Monday, April 07, 2008


Since everyone is talking about the boobs, I will too! Wow thank god for surgeons! LOl go to Dr. Bernardo Mantilla Peralta and look at his page. He actualy has my body on the site, he told me before I left for Spain that he had used it because it was a great example of change. I am the second one in the tummy section on the right. Where it says Abdonminoplasty can only be 6 months for the change that and its an Amazing the change. The boobs are not on there yet, but he does want photos for records. I told him when they are healed I would send a photo.

Ok now on to what has been going on:


I have photos but since the computer was fixed it is giving me issues with posting the photos and turning or croping. I will try today to work on this:

But the last day in Madrid was super nice, Martin the British man who came to sit at my table and asked for my company. Had invited me to spend the last day together. He is a very interesting man, left England because of politics, and his job was eating him alive. We had so much in common, it was fun just having someone to chat and laugh with. We met early at 11:00 in the plaza that we had met in the day before. This is what they called center areas where concrete parks with fountains or sculptures, benches and plants.. sometimes little cafes` and bars. Early by meaning that people stay out late here and eat around 9:00 at night after the sun goes down, and its about that time close to 9:00. We walked some blocks it was chilly to me I could hardly stand it, the shade of the buildings were making it cool and breezy. We found a really neat place small in a corner that served breakfast. I had read about European breakfast, but never experienced and I can say I am having problems with so much pastries, and cheese. I am trying like heck to be super carefull, these are my two weaknesses in food. My mother always baked such wonderfull pastries and as a young girl I ate a ton. Having a weight problem my whole life with the style of eating we had as a family. Big Meals lots of cheeses, breads.. pastas. So anyway! I ordered my normal breakfast with a twist. I love the cheese they have here called,Manchego sort of a parmesean/ reggiano. Flavorfull and with wine devine! So I had one egg fried and they used olive oil, tasted so good with a toast that was huge, tomatos and the cheese. Good strong expresso coffee.We talked alot, waited for the sun to arrive from behind all the tall historic buildings.

Then walked to a plaza, but they weren't ready with tables. So we walked some more and talked looked in shops, and then found a table to sit at in the sun. He drank beer, I had water, I found me interesting,and was so curious about my so called bohemian life style now. He said that he admired that I could just follow what I felt. I told him it wasn't easy that day. In the morning I looked at my three bags, of things. Felt a bit sad thinking wow I sold everything and this is all except for a good amount of money for me to survive untill I find great work.

I might as well be concidered retired, I am worthy I have paid alot of dues, been through so much in my life that I am throughly enjoying things.

He could understand and I liked his views on people.

We later took the underground train and saw some sites. We didn't do a whole lot mostly sat in the sun and talked in various places. Then he went his way, (Just like the toliet paper guy!!! LOL who ever wrote that you had fun with that one!) and I walked up grand Villa in the center of Madrid, to the The barrio Chueca. Lots of shops and little places tucked in to cubby holes everywhere you look. It is so different and interesting.

I bought some post cards to send to my sister, and my kids. A couple for myself. As memory.

Then I walked some miles to the hostal. I interneted talking live to one of my friends on line. Using the camera and mic that is built into my computer. And I think I may just do a live chat on here soon.

In evening I walked to a plaza to eat a gloified grilled cheese sandwich with ham. They called it mixto sandwich. I wanted more but I was not about to walk all over town searching for a simple snak. I watched people and was amazed at how many were out and about so late eating dinner, drinking and enjoying the company of friends.
Walking back I went to this corner wine bar, I saw it filled everytime I past it so I thought I would check it out and take notes. For a future idea I have had... I stopped ordered one glass of tempranillo, sat in the corner cold... watching people and listening to the strange sounds of all the SSSSSSSSSSSSS they use in the Spanish in Spain. It is quite different, and the words are too compared to Costa Rican.

When a brutish looking man came up to me and began to chat about wine. We talked for some hour, he invited me for another I refused, I really was not wanting to talk any more to him and I wanted to go to bed honestly so I was fresh for my flight. He insisted so I finally gave in said I would try the vino torro.. a dark red with lots of rose over tones. Very good not bitter smooth..
We talked some half hour then he looked in his wallet and had no money.. asked if I would pay f0r another and I declined, I wanted to go. So I left and walked the short block to the place. I got acousted on the way by some crazy spanard, and he refused to let me go... untill I yelled DETENTE!!! NO MAS! some two guys were looking on and stopped, I forced the door open and ran upstairs.. he wasn't being mean I just think he was drunk and saw me and thought oh i need to talk to her that kinda thing... FAMILIAR WITH THIS... it was harmless but he was agressive. Told me all about his three stores he owns.. YEAH RIGHT! I ran.
In the morniing I wanted coffee but to find something that simple in Spain is hard, I am seeing that people do not drink much coffee mostly tea, and wine and beer. Sangria too...
I had a taxi driver stop me ask what I was looking for since everything was closed in the morning, and I was the only one out besides the party people who were try to find there way home.
I told him and he offered me a ride about to see if we could find something. but nothing! I needed a ride to the airport he would not allow me to pay for the ride searching so I said well take me to terminal 2 in Madrid for Ivizza. He helped with the luggage and off we went.
The Airport is not helpful, in fact rude.. but I smiled and didn't allow anything to alter the fact that I was about to see and experience a great thing today!

I tried to call my friend so he could pick me up at the airport when I arrived but he didn't answer some four times... so Arriving at the airport with out transportation and a hotel.

I walked outside the airport here in Ivizza, and was not upset, worried or freaking out. I saw a tall beautiful lady struggling with her three children. I told her its normal, my boys were like that when they were young.. she got right up and came over to talk to me. We talked for like 30 minutes I told her what I did, talked about the kids where they had been and what they do.
They own a privite hotel restuarant, on there own private beach called:
She liked me right off, so now in less than a half hour a new friend and a job offer. She said how are you going into town, I told her probably the bus since my friend didn't come. She offered me a ride and her husband who is by the way the one in the purple shirt in the photos with dark hair she is in black... took me a five star hotel, talk to the people told them I suppose who he is and got me a discount rate. They dropped me off we kissed, and she ask me to call her.. said they do lots of weddings at there rustico place and could use someone like me!
How nice!!! so nice!!! then later I went out of the big hotel I am in and walked the beach... I saw two restuarants on the beach near the water in the white sand. I took photos walked and checked it out. One was the hostal I was suppose to be staying at so I went in and talked with them meeting the owner by luck! the gal told him she is muy Alegre! he was tickled to meet me and we talked and laughed.. he offered to make me a special drink.
So I sat down in the out door restaurant right on the water, filled with people, a man playing the guitar..and others playing in the sand the water and children laughing. it was so pleasant.
The sun was bright but not so hot as Jaco.. I sat waited for my drink! it was Blood orange with cranberry and vodka. wow yummy and refreshing.
Then I ordered this great salad with walnuts roguefort, and mustard dressing dabbled with that great ham they serve here... I enjoyed that with crusty bread. Watched people listen to the music and thought WOW how lucky am I? and thanked the god above that I have what little I have and can see new things in life!!! I was so in awe of what I accomplished... I know some of you can understand.. but to think something out that sounds nearly impossibly a few months back, and to see where I was and what I was doing was a miracle.

"That a man can change himself and master his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind that is wide awake to the power of right thought."

I will not be kept in poverty by my lack of graditude! THANK god and thank you my friends for encouraging me to keep going and be strong, and in sending me that one gift TINA! I don't care what these I won't call them people I would call them mouths say.. you know where I was and I thank you over and over and the god in heaven for taking me from one level to another by my choice, and of asking. I will find something that will repay the giving and kindness my friend shared with me.
By giving to others is one way.. which I do..
So great! I go to pay the bill and the owner refuses to allow me to Pay!! ok this is something and I have only been here one day! I said oh please I don't expect it he said not to worry it is a pleasure! hmmmm giving is a great thing... and receiving is super nice.

I walked into town after kissing everyone, and was frankly alone on the street not knowing where I was going passing a marina that seemed like it was miles and actually is miles long.
Wow o wow I thought... I know I am going to do well here.. using my skills, people here spend the money and believe in parties which was my work for some 28 years. Weddings, parties, conventions, and inspirations to others... by writing what I create and giving advice. So I had a great day!
When I came upon two young handsome men dark hair both wearing pink shirts.. oh I am bad I think?? they are gay partners both in pink??? how sterotype is that? they stopped me said wow your pretty where are you going? I said to town get a coffee check things out, I need to find an apartment in a couple of days... they said they had a big one that other people lived there that I could have a room for 250 Euros a that is good... so we had coffee they invited me, found out they were from France, working here in the gymnasium doing animations, for Internet.
We had coffee and I went to see the beautiful Apartment over looking the Marina... I though Hmmm I don't know but I didn't say a word to them. I took numbers and thought well it was a nice gesture and a good option saving me some money while I search for my own place and work.

Although I already have one offer and two interviews from before setting it up some two months ago.
I decided this is better than Sevilla but I may still go.
Then I walked back, Got to the hotel almost dark.. threw myself on the bed kicked off my shoes, feet were killing me.. and then bathroom when the phone rang.. It was my friend he said he was on his way to take me to eat and drink. I said I wasn't hungry but lets go and have a drink next door and introduce him to the owner.
So we did, and then he offerd me to not stay in the hostals, to come to his place relax, take it easy he has an extra car, phone.. and said he would help me find the right apartment, and to take my time.. How nice ok? I like it here!!!!!! although Costa Rica is beautiful and the food is so clean , I love the nature yeah that is right,MANGOSSSSS I am really enjoying this world too... getting use to the food is going to be a little different, change my whole eating habits. But I will remain strong, control my weight, and exercise.. Find the good things of Spain...

Right now I am so in love with my life! I am happy and finding joy in everything and not allowing nay sayers and of course story tellers using this page to beat a good woman down! SHOPPING CART MY ASS!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Marianna,

It is me Tina. Again! Hey - Be well and keep going. Write about the city and culture - I went to that one site recommended to you and like it. It is true. Check it out. Also, be safe - and stay aware. I know you will.

Ta Ta! For now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marinna, Its so great to hear you are on top "oftheworld"..

the tummytuck pics are fantastic ...what a remarkable looks like the body of 20something year old..

I love reading your stories, travels and life transitions..

You should be an inspriration to all!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah and I forgot, The Toliet Paper Guy must be going GAGA at what he DIDNT GET....HAHA

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

toliet paper guy, i think what you are feeling is rejection..rejection does hurt, it sucks, i know...but it doesnt help to say bad things about the other person or wish bad things for may make you feel good for a bit, but thats all..hopefully you can get past it and have a better outlook about women, than you will be able to show you are a good man and connect with a good lady wishes

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

what exactly has toliet paperman been thru? i went back and tried to find the blog where he and Marianna hung out for a few shorts days but couldnt find it...anyways, didnt they only go out once or twice and eat and swim(maybe)..and share some talks and he bought her toliet paper and toothpaste and conditioner..GEEZ, what does she OWE him now? it only sounds like they had short encounter and now she owes him her life?..WOW..maybe i missed something, please fill me in...

Anonymous said...

I don't think that the person who is saying they are "toilet paper man" is really - anyone who has read this blog could make reference to that "encounter"... that person needs to get a life or a SWIFT KICK!!!!

Anonymous said...

TPMan=Shitface & Shit for Brains

Anonymous said...

the price of toliet paper in costa rica must be OUTRAGES! not going to visit

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

well, if TPman got burned, i do feel bad for him(we dont know the whole situation)...but he really needs to discuss that with Marianna, calling Marianna names is not going to solve anything..

Anonymous said...

I find it odd that you all are judging someone so horribly and using such foul language. You are more disgusting than anything Marianna could have done yourselves. If you want someone to change you generally don't call them a bunch of names - this is someone's daughter, someone's mother and many people's friend. I'm glad that none of you foul mouthed things are my parents. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Marianna can be pretty foul herself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but that is not your excuse is it?

Anonymous said...

I haven't said anything foul actually. It was someone else using that sort of language. I'm just pointing out you are using two sets of standards.

Anonymous said...

If I were her kids I would be completely embarrassed by that last posting.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My husband and I met Marianna in Jaco and hung out for a day. She never shut up the whole time--and it was all ME, ME, ME. We found her to be a complete bore and couldn´t wait to get away from her.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!

Anonymous said...

ya bunch of negative hypocritical holier than thou A-HOLES!!!!!! Let he or she who cast the first stone take a BOULDER UP THE A****** j-e-a-l-o-u-s-y.....

Anonymous said...

i am shocked , i dont even know what to say...

i enjoy marinna and her blog..i have never met her, but i dont picture her in the way you are all saying..

she sounds like she is a very nice and fun person and she sounds like she loves people..

she had some hard times in CR, could that have made her seem more desperate or self envoled, maybe?

she trully seems to be trying to live life in the fullist now, i hope you all can give her chance...

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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