Friday, April 04, 2008

Flying to Ibiza Sunday

1. Rosie didn't want people eating for free, she is money she has a boob job she was my inspiration for the $2800 dollar miracle that is a common thing for many women, only they lie about it.
2. Liar, why? I don't need to lie, I say what I feel at the moment. I am happy about my life at the present, no need to lie about things.
3 Running away? No sorry it is an adventure, believe the truth, no people would rather believe a lie.
4. Selling all my belongs brought a nice sum of money, I am not a person to ask for handouts, THANK GOD FOR TINA HER HELP and the book. This is what made me turn around and realize really who I am... I CAN DO ANYTHING and YES I AM A MASTER DESGINER, and have had many accomplishments in my life.
Money comes and goes, yes there a time here recently some four months or more agao when the car was stolen, the house robbed no work, the house flooded and more.. YES I HAD NOT A DIME TO MY NAME, it was tough... who in there right mind would be seriously thrilled? and happy with that? I made a decision to do something else. Change my course, sell what I had and see what else is new that would be interesting and possibly teach me more in life. CONDEM ME FOR THAT? Jealousy..... is what I think. I am not asking anyone to help me, when I write its what I am feeling. My friend Tina is an Angel and I never asked her for anything she felt it in her heart knowing me for years.
I am giver, I give to many people.. Not a gold digger, user, WOw you guys have called me just about everything in the book.. But I have to say I am not mad, sad or angry with any of these comments. I know what I am, I know what I want, I aim and I go.. I wanted a column I professed it and got it, I want a new CADDY CTS didn't have the money really professed it and got it. I wanted to write for an inspiration page I confessed it and got it. I was FAT FAT FAT I confessed one day I was thin thin thin, and I conquered and got it.. Please What I am doing is living a dream from the time was SUPER young. I will not allow any negative messages to kill what I am about to do. I WILL MAKE IT I WILL BE doing well as I am right now. I am not worring, I have changed my mind the same way I changed to body from fat to trim with self discipline, watched what I ate exercised and now a little tuck here and there. HALF MY FRIENDS HAVE HAD THIS LONG TIME AGO...
When I think about all the ticket money I spent to go to the USA to visit friends and my sons it came too:$10,000 in the time I was in Costa Rica. WHERE DID THAT MONEY COME FROM? HARD WORK... selling my belongings before. Don't get me wrong I love the country of Costa Rica it is beautiful I love the majority of the ticos and ticas. But the lack of work the robberys, the drug addicts and the fact that droves of Americans are Going to Jaco and buying all the land changing everything making super expensive made me think... I thought ok life is short, I want to enjoy what I have now, the future who knows.. tomorrow you could be hit by a car exactly like I WAS! I have had several bad brushes with death, once hepititus when I was young almost killed me, my father found me in the bathroom bleeding profusly, I had spinal menegetis, almost killing me, I had kidney falure problems once that set me back months in the hospital. I clipped by a car in Jaco breaking my leg seriously and had three surgeries on it. I watched my mother die of Cancer, My Father, My brother... LIFE IS SHORT!! I am going do what I can while I still can and do nothing but enjoy, learn new things and hopefully inspire other people in one way or another..

HEll I know people who spent a thousand dollars in dinner.. I never had said anything about what they do. ITS THERE MONEY. I was poverty, the thing is I experienced the REAL THING REAL POVERTY, no food barely able to pay for the power that was only 14 dollars, and having to learn how to recoup and survive. PUT ME DOWN FOR THAT? I don't blame anyone for things that have happen to me. I am not understanding more about life than ever, and I am greatfull for what happened as it changed me just like having a husband who beat me all the time, untill I made the decision to leave and raise the boys alone. THAT WAS BAD but I thank god for it because it made me who I am today. I STRONG, VIRTUOUS Woman who is independent, and has the courage to do something new. BEING BOLD AND USING MY BRAIN to get by... I happen to love my body, it just need some perking!!!

What you do with your life is your life, I am not hurting anyone, and not my self, SELF CENTERED. SORRY but loving yourself is the only way you can have someone else love you. Take care of you, then all the rest follows.

I don't have a husband, and frankly I don't want one. A good friend a partner yes.. I don't have a boy friend but it is never hard for me to have a man. NEVER! I have children and they have busy lives. I can not wait to see the rest of the world, HOW? I don't know how it is all going to happen, but I am going to be positive about what I want and know it will come. This a part of me that use to be very alive and productive in the USA, but the USA Killed it and in Costa Rica I forgot I could be like this. I will visit costa rica, and by the way everything IS PAID FOR!!! God people are something!!! I am laughing really because you have put me in this outfit of being this horrible person that is a prositute, robber, liar, and god knows what else! When all I am is a woman who has worked very hard for the majority of my life from the age of 14, teaching swimming lessons to on and on.I am a woman loves life, loves many things, from food to wine, to nature, history, architecture, the arts, culture, all the girl things, and interested in physics oh hell many things ok? and is trying to enjoy adventure of a life time.

So what I am saying is take those comments and sit on them, there not going to affect me in the least, I will survive I HAVE FOR YEARS supported two children, ran a business, bought a home on my own, cars and more... So if you build a castle once, that means you still have the plan and can build a castle again.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ma

Anonymous said...

Hi Marianna,

It's me Tina. You need to sell advertising on your blog. It is quite remarkable the comments and all. From someone who has known you for year's - I like you are laughing my pants off - well not literally - like you've been known to do - I guess! Good GOD - get a day job! Anyway, keep on writing, obviously, people are enjoying it and there are some crack up comments as well. Right now pretend you and I are having a drink - and I am rolling my eyes and saying, "OH Brother."

Anonymous said...

Take a grammar & spelling class!

Anonymous said...

Marianna, I am glad you spoke up..What an excellent reponse to the BOZOS! Keep up the good work of living your dream and realizing your blessings.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Brother!" I guess I should. I'll do that once I have something really important to say.

Have an excellent day and don't eat too much candy.

Anonymous said...

what is ibiza? is it a town or island...what is there.. tell us more, it sounds exciting

Anonymous said...

Marianna, some of us enjoy reading about your travels, please tell us more.. I have traveled a little in my life and to plan to travel more after my hubby retires, but for now it is nice to follow others travels and dream about "our day" when we can..thanks for sharing with us who are waiting...

Anonymous said...

you PLOW right thru those negative naysayer comments, Marianna... I believe you could be correct in some of them just being jealous..I see nothing in your blog where you have done anything wrong to others...sometimes people perceive they have been wronged and that is because they have their own special set of standards.To each his own.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"A man is known by the company he keeps." I believe that last writer is write, as is the last entry the person who mentioned look at the evidance; However, some of the most virtuious people, and most charitable are gays and lesbians...Marianna just happens to hang out with bad gays, bad people, and unfortunately has a few lonely people sending her money. Tina, all of you, please stop sending her money. All you are doing is feeding the person who thinks the works owes her something just because she thinks every setback means she is a deserving victim. It is sad, very sad, and honestly she must surround herself 2with people who are basically the same. The want to work the world with no idea the responsibilities we have for one another. Just reading her response to the comments made, twice, it is obvious she is completely self centered and didn't answer any of the concerns from the last posting. It was more of a "because I said so" situtation and that doesn't fly. No One Please Send Her Any More Money!! The only way you should is so she can come home and perhaps heal the relationship she has damaged.

By the way, I have met her gay friend Clint. He is a terrible person and just as manipulative as her. Please don't use him as your standard, all he is after is what she has taught him. She was the one who taught him to be manipulative and selfish, not the other way around.

It is heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

well, I would want to hang around the "Other People" too, because the alternative is the "Perfect People". Which are all FAKE, cuz NO ONE is perfect, they just dont tell or talk about their bad features or they trully believe they are "PERFECT"...

Anonymous said...

hola Marianna, Steve in Florida here. Really glad you've struck a new course in Spain and who knows where else. It was time for you to leave CR, which deserves better than it is getting but which has so many problems, and as you rightly say, life is short. So now I think you're going to refresh the source of your wellspring, something which you've earned. Live and let live yes? While some are quoting aphorisms to injure, let me add a more human one I have always taken to heart, "judge not, lest you be judged." Gracias por su amistad a todos, y vaya bien. Tienes razon hermana; no permita que nadie tomen su luz.

Anonymous said...

Steve in Florida invite her to Florida and you are going to find out the real Mariana, Make sure your wallet is full I forgot she cant go since uncle sam is probably looking for her

Anonymous said...

anonymous ho can't let up can they? what a bunch of negative make themselves feel better about their sad anonymous selves - FREAKING LOSER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Right on Marianna With that last comment from Tina. I'm sure finding some way to make money from advertising here on your blog is something right up your alley.

Anonymous said...

what is ibiza? is it a town or island...what is there.. tell us more, it sounds exciting
It is a Bar where all the Gay's and Prostitutes hang out and dance with one another.. Where the Gays Pack the fudge and the Hoes do each other.

Marianna said...

Try studing geography hoe...