Thursday, April 10, 2008

Seeing a little bit of the Island

Yesterday I stayed with Mark, a friend of mine from Ibiza, he owns a business here in the Island. He lives in an intirely different area of the main city. Its country Mountain side dotted with pine trees, catus, various bushes. Lots of olive trees, and grape vineyard assorted farms.

Hilly but not high altitudes from where we are Its winding roads, and curves are fun. They drive super fast here. I see that almost everyone needs a car on this Island. All the cars are very nice, unlike

Costa Rica, the highways are great. Most of the roads from what I have seen so far are well taken care of.
I experienced my first sight of women with out bikini tops yesterday too, its common here to go around with out. I have heard this and was aware but never experienced it till yesterday.
The Freedom they must feel! No one stared, it was normal.. So yes this is something I will have to get accustom too.
Mark sent me into town to find an apartment while he worked during the day. I looked at one with a nice vista, a view of the sea.. it had a decent swimming pool. I was not impressed or happy with the area. I need to walk for a time untill I get a car. This look ghetto, everyone had lots of junk in ther balconies , it just looked ugly to me. Not for me.
After he took me to the central and I waited for another person I just met called Maike, a woman from Belguim. She speaks five languages, she is fifty four years old a designer... has been in Magazines in Europe.. and is quite the character.
We ate lunch late about 3:30. normal for here. Then we waited for the stores to open at five by going to her beautiful apartment in the area I believe I want to reside. Its the Talamanca area. Its very quiet, a mix of people but lots of single people too. She has a two bedroom New Modern place with all antiques, it was interesting, nothing I would do but she had my favorite color combination in the room, Hot pink and orange.. with bits of purple. Sort of artsy. We waited for a hour then drove back to purchase a phone for me. It took all of about 5 minutes, WOW different than Costa Rica, waiting some five or six months to get a normal house phone and almost a year for a cell.
After going back to her place for wine and a supper that she cooked, all Belgium style. It is near
the grand Marina is which is where I wanted to locate because of an opportunity I have with Luxury Homes, and properties in Costa Rica. This is owned by my friend Daphne, she sells nothing but High end properties and would like for me to Market Costa Rica for her here. I would need to situtate my self in an area where travelers with yatchs come in and can look at Information. I'll only be reffering people but it could lead to many other things. That is only one idea I have for income here. I have about five and As soon as I get settled I will be putting the plans together. Also going for interviews with the two people who emailed me previously, plus look for more.
Mark and his friend Alex are being a great help.
He has to go to Barcelona tomorrow,so I sure hope I can find a place today!

The weather in the past three days, has been cloudy windy, slightly cold for me. I need different clothes, I said this to Maike, pronouced MIKeAY. She said no in a couple of days its very warm here and it won't be needed. So If I can hold out a few days!

I have met some different people alright, from all over the world but I do hear alot of British accents, some Americans, not many from what I can see. Mostly Ibizians, Europeans, British. The language is very different, Lots of SSSSSSSSSSSSSS and thasssss its sounds like every one has a lispt. They speak so fast, hard to catch what was said. Although Not everyone has the heavy s structure. I think its long time residents or born to the Island. Because I have heard other Castillians and I can understand it.

The food though, I am having a little bit of a time with that. WAY TOO MUCH BREAD.. although its soooooooo freaking delicious! Crusty, toasted generally with olive oil. HARD TO resist for me. But I am, I know how I use to look and BREAD was a huge part of it. PASTA BREAD POTATOS they eat a ton of it here.

I haven't tried any real pastries yet, but I sure do see lots of bakeries.

For Sure I have to purchase a coffee or expresso maker, Coffee not a big thing, but Costa Rica coffee made me more addicted than ever. I love my coffee!

Hopefully, today I will find a place!