Friday, April 18, 2008

Yesterday and the Day before

I did not want to blog yesterday as I was feeling pretty discouraged. The previous day was a nice one actually. Simon this man from England who lives here on the beach in a trailer offered to take me to Escanard to pick up my things that were accidently left at the bands house when I danced last week. We took a beautiful ride through the countryside, over hills and mountains, along all the beach areas to the north. It is so different the architecture and the scenery, the pines and shrubby bushes, catus and many vineyards, olive trees every where. Lemons, oranges, and mixed inbetween are some tropical plants like bird of paridise, and flowering trees.
He drove his car that he brought here from London, it has the steering on the right hand side. This was the first for me to ride in a car with the wheel on the opposite side of the car. He played some music he is a DJ too. Its like everyone here is trying to be DJ although he has all his equipment and sound devices, many Cds and computers that work his music. He wants me to Dance with him as a combo, Belly dance for this Hostal and maybe find other hotels and Restauarants that need entertainment. He has the perfect music!
We enjoyed the ride, about 40 minutes north to an area on the sea, called Escanar. We picked up my things then headed to the world famouse Hippie market. This was huge, it is every Weds, and brings people from all over the world to shop.
It has been in exsistance now for some 45 years. It has established village with houses in pueblo style design. All painted the same peach color with plantings that resemble something in New Mexico.
It was fascinating for me to see and expereince. I didn´t purchase anything, I am trying to be super carefull because I need to get into a house, Apartment or something. So holding back on buying was easy. I had no desire to purchase, keeping this in my mind.
He drank a beer, I had water and watched the people for a short while. Then we both ate at a small cafe near the beach and had our late lunch, which is normal here around 3:00. Then the places are all about closed.

We rode through an area close to Talamanca Called Jesus, I love this area... its so tranquil and pretty, sits nestled in the mountain side next to the sea about a 10 minute walk to Talamanca, and to town central it is about 30 or 40.For right now that is fine for me, I learned alot walking in Costa Rica, I have come to love walking. It makes you feel so good. But yesterday was not possible. It was raining and very windy and cold.

Simon stopped to get ciggarettes, I saw a woman in a huge garden across the street and noticed there was a house with people upstairs and no one downstairs. It looked something like the place I lived in Costa Rica, the owner above with an apartment below. Only the Garden is rustic, like in the old days huge vegetable garden with fruit trees, and strawberries just planted. It had a small swimming pool above ground and a old fashion well. Next door is modern tower apartments, but not looking directly into the garden. I watched the woman tend the garden and thought???? hmmm maybe I should ask her if she knows of any places close? I walked up kindly greeted here in Spanish and we began to talk. Lovely lady, in love with her garden! We talked about hers, then she asked if I ever had one, my reply was oh yes!!! and I loved my garden I worked in it almost daily. I said I would love to help you as well. Come to find out they were remodling the apartment below perfect for me one bedroom airy, high ceilings. I looked and liked it but it is not finished.
We left and went back into Talamanca.
Riding back we both needed to pay to charge up our phones, We went to the gas station which is where most people go to do this.I paid 15 euros he as well, but yesterday when I went to make calls for Apartments the phone system said you have no credit. In looking at my receipt the gal had applied the money to someone elses phone!!! I had asked a couple of people to give me a ride to this station so I could correct it, all three of the people here said yes, but not one gave me the ride.

I waited all day walking around, looking... no transportation again!!! the taxis here is impossible unless you are willing to pay 100 euros per day to get around and that is more than 200 dollars. The buses are not running in this area till late spring. So I was stuck.

Then Stephano later in the evening showed up and he took me to the apartment that I had seen the day before, the daughter of the woman in the garden is the owner and she said my mother told me all about you. So I said I would come again to see and discuss terms with her.
Stephano, the Italian guy with the real estate business Drove me over and he talked with her, serious business. In the end the Apartment is mine.
Its slightly expensive, yes but its the area, the sea, the garden,and the peacefull ness of it all. There is nothing any where for less to be honest! I was very discouraged yesterday before he showed up knowing that if I didn´t show up like I had promised someone else would come and I would be with out.
When he did I was surprised and immediately got into his car... he was not one who promised to take me he just showed up and talked and I got in and said lets go!!!

When I returned I felt so releaved, and now I can concentrate on getting work.
I had letters today from many people in Costa Rica, saying stay there... do not come back! wow I thought, because yesterday my thoughts were maybe I should return, its less expensive and try to find other work, and at least I know people. But in these letters, which were from four different people who do not know each other, they pretty much said the same thing.
One was the chamber of commerce, she said Marianna give a whirl!! make it happen I know you will do good there, there is money there and you can do this! ok wow I was happy to hear that.
The others pretty much said, its very bad in Jaco, no work bad things happening, and for me to try as hard as I can. Like they were rooting me on!
How nice ya know? so this was confirmation of me staying for a while and doing what I love or desire.
Today, I woke up a little late after eight, went to turn on the computer.. and it has done it again. So now I have no credit on the phone, the computer is black the screen will not boot up, and the camera that Roberto bought me is saying erroorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... God Here we go!

I ate some cereal here in the hostal and a coffee, now using the hostals computer. Then I am going to the station to get the credit I hope fixed. Later into town, to buy a thing or two.
But it is interesting here, in this place. The types of people that come and go... I know from my past in designing things in Hotels that there are some strange people who just hang out there all the time. And Talamanca has there locals that hang out.
For example a german guy named slvac long pony tail about fifty with a small red dog, one I have no idea his orign, Koeke, tall hippie looking in his fifties, Makie, black hair in her fifties strange character... then the group of younger ones that are always here in the afternoon drinking there beers and chatting. One tall black man who drives a delievery truck he stops every night has his champagne three or four.. and sings alot.
Then here is Alegria one of the main bar tenders, the only thing he constantly says is ALEGRIA, yeah yeah yeah, meow! ( ok I don´t know what to think about him) also an older German lady.Every day very classy in her high heels and short leather jacket, with leopard skirt and her little dog at her side.
There is more... It proves to be interesting.

Not good weather yet today again rain, windy cold I want to just crawl in bed.. but I should check things out with the phone and try to get my bill here discounted for the lenghty time i have stayed. I will feel much better knowing they can give me a little break!