Thursday, April 03, 2008

Here in Madrid

It was a long flight as was expected. The funnies thing was the doc put a note at the air terminal for me not to handle any of the luggage, so they put me in a wheel chair, this was the only way they would accept the fact that I needed help in carring such heavy items. I don´t understand why they just didn´t have someone assist me but this is how they do it. BUT THE GOOD THING was I was first in everything, and passing immigration was an easy thing. Although I saw many people having issues. The first stop was in Panama, Panama is a pretty city the scalloped edge of the bay with tall clusters of buildings lining all the edges, makes for a great view from above and directly on. It is pretty impressive and At night When I was there some couple of years ago it is spectacular. I love seeing the coast line lined with the huge buildings some towering over 24 floors or more. Then the next stop was Santa Domingo, this was hectic they are very stricked there, the go through every article in your suit case and question everyone. For me it was Easy I was in the chair and had a guy to speak for me. I felt guilty really but hey at least I didn´t have worry and I was not risking blowing out something that I am about to tell you what! So in immigration they checked and double checked and smiled and let me pass with out checking any of my luggage. I didn´t have anything I wasn´t suppose to but its scary ya know?

So we get to Europa air and they didn´t have any record of my ticket, ok the problems begin. I was calm relaxed I knew I paid for it it was there problem not mine. The poor little black dominican guy who was handling my luggage and my chair was so frustrated.. He ran back and forth several times to accomplish nothing. I sat patiently and waited. I could walk but they wouldn´t let me because of the notice on the computer from the doc.

Ok this is what I had done, I had implants in the breasts.. its only been two weeks. The pain is very intense, and you can not lift a thing or move your arms above your head. ITs not possible the muscles are all tense. It is a new proceedure there in Costa Rica, removing the nipples and opening the skin, then inserting a gel like cushion under the muscle plate on the breast. Then pressing the muscle back down closing the skin up and cutting off the excess and reattaching the nipple. HURTS OK... I wanted it now for almost a year or more... I have lost so much wieght that I had nothing, looked like Fried eggs when I took off the BRA LOL!!!! oh yeah !! Vanity yes but hey I did it, and I am doing fine now and I have money set aside, I am going to be fine. My goal is to succeed, I won´t allow anyone even the last person who wouldn´t identify him self there that said we had a fling, to say I won´t make it.. I AM GOING TO MAKE IT REGARDLESS I am determined. I came a long way and well I will find the way.. I believe I can do anything and by god I will!!! So now you know what the surgery was HAAAAAAA I didn´t want to say untill I was ready but this story with the chair was funny... I was happy though because it made it so easy for me and no stress at all.
I manage to get to Madrid after riding long hours, the plane was huge 8 rows across, for me this was the first time. I had never flown in such a huge plane! Wow to many people.

Then arriving there was amazing, the city is fabulous, beautiful! the sites are fabulous... the food so far wow, the sangria delicious! I met some guys from Italy, they were drag queen show producers. We hung out all afternoon drank sangria together ate cheese and delicious Spanish olives.. let me tell you these are nothing like the Spanish olives in the USA.. WOW super good. I was amazed at the flavor. Then we walked allot found things they needed for there guys for the shows in Bologna, they invited me to come and stay with them and check it out. I told them I was a designer that If they needed I could design the stages for the shows! they are interested, they loved me right off the bat. They seemed like normal guys not femenine at all? Just normal, but hey they said its only show nothing more... It was interesting for sure ok?

The area I am in is the old barrio, its cool lots of historic sites, the bull ring, and shopping like your cannot believe. Small streets and alleys, lots of quaint restuarants and bars and shopes tucked into places. You really have to look to see everything. I had so many stares, so many holas, and well people seem nice so far, But I have a small issue, the hostel I am staying at has no room today so some how I have to find another place by walking!! OH GOD HELP... they will take care of my things very sweet the worker is a doll he is so nice to me.. let me sleep till 1:30 I was so dang tired, I was suppose to go out with those guys last night, Stephen, and Marcello, but I slept for a hour I thought, and never woke up till Oscar knocked on my door!!! WOW exhausted, but the surgery is a part of this too.. I have not been up to my self and I am very carefull I want to heal right and have the boobs look great! SO VAIN I KNOW but hey i am taking good care of me for once in my life... whos to judge? I paid and this body for the first time in my life is looking GREAT! I am so happy I keep tellling myself its yours you paid alot now remember to take care and exercise and eat healthy and not too much.

I don´t know when I am going to the ISlands I was not able to buy the ticket yesterday, that office at the airport closed at one and It was after one when I was released from Immigration, they did stop me, checked me out more than most... the cops asked me all sorts of questions, I said I was a tourist, a journalist, and I plan on stayin and visiting all over. They searched my belongings seeing I had lots of metal, well I had photos frames, and pictures in one bag, and all my jewerly so it weighed alot. THey ask was surgery? I said it was internal, WELL IT WAS they put those PILLOWS INSIDE OF ME!!! I didn´t want to tell those guys that! So heck with them...
THen getting to the little hostel was scary in a dark alley but the guys here are so cool and its so nice and clean and pretty! I am a smart lady, I will learn how to work everything.. and I know from my mothers teaching where there is a will there is a way. I HAVE THE WILL


Anonymous said...

You made it! Glad to hear. I'm surprised you had surgery. For months you've complained hardily about not having any money and starving and wha wha wha. Now, the first thing you do is get a boob job - I'm sorry you don't like yourself - Vanity as you put it yourself means that you are not centered inside. I'm sorry you believe your life here is only valuable if you appearance is altered. I love you Marianna even if you do not TRULY love yourself.
Be safe.

Anonymous said...

you cry for money ...and god your breast done thats funny so please dont cry is all about pooor Mariana

Anonymous said...

I am shocked after all that crying and whining about your life and having no money and begging god the first thing you do when you get a little is a boob job. Your priorities are all messed up and maybe that is why things are always so 'hard' on you. You know, I think you come on here going on and on about poor you as just a way to work people to send you money. You are as fake as your boobs.

Anonymous said...

you should change the name of your blog from "Marianna in Costa Rica" since you are not anymore

Anonymous said...

I have read this blog along with many other blogs, and I think I'm a good judge of people, kind of a fun thing for me. You said "whos to judge" Truth is we do judge people, and you judge according to what they produce. Your production has been your truth, but as I see alot of SELF-centerness. You have wasted alot of money over the last two years, but it's your life and your money. Have you paid your taxes in the USA? I wonder. You have a way of whining, complaining, and I do believe you do it for YOUR purpose. You said " I will learn how to work everything" Yes I bet you will, from what I've read you are a master at that, be careful, you're not in a 4th world country anymore! Starving one month, tummy-tuck, boobs another. Your not 30-40, a few years you will be sixty. Those boobs will do you good, trying to get help after you are 65. Social Security, bet you haven't paid in... you may look great in your eyes, but oh how foolish you have become. You can WILL all you want, good luck with that!

Anonymous said...

You are so fake that is why you had to move to spain even your own family cant take you they really know the real mariana. You should be a shame and pay your friend back the friend that send you money from the states.

Anonymous said...

what country is next after you burn all the bridges in Spain?

Anonymous said...

Are you shocked that people finally see you for the fraud you truly are? As I said before, it's karma dear, karma! At best your are a moral thief.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what everyone is bitching about. If you look at all women in general. Especially here in the good ole USA are nothing but a bunch of users and gold diggers. Be truthful. If your married do you actually think that she stays with you for love. If she does it is very rare. Which is why most men look for sex outside of marriage. If you ask me you should stay single and just pay for a prostitute. It's a lot cheaper. Women like Marianna is no different than the bitch that you are married to. Or the waitress that knows how to work her customers. Thats what they do best. Go to Costa Rica and the women will throw themself at you if they think you will be generous. Pay someones meal ticket and you get something. Unless you get married to it. Then after time she wants more and more and it dosen't matter what you do for them. They don't appreciate a damn thing. This is why Marianna is where she is today. Give it time. She will be back in the USA Pushing a grocery cart and living on the streets with all the other homeless bitches. So Why don't you Just cut Her A Break. She is digging her own hole deeper and deeper. This is what happens when vanity takes over your life.

Anonymous said...

You go on and on about the "Secret," well, all I can say it is obvious your secret is out!

Anonymous said...

As a woman, I can honestly say that is not what we are all about. Women tend to be the ones who are there when you most need them, and men are just as using as we are. However, there are a lot of good ones out there - men and women - but bitterness like your comments, and the proof in the types you are describing, like Marianna, make everyone untrusting and that much harder to find a person who is real in your life. Marrianna is obviously some sort of prostitute, but that doesn't mean all woman are.

Anonymous said...



I have to admit at first, I thought, WHAT THE HECK? cuz I too remember her being outa food and such...

But you gotta remember, she has been robbed x2, flooded x2, taken advantage by others etc. and thats after recovering from a broken foot...

She is a kind hearted, hard working woman who just happens to have a little low self esteme from time to time..

And sometimes when things are going bad, you cry a little and get depressed... So does that mean you are never allowed to do something that lifts your spirits.

I personally cant picture myself ever getting breast implants, but thats just me..But there are a bizzillion women who do have them or want them...Is it right?,probably not,but who really knows?..It really is kinda of a shame that our society makes some people do drastic things to feel better about themselves..

She did not lie, con or steal to get these.Nor did she have a man pay for them... She used her own money from the sale of her furniture.

She has recently changed her depressed outlook to a much more positive outlook..She has plans to work again.

I think maybe the way she writes things down is why some people are in an uproar. Even though she is a very open woman, I do not think she always expresses things in the right manner..And some things as we can see, should be not even be shared..

I realize everyone is free to express your opinion...But please, give me a break..Has no one here ever been a little down on your finances and as soon as you recoup, you buy or do something a little frivilous..Never ever once..If you havent then you all must be PERFECT!

And believe me, I am not promoting breast implants at all..Like I said thats not my thing, but surely I can understand that we all have different needs and wants...

I still wish the best for Marianna.She is a good person who is only trying to fullfill some long awaited dreams..She is in a mid-life transition and still learning and growing..

May your dreams be good and God Bless you in your new adventure.

Anonymous said...

Marainna is a liar and probably posted that comment herself! You see actions speak louder than words and her actions are YELLING right now.

Anonymous said...

No I am not Marianna, and I do apologize for yelling..I am just little ol' me sitting in little ol' town, U.S. of A.

I have read her blog for years.
I sometimes wonder to myself "why does she complain all the time and yet spend her money the way she does?"
But, its her money and she can do as she pleases as long as she is not commiting a crime or harming any one ...

I completly admire her for the "Adventurer side of her".
There is no way I could ever move away to another country by myself.

I dont really think she is asking anyone to send her their money. She just tells things as they are.
I believe its just part of the Italian culture. .. Believe me, I know plenty of Italians in my neck of the woods and there are a few that are known to be wealthy and yet "They cry, I ain't got no money, poor me " all the time.

The Italians around here think if you dont make $100,000 a year, you are in the poor house..

Anyways, these are just my observations...You all can see it how you want...I see a really nice Lady who struggles with some issues, trying to make herself better. And I truley Wish the Best for her...

Anonymous said...

You are obviously a kind person, just be careful, that is the sort of person Marianna, the professional victim, uses. Come to think of it, her friends in Costa Rica even saw through it! They effectively cancelled her party! Bridges burned in the US, not Central America, Eurpoe here she comes!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with the recent flood of responses. you really pissed off somebody out there. But new boobs on an old lady?!?! Work em... what the hell. If I was a woman, i'd be a nasty bitch with big tittys and tons of make up. I'd be stealing men's money, breaking their hearts, and dropping them as easily as hitting a delete key on on one of these crap slinging blog readers. LOL Shrug it off Mariana, you can't please everybody all the time! My heart still breaks for you. Your life is a comedy, tragendy, a farce, a series of rare and fleeting triumphs, a waa waa and a delicious mango. I can't imagine facing life ahead as you must. Your time is running out, the clock is ticking. At least there will be two magnificent chichis left standing guard when the rest of the body heads south. Work thost hooters quickly, get a return on your investment, marry somebody mija! They left the mole que no??!?! I liked it. Now she has some new amigas! You can always join the convent and be Sister Mary Chichi! Don't be discouraged. Oh, and don't stay in one place too long, people will figure you out. Just like all those guys in CR you "entertained" only to disappear as fast as they appeared. Thank goodness you survived. If people don't like what you write, they don't have to read on.

Anonymous said...

Get real! Mariana is not on an adventure!! She's fleeing in desperation! Running away from the crap she gets herself into! That's no adventure. IT is just a change of scenery. She's running from a cocodrillo (crocodile) she has on a leash! LOL. Rosie was wise to cancel the party as she would have had to pay for it. But that's the Mariana way. Pura Vida!

Anonymous said...

oh well, sounds like some of you know her first hand, I can not take claim to that, I just know what I read and feel as an "older mature" woman. And sometimes I read some strange ways of the way she does things.But like I said, I just believe its part of her Italian culture.

I am not around her true daily life to see what she actually says and does.I can only go by what she writes. And while I dont think she is a liar I quess I have to realize there is always 2 sides to a story..

1 of you here does sound like a disgruntled past lover though..Geez, cant you just get over it and move on and wish her the best..

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm not sure how to react to all that has been written. It is heart wrenching to be sure that some one who has always had a job and earned her own way had to turn to prostitution in a third world country because they could not make it there with legitimate work. I know for a fact she was not a "working girl" for any of her years in America but a brilliant designer. It makes me sick that it became necessary. I don't know Rosie but it looks like maybe she knew the real Marianna, one who is a mixture of good and bad like the rest of us. She likely had her hand out too much in Costa Rica and people became sick of it - thus the party demise. We can only speculate and so unless someone with the balls to say what actually happened will comment we really can not condemn someones actions or for that matter their words. We should never ever condemn the person. In reality who is Marianna hurting? No one except those who maybe sent some money to help a "friend" out when it may have been better spent. They will continue to help or not - has anyone ever helped anyone out that perhaps did not have the purest intentions - most likely - and that is what life is about. Choices. If a man asks for a shirt - give him the coat from your back. I don't care if Marianna is a prostitute or not - really - I find the entire situation quite sad actually. Venom and spit are not the answer here. I think that sometimes as the other person said she tells too much and says too much and in reading previous blogs she did say some pretty awful things about Rosie and many others who may or may not read this blog.
The ego is vengeful which is why we need to loose them at all costs - no one should be valued the way in which we look - the ego wants that to happen. I am very sad for Marianna right now even though her blog is upbeat and seemingly happy. It is so obvious she still values herself only as men see her and this is whether she is a prostitute now or not. It is tragic. I think humor is the best way to try and treat this. The buyer can beware.

Anonymous said...

ummm, did I miss something here? When did Marianna become a PROSTITUTE? Does someone here know more than whats being said? Please explain?

Anonymous said...

She is gone what happens with all the people she owes money to during the time she had a so call business ask her if she paid her appartment, phone , electricity,and small business that during that time she needed help they were there for her Dont let her full you that is why she is gone

Anonymous said...

you know, I think when you play with peoples good intension and cry for money you are hurting others. going on and on about poor pathetic her and then every time she gets a little money she spends it on vanity. I for one thinks your reap what you sew. Heck, she even goes on about how her own kids will barely speak to her! Get a clue and look at the evidence. She is a user and extremely self centered. Also, I for one almost wanted to date her and quickly discovered she was just trying to use me for money.

Anonymous said...

To, the comment above a couple: obviously, when you read between the lines and then read someone who obviously knows her in Costa Rica that says,"They left the mole que no??!?! I liked it. Now she has some new amigas! You can always join the convent and be Sister Mary Chichi! Don't be discouraged. Oh, and don't stay in one place too long, people will figure you out. Just like all those guys in CR you "entertained" only to disappear as fast as they appeared. Thank goodness you survived." I guess that would say she was getting paid by someone who knows she has a mole and then I read the comment above and say - well - she wasn't very good if you could see she wanted money now was she? So, it is not as if she was hiding what she wants. - and if anyone read her blog it would be very very obvious. Yes, dancing all night and taking trips and staying at guy's hotels and apartments - don't be naive - of course she was getting paid - one way or another. And guess what, the guys are the Buyer Be Ware. Of course from time to time she portended to be coy and pretend she was very virtuous - tisk tisk.

Anonymous said...

well, I quess I am lost...its been a long while since I have been in the dating scene or been independant for that matter...Thank You Lord!..I have been married for 35 years and it has had it share of ups and downs..But all in all I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world..Its taken me awhile to discover, that I am Truley Blessed...And little by little I am learning to change some things that are making us as a couple even better and so is my hubby, but it does take work even after all these years.

Anyways, this blog belongs to Marianna, and I hope she comes back..I still believe there is more good in her than what she projects..