Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chilly in Espana

De clima esta es muy frio en este momento....

I am having a little problem with the climate, its very chilly for me. My blood is so thin from living in Costa Rica for the past few years that its is difficult to keep warm here with the cold nights.
I am still at the Hostal, no luck yet! but I did see a beautiful one yesterday and wanted it, but the lady was a little odd, they have to think about you for a few days. Then let you know if you can have it. I really want it NOW!!!
Aside from that, Daily I meet people, all different types. The woman Makie, I am trying not to associate with. I see she really is a hard core alcoholic, last night she entered the hotel, there is a restuarant and bar lots of people locals come in and hang out and eat a little bocadillo, and drink a beer. I was in there talking to this Italian guy that one of the gals here knows who has a real estate company close to the Marina which is directly across from where I am staying. She told him I needed a place so we were chatting, when Makie walked in with some man. She didn't recognize me at all.. I watched her actions and listen to her.. and knew this is not for me. I don't say she is bad but after all I have experienced in such a short time with her, its a warning to not get to close.
I have had many types of friends, not all are perfect but I try to find the good in everyone, the best way to keep a good relation with her to is to be distant and just say hello.

The Italian guy seemed very nice, on the quiet end, not boisterous more reserve. He has long hair in a pony tail, dressed very classy, kind eyes. He said he would help me find the place.
He also knows many people in the industry of Discos, and he told me he would introduce me to them for design work. He said that PACHA the largest discotech in the world needs help with that in general.. and that He would propose I so some work.
I have not heard from the other people yet on the job.. but right now this is not my main concern its getting a house.
It is lovely here I must say and eating Crossiants with fresh strawberry jam and fruit in the morning is a delite, but BOY I WANT TO BE CAREFULL. The food can be problematic, because my body is adjusted to clean simple food from Costa Rica.

I ate a salad last night at the Marina, the cost was less than this Hostal, I watched the Sunset and ate while people chatted and drank beers and wines. They drink early in the morning here, in fact all day... even the employees of the hostal drink during working hours. Its ok they say???

It is normal that type of life style, drinking wine is a normal thing... I love the sangria but I haven't seen as much here as in Madrid.
I sure hope today is the day the APARTMENT COMES!!!! other than that I been busy looking... for now Send me positive thoughts, and I hope all my friends are doing well. I got a letter from Rossy, very sad.. said its not the same with out me. Said all my boy friends are Calling Raquel on my cell phone! I laughed I don't have boy friends... only guys I know asking where is she when is she coming back.. said one guy at the jungle bar was telling her he missed me and wanted my number here.. I use to dance with him all the time , like a permanent dance partner.. I didn't tell him I was leaving. Rossy said all he did was keep bugging her about me.
Said the business is dead, Jaco is dead, and she is so bored with me there to make her laugh and talk about life. We always discussed everything... NOW SHE MISSES ME.. Actually I miss her too,Rossy is a difficult person, only had one friend that was close she said this many times, and it was me.. the reason was I never argued with her.I let her say whatever she chose, do whatever she cared to do and never judged her for anything. I never got angry with her, I set my mind to be free of that with her as my friend. Just like the party I wanted she wanted me to her self basically and she did not want people eating free at her restuarant... some how I understand, and I do not hold any resentment, but I was a bit sad. People came later about ten.. but the food was cold and I heated it up in the micro wave.
One guy drove all the way from San Jose, he is one of Rossys good friends and mine too there near the end.. Carlos. very intellengent man, speaks many languages, and is world traveled. I like Carlos he is funny he made me laugh the last night I was there... So now my friend Rossy is sad. Frankly I am too.. I miss her snotty ways, her snide remarks, her wit! I don't think there is anyone like her, she is a one of a kind.
Raquel has been writting me too, she is missing me, and so is Gloria another friend of mine. I heard from Elena my friend in Herradura, she is an Americana Tica, lived in USA a long time.. she is riot.. very snotty too.. hmmmm I seem to like snotty people? its just there wit that makes me laugh and I like rye humor.
Well have a great spring day its Tuesday already here... the sun is blasting but its cold. the water on the sea is sparkling and its very picturesque!