Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sitting in Ivizza watching the sea

Listening the greatest music at the Talamanca Hostal, on the Talamanca sea.. Having breakfast at Sunrise was incredible. A simple breakfast of a boiled egg, some slightly flavored yogurt, and crusty bread... this is going to be hard not to eat this great variety of breads.. pastries ect.

What a beautiful morning. I am waiting for my friend to pick me up today and then the rest of the week finding my place,and doing the interviews.

Last night was nice I took a walk earlier to a little store up a hill near the bay and bought water and some snaks that are popular here. The whole area is so different. Not much vegetation, hills in in some parts, flat near the sea.
The architecture is very rustic for some of the homes that sit near the sea. More Spanish Med, But there is also huge structures that are Apartments and condos that are extremely modern. There is a huge Castle right in the middle of town, surrounded now my modern structures. But close near by are many historic buildings. I counted some 6 castles on the island map. I would love to see them all.

After my walk, and doing a little observation of where I am, I went into the back bar where all the people who work in the hostal and friends and nieghbors of the area meet. I had what they called shanves, its a beer with lemonade in it basically. VERY GOOD.. like a mechelada but a bit better. I drank two they serve the beers in wine glasses.. kinda strange and of course there small portions.

Then the owner came in and invited me to eat out with him.. actually he is only a part owner I found out a woman owns this place and she is a floral designer too! the place is super cool. So I agreed, I wasn't doing anything and it was very nice of him to ask.
We rode into town with two of his friends, they dropped us off at this place on a corner near the police station down town. We had cheeses, goat cheese that was scrumptious, and manchego, and some other blend of manchego and goat. Of course toasted intregal bread with crushed tomato all over it with infused olive oil. Then he ordered Tapas, this is a variety of things but is the main source of meals here.
We had something called reweltas.. eggs scrambled with black mushrooms, and shrimp. I could taste some garlic but very mildly. Also a little celantro very light, with a great wine red called luis xv11 super smooth delicate.

By the time we ate and drank I was so sleepy. I am not use to eating at 11:00 at night.. I really have to adjust or try not to do this often.

But we had a very good time. Just chatting I met the owner of that restuarant also. A woman who is a painter, I have her site and will post it her paintings are very interesting, deep rich colors with lots of feeling.
She invited me back for coffee sometime.
It is not hard to meet people here in Spain, the people are loveing, warm, I am really enjoying this. The feeling here is special, its almost magical.. They really embrace people, kiss on both sides of the cheek and greet with QUE TAL??? the say an expression of Vale` meaning in Costa Rica Quanto Vale` how much is the value.. but here the end each conversation with Vale` meaning perfect value.. perfect, or its all good or great.. very different sayings.. I think I will adjust fine to the language, but the food is a challange. The weather is another thing, I am so used to the scalding heat, that the chill here is strange.
But soon in a few days it is warm..
Listening to great ,music, part arabic, jazz, latin, combo really nice for the morning.

Thank you for reading, and thank you being a part of my life.