REAL!

Although I didn't eat there I should have but I was so full I couldn't it was so nice. I felt very special, maybe more than the majority of people that were there taking it for granite that this is how it is but I knew that this was a real treat.

I walked from the office about two or three miles home.When I got here Blanqueeta my now cat that wasn't mine but has adopted me was there to greet me I for the first time understood the cat, she is alone just like me, she is cute.. just like me, skinny no one feeds her she fends for herself, and was so happy to see me unlock the door. Right now she is sitting here besides me resting sleeping and happy to be in the air conditioning. I need to feed her, but honestly we have parallels.. Blanqueeta is alone no one wants her, and well I guess I am sort of the same way..

So Now on to tomorrow, I sold the piece of Art for $3500.00 and I got a commission of 10 percent. So this is a start in a better direction although this doesn't make a dent in what I need to get back on my feet!

Look tomorrow for photos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In retrospect I have made tons of money and have given lots away, especially to the government. Such is life. At this moment I feel the same way. This is why I have been able to connect with you and your life experiences. What I have come to realize is that what that man told you is so true. Money can not buy happiness. All money can do is buy you time. Freedom to do what you want when you want. I prefer to spend my time helping others be it family, friends or strangers. This I have found brings me joy. Compared to the rest of the world standards I have never known true poverty or have experienced anything close to it as compared to the rest of the world. I do remember going through hard times but those hard times were the best of times. Learning to feed a family of 4 for 4 dollars. Clam sauce spagetti. To this day I still love making it just to bring back memmories of the good ole days. Back in the 70s. My dad grew up in the days of the depression and the stories that he told me would make you think that Wow how did they survive. My mom was a product of WWII from Europe. And the concentration camps. We temd to forget about what suffering is when all the focus is on ourself. That dosen't make your suffering that much less but if you only look around and see what the truly less fortunate have and what true poverty really is you probably would not feel so helpless. You are a gifted strong woman who knows her spirt. Hang in there and you will overcome this phase. Just another chapter in the life of Marianna the Mother of Mercy.