Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The pronouciation is EBETHA, I notice lots of words are pronounced with a thaaa or multiple sses. It almost really sounds like everyone has this lispt, sometimes I catch myself giggling at them. Then I try to immitate them so I speak the words the same. But its not working yet, they always I mean always ask me where I am from. It is certainly different here.

Still chilly, today cloudy looking like it might rain. The water is dark and choppy, not to breezy yet boy yesterday sure was.
I spent the whole day in the street walking for about 7 hours looking for an apartment. I found two actually, studios in the price range of 850 Eruos, Small Tiny places one was nice had two beds and all new kitchen, but it is just not right to mu ch money. I aksed everyone I saw, lots of real estate companies, Apartment rental companies, bars, Stores, people in the apartment buildings or in the areas, if they knew of anything. Not much available now... Still it was a nice day, I got lots of sun.
I ran into the Italian guy that has the real estate company, I think he owns other things as well. Because when we bumped into each other on the street, and I mean literally bumped into each other... he was unloading a truck with linen to a restaurant. I didn't ask he volunteer, said it was one of his businesses. We chatted for one moment and I went on about my way. He was super busy I could see, but I reminded him to remember about looking to see if he had a clients Apartment that would be good for me.

After walking for hours, I noticed at 2:00 everything began to close. Here they close almost everything at that time, reopen at 4;00. So now what to do? I keep looking and window shopped.

Then tired and needed to eat I stopped at this little restaurant and sat out in the sun, in an alley where it is located in the older part of Ibiza. Its little Narrow alleyways, paint peeling from most of the buildings, Clothes hanging from balconies. Here and there some plants with boganvillas climbing up an occassional arbor over the alley. I found myself thinking about how lucky I was to be here. I waited for the waitress to come and asked for bottle water, then ordered the special which was lentel soup.
She brought out as normal a dish of rich spanish olives, briney and tender! and some ajillo crema, and crusty bread.
Its sort of a sour cream but not sour, or close to it with Garlic infused in olive oil. Its super creamy and tasty and you just want to EAT EVERY DROP!! I sat there in this alley and watched the french bulldog, beg me for a bone. When the lentel came I did give it all my bones and fat! She was please.
These dogs are common here, Many many French bulldogs, small breed but bigger than a boston bull dog.Cute short faces, pointed ears. Pretty darn smart! she watched me the whole time I took a couple of photos but still can not get the card to read in my computer.
Back to Lunch, I sat enjoying the soup the Barry white that was playing on the system, the whole Barry CD when two women walked up. German, older, they were taking the cruise that is offered here on the med.

The sat with me at the table and we talked about there cruise, and the food here in Spain, they love the Tapas, because it is small amounts and you can keep ordering what you choose. It is kinda fun but I haven't fully experienced it yet. Only the one night that Jaime took me from the Hostal.
We the three of us gals, enjoyed the day and I said my goodbye's then saw a salon that was brand new across the way in a cubby hole in the alley. It was called DAVIDS from Europe, like the statue? the owners were Italian, I met up with them and talked and now have two new friends. I will return and Filipo will be doing the hair from now on.
I found him a place to stay it was one room for rent, i thought I would do it, but it was too small for me, and five people... I am not sure I can do that. So I recommended it to him and I think he took it.
Then I walked back it was about 5:45 at night, took about 40 minutes to Talamanca from Down town Ebetha.
I went in got on the computer, never heard from the other Italian about the apartment, and just got online with the news paper here.
Later I sat in the bar where everyone goes, and watched people. Talked to the gals that work here and observed. I went to bed late we all sat by the fire last night everyone drinking champagne, One man kept buying.. and talking. I was the first to go to bed.
Now today back to try to find my place. I heard this morning from Stephano, ( the Italiano) said to wait another day he has a place a house not an apartment, and they are repairing some things today , he would take a look at it and then call me.
I sure hope so, I had an offer last night from a friend of someone here who has a nice place in a new complex,It sleeps Six people three bathrooms. He said he would love to have me there, pay for the room and use the whole house. This might be a good idea for now.
So I will see?
No word from anyone in emails!