Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Feliz Ano Nuevo Happy New Year

Jan 31st here was really insane. So many people everywhere, the streets filled with Ticos, Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Isreali's,Iranians. You could hardly walk because of the amount of people.

My first thing is always my coffee, internet. I read about what is happening in the world and see If I have any mail or comments on the blog.

So I had coffee, walked to the soda Garribito had my one egg one toast two slices of tomato, and lemonade.

This is my usual now, they don't have fruit, which I love, but its so cheap for me to eat there that buying food to make for myself cost double if not more.

As I said before it is usually 600 to 700 colones which amounts to about a buck and a half. Right now with my situation I worry about how I am eating so this is best.

I walked into town checked out the crowds, talked to a few people as I walked into town.

Pretty much alone most of the day. I find myself alone alot. I do feel strange at times doing everything alone. I can say one good thing about it, it is peaceful most times.

But I do feel envious of others when I see couples holding hands walking together, kissing, or mearly enjoying the company of each other.

Lots of parties everywhere. On the beach in the hotels, on the streets in the open bars, just people enjoying and celebrating. I on the other hand walked and watched, and just listened to people.

Much fireworks were being shot off all over all day and night. The parrots were screaching and flying about probably frigthened by the noise. It was just loud, but fun in some respects.

I went to the beach after I checked out a couple of things I tried to call a client that was wanting me to help but no answer.

The day was not for trying to obtain work obviously. So I laid on the beach and hour or so, walked back into town, and ate some roasted chicken.

Only the meat, nothing more, then walked back to the house. I was excited to get back to change my clothes to go to Jazzercise, but I thought hell that is a long way to walk and perhaps because its the 31st they may have cancelled the class.

I called and it was a good asumption. They cancelled. So disapointed, I sat on the sofa pouted a bit, then fell asleep.
When I woke up it was about 7:00 there is nothing to eat here so I drank water, watched TV and slept some more.

I woke up again around 9:00 to the phone. It was Marla Tortorrici, she just called to see how I was and if I was ok? She is a good person. Really a character no lie, I miss her.

She was shocked to hear about the car and felt bad, said what are you doing. I said not much not much I can do. I am trying to walk around, get into town, trying to make contacts but its not easy. I told her things were not going so well but I seriously try to be positive everyday and hope for a freaking miracle! SERIOUSLY

I hoping and praying for a miracle. She talked for about 20 minutes and wished me a feliz ano nuevo, then Marcus called my friend from Masatal, he wanted me to come up there and stay the night at his eco tour cabinas.

But its two hours from here in a car, the bus dosen't go at night. I explained about the car he was sad too.. he said he was coming to visit me in about a week.
So I will be looking forward to seeing him, he is one of Cristhians friends. He has Siempre Verde a cool eco tour farm.

I got dressed because the gals at the cafe del mar said we were gong to the Monkeys for New Years, nothing special, besides money was an issue.

I was all ready, called a taxi, no taxis I waited for a hour no taxis, so I said heck with it, put my flip flops on held my high heels in my hand and walked to the town. I walked pretty fast because I could the pressure dropping knowing it was going to rain soon. No sooner than I got to the corner near the cafe it POURED!!! I was less than 25 feet, but I had a sheer dress on high heels and my hair was straight.

The rain with that in seconds I would have been drenched and falling down.

So I waited for a few minutes, I could see them but they couldn't see me. They were putting everything in side, and closing up ready for fireworks at the Best Western, the shot them off early and well by the time it stopped raining the fire works were done. I walked across and all the girls said awwwwwweeeeeeee Marianna... my face was sad :( and I was a bit wet they could see.

We all got paper and walked fast across the road to Monkeys. It was full, Rosie paid my way in, we all found a spot and no sooner than we did the place filled to the max.

The music was nice, better than in the past. I was not in the mood to celebrate honestly but I smiled and then my friend Christina bought me beer, then Rosie bought me a Tequilla, oh god I did not want to get sick... I drank about two beers and two shots of tequilla, that was too much .

Danced alot, with so many people. Around 2:00 I went home to bed. My feet were killing, and I was starving but nothing to eat so straight to bed.

This morning I was sick, I had a hang over. Goma they call it here. It wasn't a bad hang over it, I drank some coffee and felt fine. Watched the Rose parade and rested.

The rest of the day was quiet spent alone walking and on the beach for two hours played in the surf, and watched lots of people. Then around five I walked into town, left my huge beach towel at Rosies other place,( It got stolen) and walked to her orginal place. To visit and watch tourists.

We ate a hamburger wow was that good... and we drank espressos, visited with clients her and I. Then I came back to pick up my giant bath towel to find someone had taken it.

Is nothing safe here? Now I only have two towels, I left the same type in the mans car that went with us to Manuel Antonio on Christmas I forget to ask him for it and he forgot it when he returned the rent a car. Now this one.. I know its only a towel, but you can not buy these here.

The towels here are so dang thin, and cheap they don't last. These are from USA, I bought them at Costco they were those huge thick bath blankets.. DANG IT!! now the towels..

I almost cried. sounds so dumb, didn't stress over the car thing but stressed about towels? Ok thats silly...
I think its just the fact that so much ill has happened and I really am at my end.

I had another issue the internet would not connect this morning I was so frustrated I wanted to throw the computer across the room...

The thought of the internet problem the stolen towels, no car, and no work was eating at me walking home.
I immediately started dealing with the internet, struggling with the connection, firewalls and more. Finally I got the dlink, and the eithernet box and unplugged all of it and replugged.

It Worked!!! FELIZ ANOS NUENO!!!

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