Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The walk to the Gas station for Credit

Well I got up fairly early at by the sea an egg tomato yogurt and toast, then got cleaned up to go on my walk to collect the credit for the phone. I was distressed, feeling like I needed to get out of here, wanting my own place to settle into it. I felt so nervous and had thoughts of going back to USA, I was going to get on line to buy the ticket, but there were many people waiting again for the Computer and mine was still not working.
So I just got all dressed, stopped by Simons Trailer wished him a good morning and walked a very long way, I have no idea how far but far to this gas station where I put credit on the phone that got credited to someone else.
In the walk I stopped at Pacha the largest discotech in the area, for an appointment with the artisitic director for an interview. I also saw one apartment only because I noticed people moving out, and I questioned if they knew of any in that area.

IT WAS HORRIBLE, smoky, dirty, cramped three bedrooms but so small. Then finished my walk to the station. I asked the Manager for the credit and he said no too much time had passed. This was the third time I went to get the credit, didn't matter it was too much time. So I gave someone a nice 15 euro Credit for there phone.
OH WELL! its sorta normal!! that this kind of thing happens with me. Later I walked to this huge super market. Now remember in Costa Rica they really don't have these big markets, its little pulperias, that you have to have someone select for you, its difficult. Or Maxi bodega, that is a mini walmart sort of speak.. not really as good in fact its very mediocre. Then you have Mas permanos with now American prices, and all sorts of things, except what your looking for. So for me it was like being in an American super, with everything you can think of. They had home supplies, clothing and of course some shoes, a little bit of everything. Even a caffeteria, in the front, where you can eat and drink coffee. I spent a hour or more just looking around, it made me happy of all things.
Walking back thinking god I need to get a place, I can not pay any more for this hostal, and besides I want to begin my life. I came back got on the computer and read mail, I had quite a bit, one made me feel a little sad.

I had so many thoughts yesterday, should I go back to Costa Rica? should I stay here and try to make something of this for a while? Should I go back to USA? that one was pressuring me, because I do love my children, and I do miss my grandson and Kelsey. But I can not exsist, in Vancouver, the mentality there? the people? the cold? and now with the Economy as bad as it is. Also having to listen to the constant bad news, which here and in Costa Rica is called Noticias, is too much on the spirit and the brain. I am glad I do not listen to all the bad news, Even here I hardly listen, I do read the paper, but when it comes to things about the USA I put it aside. Don't get me wrong there are many things I appreciate and love about USA, but I can say from what I expereinced in Costa Rica with Americans, how they feel everything they say or do is correct, and no one else matters. How they demand service right now! its not just that its the government, its everything. It was also the conflict with my children, I felt so alone, I was kept up in my little house for months at a time feeling very depressed . Not very many visits, if none at all for months. I felt like life is too short to be sitting here moping about being alone, and worring about my children not having much time for me. I want to see something different, go where it is warm, feel sun eat fresh foods, just enjoy a latin atmostphere. And that I did! I am not saying I won't return to Costa Rica, I like many things about it too! But maybe it will be a good experience to try Spain for a while. I would love to go to Italy that was my plan also. Maybe spend a month there and just find my roots.

I had said before I met Stephano, and Italian guy he owns a imbolliaria, this is a real estate company. I met him here in the Hostal he is super nice. His friends from Italy came four days ago. Two bald guys one is a spray artist, Graffiti in places in Italy, the other's I have no idea what they do. The other bald headed one has deep eyes, thinks alot, and is actually very witty from what I can understand. The Italian language is beautiful! I love listening to them talk and laugh.
The came and visited me last night here, one looks like fonze and they call him that only he is much more handsome. The two bald guys are super cool, actually they are all really cool.
They waited for an hour to get a menu, they wanted to eat at 11 at night. So strange people eat late late late here... I was not hungry althought they invited me join them. I sat and talked to Cristina the camenera, (Server) They wanted me to sit with them so I did. I know Stephano we have chatted daily on the computer and on the phone. He is the one who is helping in a small way. JUST FRIENDS! They laughed talked, we drank a glass of wine and they talked and talked. I was getting so tired, but I listened in order to learn some of the words in Italian. So different than Spanish ..ALORRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA

Finally at 2:30 in the morning they went home.The Hostal still was serving them chipitos, small drinks, and coffee. I was sitting and listening to everyone and really trying to understand and laughing.Two of them speak Spanish, one english so I got some of what was going on.

Now today getting up late because of the later hour to bed, its gorgeous out sun is shinning, few clouds in the clean blue sky. I am waiting on the lady of the Apartment, but If I don't have something by Thursday, I may have to get a ticket to go... not sure where yet.