Saturday, April 05, 2008


I have friends of many types, not just gay, lesbian? and Prostitutes. I happen to find good in all sorts of people. I have old friends, older in age, young young friends, male friends, female friends. I just so happen to find some people colorfull. I am not bias, color is also not a problem.
All these people, have shown me many things in the world that most of you have never experienced because of your narrow minds.

Sending me money? I work for my money, and if someone wants to send a gift then that is great. I don't recieve many gifts, I ask Tina to pay her back and she refuse. Like she said she has known me for years!!!
The Gay men I met from Italy were wandering around this court yard I was sitting at a table for four there were no more tables, I invited them to sit with me and told them I would not bother them. I was being kind, funny how people love to turn everything in a drama!! when all it was was a nice meeting, them being happy I offered a table and they rewarded me with one glass of wine. We ended up walking and shopping, they invited me to see one show, but I laid down to sleep and never got up till the next day.

Now Yesterday, I went to very cool little sidewalk cafe, But first interneted at the hostal I stayed at the day before. Because I needed to buy a ticket and I did not have internet at the place I am staying now which is called Hostal Camino on one of the main roads in Chueca, a barrio inMadrid. I walked some five blocks to ask if I may. First let me go back, I am so time lost that I woke up again yesterday at 1:30 feeling so out of sorts and not well. So by the time I dressed and walked to this place it was about 3:00. I sat down to eat, but the restuarant had closed only bar food. It was some potato thing they call Spanish toritilla... but it doesn't resemble a tortilla at all its like scalloped potatoes baked in a form.
So I had a double coffe, that and they always I notice give you the best bread. I was carefull only at half and a couple of bits of bread. This s suuch different food than I am ajdusted too.
When I sat down I sat with a young lady, Spanish gal about 23 we talked and laughed and then her boyfriend came, after about 20 minutes they left. A nice man chinese, next to me from Holland sat down with his lap top and we began to talk also. He was talking quite alot untill this blonde handsome man walked up and asked if he could sit at my table. I said sure, it was hot and sunny and I was enjoying sitting in the warm sun. Drinking a double coffee and nibbling on my tortilla?? it just doesnt look like one to me! so all of sudden he spoke, English. Wow he had a british accent. We ended up talking and laughing and spent the whole afternoon together. He walked with me to shop for an adapter for the plug on the computer I told him I have been in this mode where I believe I am going to find something or do something and it happens FAST! he was laughing in disbelief! well we walked out to one street, I saw a key shop stopped asked where I could buy this adapter they pointed across the street . We trotted across and got it that fast! he was looking at me like hmmmm?? how did you do that so fast. Living in Costa Rica was huge help doing anything was a major chore so this was simple. Here it is more sohpisticated, and of course more up to date with everything. Then we walked to get Shampoo, I needed some I bought it and he bought a beer, for him and for me a water. We walked back to the center square and sat in the sun for hours. Right now the sun goes down around 8:30 its still day lite at 9:00 so we said our good byes, gave a hug and he invited me to do something today. I would love to see some sites, so after finding a cell phone which is our goal. We are going to eat and then see some sights.
It was quite an amazing day just taking my time and visiting, laughing and talking. He tried selling me on staying in Madrid , and not to go to Ibiza, encouraged me to stay. Said there are great opportunities here. But he may be a good contact he is an engineer. I can call him or find other contact's through him and I am sure return to visit or visa versa. I want to go a beach area, where it is warm. Besides I read that events and my work is very impressive in the cities I have researched to look at. And I have a job opportunity in Ibiza and Sevilla. So I want to check it out. One is with a design company for Interiors, the other is with events. I have three contacts there.
I want to go to Sicily in Aug so these places are closet to Sicily making the tickets easier and less money.

So going to get dressed, go eat and then meet him at 11:30 am.
The weather right now is so nice very warm in the day very cool at night. Last night I watched the people from the balcony. Lots of different types, partying and singing, making lots of noise. I took a long bath, washed my hair finally from four or five days of not having shampoo. Sat in a tub which is something I haven't done in years.. and enjoyed the bath! then I jumped into bed and fell asleep.
Last night was the first night of really good rest. I didn't hear much street noise and the bed on the other side was better. not so beat up!
I have sensory overload, there are so many stores, shops, sites buildings fountains, people, cars that are just beautiful! I really am enjoying this. I can not wait to post photos if I can figure out this Camera that Roberto bought to replace my Cannon.
They have these food bars, I don't exactly know what they are called, but today I will photograph one. It is various things, huge ham legs like procuito, and marinated veggies. Potatos, well lots of things I have never seen, in the form they eat them in.

I really haven't eaten much since I have been here. So lets see what today brings!


Anonymous said...

so the same person who apparently gave you "the Secret" is the one who sent you money? talk about self fulfilling prophesy! what an ingenious way to work someone! and she send you money and you turn around and get a boob job!! wow - what are friends for.

Anonymous said...

Hey blonde English men be carefull you are the NEXT VICTIM.

Anonymous said...

oh boy - here we go again. "I haven't eaten much, poor me" Maybe the nice Englishman will buy you something - I am sure that is what you are after.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh mariana are you a little upset

Anonymous said...

I think there is more than one person commenting on here, because I know I have, and I've only written once. It is obvious to many what is going on. Maybe, if that was Marrinia write the rant the Secret really isn't taking.

Anonymous said...

Geez, somebody here really does not like Marianna...Why would you continue to come here and read and say vile things...what could she have possible done to you to make you soooo bitter..Probably nothing! or maybe she just decided not to date you! who knows what could be the problem...maybe you dont even know her...then for sure why would you say such mean things
Do you relish in peoples misfortunes and then curse them when they try and rise up from downfalls? I just don't get it...

Some people will say "she brought this on herself" ... I dont get this either, do you think she asked to be robbed? Did she ask to have the accident that caused her broken leg? I doubt it very much...Do people not realize the impact that these situations could have on your well being...Geez...she has been through more than this, but these are the few examples I can remember at this time.

It may take time to get through all the bad times, but quess what? SHE DOES and she does it well... lots of people would just give up by now and subbcumb to it all..But not Marianna, she is a surviver and a good one at that...She gets up from her downfalls and trys something new...Thats more than most of us can say..

So CHEERS Marianna, on to the new and out with the old!


Anonymous said...

Good lord that was stupid. Probably written by someone as miserable as her yet thinks her model is one to follow. Idiotic.

Anonymous said...

We Only Read To Be Intertained. It is like a circus side show. Now we are just waiting for her next melodrama to come into her life. Maybe next time she wont be so lucky. She likes to play men. She just hasn't met the right man who know's how to treat a woman of the night. One day she is going to befriend the wrong person and it is going to be more spectacular than anything that she has ever experienced and I just want to be here to read all about it.... It's kind of like watching the News on TV. What draws peoples attention. Bad Things and Negetiave things. Good things are not news worthy.
With all that silicone and that tanned skin and the tummy tuck and the nice teeth. She is trying to sell something.. Herself. To who? Good Question. She is just looking too good for her own good. I don't think she is a very good judge of character. Just look at her past. All of her problems have been from befriending the wrong people. In Europe they don't play like in CR. If she thinks that the men are Macho in CR just wait until she gets a good tast of the Spainards.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said what i wrote is stupid and said I was miserable..IS A VERY PHSYCIC dont know me and it doesnt sound like you know love for others..i feel sad for and others like you is what is wrong with the world today as we know it...but thank god we have choices and my choice is to pray for you and ask god to bless you, because something inside of you is angry, not unlike alot of people...but god has the answers and he loves each and everyone one us..Alls we have to do is reach out to him...

Anonymous said...

marianna has stated more than once that she has many friends , she likes all people ..not just "THE CREAM OF THE CROP". what you all see as a bad life, is a very fullfilling life to Marianna..she is not just picking out the "Best" and sticking with a solid conservative life..she is living life and experiencing more than most..all people have good and bad someone who has not..why do you all still wish bad happenings for her..its very strange that most people have lost encouragement for others..

I enjoy reading her blog also, but I like to hear about her travels...she also tells about her daily happenings, which sometimes take a turn for the worse...she tells all, the good , the bad and the does make it a very interesting read...but to wish the worst on her because she got some new boobies is just people anymore are so judgemental( and they think they are the right ones)

Anonymous said...

You know what. It's not about marannia. It's about women in general and the feminist movement. You want equality and to be treated like men but if you look at it most women are dependent on the man in some form or another. Have you ever heard of Power of the Pussy? She's the one in control of everything just because she thinks that her pussy is worthy of it. Throught history man has fallen just because of a crack between the leg and the laws in America take the side of the woman. They like to play like the poor abused innocent one. Prime example Heather Mills and Paul McCarthy. I don't buy it because all women are in control. Until they find themself in a situation where they have come up to someone who has already been fucked over by a woman and they want to take their revenge out on the next avialable victim. Like I said. At 60 trying to look like 40. Wishing she was 30.. She's on the prowl. and I wouldn't be supprised if one day she meets her match. Not everyone is nice. There's people out there who prey on people like her. Hopefully she will not meet her demise but trust me something is going to happen in this chapter. Only time will tell. So Far almost every man in CR even the 70 year olds wanted to tap that pussy and she probably let them she's just not telling. She's workin that pussy just like all the other gold diggers. If your a woman reading this your probably a gold digger too. You like to think your a selfmade person. You feminist crack me up. You go to college and take courses in women studys and learn how to become a stripper. That is the feminist movement in America. Yea Work that pussy. Get as much as you can because by fourty your all dried up and men want the young stuff. Unless you can afford to get ass implants or new boobs lift the chin and a new nose and a vigina plasty. to make it new again tummy tuck and new teeth. This way you can compete with all the Hoes. So what does that make you... A HO ? Oh poor marianna Leave her alone. Why do you read this blog if you hate her so much. Like I said. Most people watch the news to see all the negetiave crap that's going on in the world. This is no different. The secret is only a temporary fix. The Secret is just another form of New Age Religon. Visualization and Humanizm. Next to Christiany, and Muslims they are the next largest religon. If you believe in that crap you walk around thinking that you tip toe through the tulips. That what she's doing right now. Cant wait till the Next Encouter....

Anonymous said...

Ask Mariana who hangs around the Monkey Bar and Beetles bar only prostitutes hang out there you dont see a real good Lady in places like that but not Mariana she was there every night why? if she is such a good Lady

Anonymous said...

She likes to shake that thang. Move that booty. It's all a process of the mateing ritual of the Whanbat booty callers. But it's good excersise. Not sure why My best friend Rosie dropped me like a hot patato. Because I love to be around prostitutes like Rachel and I felt sorry for her. Get Real. You think If I associate with the prostitutes and dance with the prostitutes then maybe just maybe I am?

Anonymous said...

How do you think Rosie got the money to start her Restaurant.. They all Connect...

Anonymous said...

The only thing that impresses Marannia is Things. It takes money for things and what better way to get things is to work hard and find opportunities at every junction. Problem is people see her for what she is. Dosen't take long and they hit and run. Just look at all her past friends. She might have a few that still send her money but in general most have dissassociated themself from her. Why? She is a profiteering Bimbo. Look back at the shit she was selling. That hidious picture With the logo A/B in the center. Who in their right mind would buy that crap. That is a advertisment for her self induced make believe world. Probably couldn't even give it away. But who knows. If you can sell a pet rock I guess you can make money selling a turd. As long as you make it look like art. Marianna is the type of person who would set up a flower vending booth next to the person who gives them away for a donation. As long as she can see a profit in it that's where she will be. Let's see what else she can do to drum up some money. At the next bull run she will probably be trying to sell some goodies. when the only goodies she has in the space between her legs. I guess it can't be that good either because all it takes is one time and they go fleeing. Run forest run... Maybe its too deep and wide or maybe too smelly. Oh well.. theere's plastic surgeons that can help her in that department too. That will probably be next. Could it be she will be writing about that next.... ?

Anonymous said...

Time will tell what's going to happen. She complained that she didnt have money in costa rica a third world country where people live on 200 a month. Now she's in Europe where eveerything cost much more. This is not a third world country. Value of the dollar there is worth 2x what the US is. This will be like Pee Wee Hermans Big Adventure.

Anonymous said...

you are one twisted person, it really sounds as if you were turned down by Marianna and now you spout all this venom...move on guy... the way you classify women is YOUR PROBLEM...maybe that could be the reason you got turned down?

if you were ever used by a women, then once again, that is YOUR PROBLEM..

and maybe, just maybe, YOUR PROBLEM is not really a problem at all..Its just the way YOU PERCIVE things...

Anonymous said...

looks like there is a complete woman hater on board...

i am a woman and not into the femenist movement whats so ever..i believe in marraige and long term commitment. my hubby is the major bread winner and i have helped out from time to time when needed.. but for the biggest part of our marraige i stayed home and took care of the hubby, children and house..i kinda believe the world fell apart when woman started to leave the homes for careers..but hey, thats just me...and after hearing some stories of how men up and leave a woman with 5 kids to support or men who think it is their right to use their woman for a punching bag, i can understand why woman decided it was time to take control..

so before you start spouting off on the "women are all sluts theory", why dont stop and think about all the "men who dont know how to be responsible and grow up theory"

and one last thing "THIS IS ABOUT MARIANNA" its her blog and her life, is it not?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a woman hater, and I am not the same person who wrote the anti-feminist rant, but it is obvious to me Marianna is a working girl. Being such, maybe her boob job was an investment. To bad you can't write plastic surgery off on taxes. Anyhow, buyer beware with this one. She comes with a lot of baggage. btw - I new her in Vancouver and this is the same old crap, different country. Not some *Under the Tuscan Sun* moment. Marrianna, you should put pictures up so we can see what "the Secret" has done for your body!

Anonymous said...

Trouble with Marannia is that she uses her body for monetary gain. Just because I slept with her in CR she thought that right away I was going to be her only mark X. Needless to say 99 % of the women in CR are young, pretty and ready to hop in the sack. It must be something in the water that they drink. either that or they are all like marannia. They act like they are intrested in you and then come to find out they want you to buy them something like Toilet papper or toothpaste. Tell me that's not desperate. That was the cheapest lay ever...

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! That is terrible! I am sorry you had to go through that.

Anonymous said... kissed and told...and broadcasted for the whole world to see...tisk tisk

Anonymous said...

I hope you get checked for VD. There has been a lot of traffic down there!

Anonymous said...


It does not pay for you to be honest on this blog. There are a lot of unhappy, angry people who are now using you as a punching bag. If they felt you were all the things they are saying then what in the world were they doing there - with you?

Be careful. There seems to be a lot of people that are interested in you being miserable. I don't see anywhere that you "hurt" them - I just see them as hurt, frustrated and fearful of something else in their lives that is manifesting itself - being directed at you.

The American way is materialism at it's best - and superficial - and vain. To try and escape that is admirable. People seem to be upset at the way you choose to survive because you've written of your strife. They would die in someplace like Europe where sex is way more in your face, live sex acts in Holland, bare breasted woman on the covers at the check out stands and all. This is an uptight culture who doesn't want to be perceived that way. I'm just saying that I don't think you've hurt anyone - and to think that th e IRS is after you is so absurd because they have much much larger fish to fry then a single woman who did not make hardly any money in the last couple of years in the US. That is just a silly comment, one that is coming from someone without a lot of financial background of how things really work here in the US.
Marianna, keep the faith, keep being positive - it does work - look you are where you want to be and not obligated to anything or anyone - you are free. Good Luck with your job search.

Anonymous said...

Oh good lord, I've been to Europe plenty of times and plenty of countries. It isn't quite what you describe. Also, I don't think most people reading this care about her prostitution, rather, how she uses people. Regardless of the country or culture taking advantage of others good will is simply wrong. By the way, there are PLENTY of examples of her using and lying just in this blog alone! Just go back and read. Also, if you go back and read the comments it seems like most of those commenting are people who KNOW her. They seem to be from all aspects of her life and the one thing I can tell is they are all disgusted and burned. The ones who are lonely are those who are writing like you do - living through the tangled scene of lies she weaves. The rest of us just want to call a spade a spade and protect people from being hurt anymore.

Anonymous said...

My you sound so virtuous. You sound very perfect - HA - those that throw stones are indeed in glass houses. Since you know Marianna and obviously do not like her, and are simply "warning people" Please! "Burned!" I think you don't know what that word means. Now that you've said your peace I expect you'll have no need to read this blog any more. We've all been warned! I wish you peace and blessings in your life. Hopefully in the future you will be less angry - since Marianna is no longer in your life unless you invite the relationship. And since she is your source of anx you'll only be happy hence forth and can let the anger go. Peace be with you.

Anonymous said...


I just stumbled across a new blog called It is interesting and I think you would enjoy it.

Check it out.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Marianna´s sons, who read this and have surely by now realized that their mother is not only a whacko, but has extremely loose morals as well.

Anonymous said...

You have to know that they have known this for a long time. Why do you think they want nothing to do with her. marannia has been on the prowl for many years and has been refining herself to become better at what she does best. Her kids know already. I doubt if they even read this. I know her sister reads it every so often and let me tell you she could write a book about Marianna and her escapades/

Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't hear from Her Sister. and What she thinks about the situation...

Marianna said...

Hey hey hey!! someone is writing as though they are me, wow I can't even read all this crap because that is exactly what this is is Crap... I will not try to defend other peoples dribble, my life is my life. Sorry you don't love it!! I happen to Love it right now. AND I AM GLAD I AM WHO I AM I don't tell lies, I put my thoughts on line as a daily Diary! Every night at the Monkeys NOT!! I love to dance I am a dancing machine. That is the only comment I am making in defense of me going out and doing what I want. I am my own keeper,I make no excuses for things that have happen. AND I THANK MY FRIENDS FOR HELP WHEN I WAS IN TRUE NEED. God knows how many people I have helped and will continue to help.

Paying back Tina was the first thing I said when I recieved the gift from her. It wasn't a ton of money it was enough for me to pay the lights and eat get by. I thank god things have turned about for me, I try my best to do right by all people. Using men is incorrect, its more like they use women. Its not in my nature to use people.Thank all you people who have the sense to know,That people have ups and downs.I am not afraid to share what happens in the daily life of a woman, and if you only knew the thing's we hear men say and say boldly to some of us.

So quit posing as if your me writing on here I haven't had time, I flew yesterday and spent the day enjoying and looking. Not waisting my time reading all the garbage that haters have put on this page, untill last night one friend called and talked about it, I didn't read it then until this morning, and then I couldn't read them all because it was crap. I won't allow all that negative in my life, I am trying seriously to be more positive strong, and live life.

Anonymous said...


Marianna said...

No I haven't had time... Learn to love not hate