Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rainy lazy day

It was waking up to rain that discouraged me from doing anything at all today. It was dreary when I woke. I went down got a cup of tea with honey, a piece of toast and tried to get on line but there was a whole group of people waiting. So I took the Tea back to the room and turned on the tele, and rested. Thought some.. It has been a little weary the last couple of days, the costs of the hostal, and not being able to be in my own apartment is getting to me. So many drunks here, Now I have found three women who all hang out, all Maikes friends. Obnoctious really, I need to hurry and get a place, its driving me nuts because I spend most of the time in the Hostal . There fore seeing all the locals and the local drunks. TOO MUCH!

The owner decided yes to have me make some of the big floral pieces for the Wedding. So in turn I did get to help, I was nervious why? because it has been so long since I worked in this area, but I was happy that she permitted me to do the big entry pieces. It was a beautiful wedding here on the sea, what good energy it put into the Hostal. I happy positive feeling.
I walked after two of the girls Marvessa, and Makai, not Makie dropped me off in Jesus, to talk to the lady about the Apt, that I was looking at to rent. It was a nice day so I was fine about walking some two or more miles back to the hostal. When I went to see the place it was still the same as it was four days earlier. Not one bit of work done to it at all, today I thought God if they do not finish this in a day or so. I am going to have to look for something else. And loose what money I have paid here at the Hostal to wait for this one.
It is very far when walking I realized how far it is. But in a car only five or so minutes from Talamanca beach and 10 to town. The area is super peacefull, full of huge vegetable gardens. Fields of wild red poppies, purple lupin, scabiosus, lots of yellow small wild flowers. The walk back was pleasant, long but nice. I saw so much nature, and I love the country side. You can see vistas of the sea in areas. It is a community that has chickens and horses, and then Tall modern apartment buildings poping up. Its still pretty rural, but modern mix. Hard to explain, but its nice. Now I need to find a car, but the point is how to pay for it. I need to get work right away. I love walking and will walk, but a car or a moto would be great! nice to go the Grocery store, in town and or to work!

After the sun came out today, I walked on the beach next door some 30 meters, about half a block, to this little restuarant in the sand. I ate a whole grilled fish with garlic and fresh green beans and peas. First time I have eaten peas in ages. I am getting addicted to the ajillo with bread and fresh green spanish olives soaked in Garlic and onion and spices. I ate some pastry the tipical Pudding. It think it was a form of bread pudding with whiskey poured on top and orange.
After I went back to the Hostal dropped off my key and walked out, I met a man looked like George Clooney, he stopped me told me I was pretty.. we talked and I told him we would talk later I wanted to walk off the food. ( by the way I don´t ever remember playing a man) and Playing for what is my question?

He was dark skinned and Ibizan, maybe around 48.. I have seen him here with another woman one night and one older German lady the classy one with her little dog alerted me about him.. said I must go look at him that she was in love!
As I walked off I thought wow this is the kind of guy I have writen on a piece of paper. I have a paper that I carry in purse, a sort of description of the man I would like to have. not only his looks but his character and qualities. He certainly fit the looks department..
I walked all about the Marina, looking at the beautiful Apartments overlooking the bay and the marina. I went into all the little shops that were open, and watched people eating at a number of restuarants that are now begining to open for the season.
I walked all about the yatchs looking at names and smiling at some of the ideas people have about there HUGE BOATS! the best was BELLA.

AS I got to the end of the Marina I saw a light house way off at a point. I noticed there was a walking path to it. So hopped right on it and went to the lighthouse. It was beautiful out windy, cool I walked all along the sea to the light house and then all around the light house rock wall. Down to the other side where HUGE perfectly shaped squares, bigger than life were all tossed in the water as a breakfront These were actually very artisic looking to me, Huge huge blocks of cement. Maybe they were aproximately 8 feet by 8 feet or larger I really need this camera fixed so I can show things.
The sea has areas where it is perfectly clear and very sharp aqua blue, then deep marine blues. Its interesting you can see the huge rock formations very clearly in the bottom it is very deep.
I played alone on the side of the break wall where a small beach was. I sat in the rocks and noticed all the different formations of rocks. I saw lots of crystal formations, and beautifully colored rocks of pink and red.
I have always been a rock hound, nature lover.. it pleased me much. I enjoyed the moment in peace alone with out hearing drunks!!! Walking back was brisk, I walked up this hillside to the other side of Talamanca, I found a new way! I am already learning some of the areas.
From this light house WOW what a view of Ibiza, incredible. So many buildings and boats.. it is a gorgeous place.
I must try to stay and at least make some sort of go of it..
Walking back down the hill side seeing the beach thinking I really would like a place in this area its much closer and so much easier if your walking. Lets see what happens this week?