Wednesday, April 23, 2008

In my new Spanish villa apartment

Yesterday the owner Kathy called to say that the apartment is almost ready. It is located in a small village called Jesus. It is a double tier building with the owner above, the apartment is all white, the outside is spanish style, with white washed walls, the inside is all white too.. I like color so maybe in a few weeks I can paint and they will accept. It is nice and airy and bright, lots of light, a bedroom with all new furniture, huge armoir, and modern style furnishings. so far the sofa has not come yet, but the dinning room table is in the bathroom is all new in a fresh blue and white and it is very perfect for one person. The terrace is all Italian style aggregate, very nice, with a large canopy to sit under when its hot. It has an old pine table out side in the sun for
breakfast dinning or lunch. The kitchen is all done in a honey color marble counters, with stanless steel stove, oven and double round sinks.

when she called I was about ready to purchase a ticket to fly out of here. After hearing her say its ready, I changed into my bikini went out side to the beach there in front Of Talamanca and enjoyed the day. My friend Simon the britsh guy came out and sat with me and talked. He was happy that I am staying. My friend Stephano, Italian man who has the real estate company was on the other side drinking a beer with this freinds from Italy. I saw them so I put my clothes on and went and sat with them and talked. They ate I watched drink bottle water, and talked. He told me he would help me later take all my things to the apartment. We sat for some two hours. It is normal here to sit for hours when eating. No rush for anything.
As I said before everything closes at two and opens again at five. So no rush for anything...

We laughed talked, I really enjoy the Italian people wow if I could only understand the language!! their dialect is really hard to understand.. along with the Castilano Spanish that is spoken here.
I ordered, my lunch, Large white melon with ham, but its more like procuttio, it was stupendious! I was in total heaven eating this.

Then he waited for me some three hours for them to prepare my bill and get my things. It took them that long.

When we arrived at the apartment they were not ready, they still were waiting for furniture, and putting the drapes up, cleaning. So We put everything inside, and decided to go back to Talamanca, sit and listen to Simons music. We did for some two hours, then the game was on, the Barcelona, England.. big game. so he invited me to go his flat over the Marina and watch with all the guys from Italy.
I said sure why not. I ended up cooking dinner for all of them, the all treated me with such respect, so sweet and concerned because I was so cold. The wind was blowing and he was on the top floor of this huge condo complex.. right over the water.. SUPER CHILLY... so we watched and laughed. I drank a shot of baileys to warm me up but it wasn't enough. Finally Stephano, brought me a blanket, they all teased me. I didn't care I cuddled in it and watched them bet money on line.

Later we went, today was special, he came back in the morning to make sure I was ok, and if I needed anything, he brough clients for the owner, because she is moving to a new place and wants to rent the top out. He had the perfect client! She was so happy to have me and now he!
I put all my things away, rearranged a little and then went right next door to the super, bought wine, olive oil balsemic, herbs, chicken fruits fresh breads, cheese, eggs, and procuttio, melons too..
Came back the old women who lives there and tend the garden helped me, put things away.. I made a nice breakfast lunch of Melon and procuttio, wine, cheese and fresh bread.
Wow I sat outside in the sun at the old pine table and was in a world of my own. So peacefull and nice!
Right across the street, is a restuarant, a bar, a coffee shop, a bank, a interior design stuido, abook store a real estate and more.. around the corner is beautiful thai restuarant, Italian, Spanish hair salon police and more little shops. Its so perfect, only thing is its far from Iviza. The beach is about 40 minute walk... I need a car now! But I think Stephano is going to help. he is so sweet.. Thank god for him! now the owner is pleased too because she has her situation resolved since I came along!

Right now I am in the cafe/ bar called San Francisco, sort of like Rossies but better ten times better... many people come here. Its international, they have free internet and its across the street! so for now its ok.
I am drinking another glass of red Spanish wine with rich olives and roasted nuts. The day is pretty hot but windy breezy. I know things are going to be ok!

I love that there are loquat trees outside, in my house as a child we had lemons, oranges, loquats, and always a veggetable garden. Its a memory, and now I understand my heritage, why my mother planted these things with catus.. because this is how they do it. I asked Stephano, in Italy is it the same type of planting? he said yes.. but here is nice weather.. you would never make it in Italy. He told me its too cold for you mi amor!
Not only are there these trees but lots of Roses, herbs, Rosmary, an Oregano. We had that too growing up. I told the old woman, I would plant my own herbs, and a flower area she is excited to have me.
In the Morning she brought me a bundle of herbs from the garden, I can not wait to paint the flowers, and I have a place to sell my painting's if I chose because people walk past all day!