Friday, January 11, 2008

A very good day yesterday

I believe in Miracles, some people don't but at this moment it is the one thing I have to hang on too. Miracles happen often, little ones and bigs ones. I need a huge one right now and its highly possible that is can happen.

Yesterday was a very nice day, nothing outrageous happened but it just was conciderably nice. It began early, but exiting my house late. Seems like I have issues getting out of the house before ten everyday lately.
I went to the little soda, had my one egg and toast. Walked into town and dropped a huge bag of laundry. I then went to the pharmacy to find out how much my phone bills where and to pay on the internet bill. The cell phone was not much I was able to pay for that and the internet and for some reason it was less this month? only $16.00 dollars.

From there I walked to the Amapola where I worked for four or more hours transcribing for a lead book there making. I got paid $20.00 dollars and that helped in the paying of the cell phone. Seems so ridiculous the amount of money, but as I said earlier in yesterdays blog, that it is better to be doing something than worring.

It was quiet sitting out near the gardens, hearing all the macaws screaming and flying right over head. It was really hot but the breeze blows through that area, it was pleasant. The only uncomfortable thing was, that my feet had new blisters.

It doesn't matter what type of shoes I wear. It could be a simple thong, they still blister. These had big straps across the feet, the heat, walking friction causes big blisters. I rested my weary feet by removing my shoes and relaxing. No one cares here about not having shoes.

Well after several hours of that, I walked back to town, went to the office to check mail but the batteries on the wireless remote were dead so that didn't work.. I feel so ghetto I can not believe I have no money for batteries!!!

But it was a very nice day concidering. I visited with Rosie, then left around 6:30 as I was walking home, I saw this Chiropractor that works in town. We said hello, then he asked me where I was going? I said to my home. He said would you like to have a drink with me? I said sure but in my mind was thinking I would rather have food... We walked and talked and went to this little place right on the beach.
Being the professional he is he noticed I was walking oddly, I explained I have been walking alot and that my feet were very sore, and blistered.
When we sat down, of course the conversation was about his type of work. I told him I always have pain in my traps, and that it radiates to the spine constantly. That recently my spine hurts.

He didn't know a thing about the leg that was broken, and told me that generally when you have pain in the upper area it is from a injury to the foot or leg. In thinking this poor foot was injured three times.

The first was when I was very young, My sister Frances, had me on the back of a bike, When I caught my foot in the spokes and it tore all the flesh off the heel.
My mother did not believe much in doctors, so she simply wrapped it with a torn sheet, and let it heal naturally. It was never the same. you to this day can see the huge scars on my heal.
Then once I was wheeling my other Sister Rebecca, in her wheelchair down a broken sidewalk at night. When I turned my foot and broke the foot. I continued to wheel her about a block or more to the car, helped her in and then drove myself to the hospital to find out it was broken. The last injury was when I was hit by a car here on my bycicle and the injury was so extensive that I had to have a couple of operations.

Even though I still dance and do the things normal people do, with pain but I continue. With out all that he knew immediately that I had something wrong with one of my legs. He talked for a long time untill I showed him the leg, he pressed on pressure points and I went about through the roof. The stress in my shoulders is incredible the pain is extensive .

Ok ok so any way!! He offered to buy me dinner, so we talked ate and had a very nice time. He wanted to continue of course for the rest of the night. But I declined and walked home.
Earlier in the day going back to the pain in the back... Fred the man who runs the Vacation resort at the Amapola had given me a ticket for a free massage. So today now knowing about the body more. I will make and appoitment with the massage therapist and explain the points to massage to releave the pain I am having. So YES YESTERDAY WAS A NICE DAY.
I made money for some simple work, paid my cell, had a nice dinner and found out about my body. Got a free massage that I plan on using before the weekend!

I talked to the attorney friend of Angelys, again and he is seriously trying to get the car resolved. I PRAY THIS HAPPENS FAST! IT HAS BEEN A MONTH NOW.

Also I had an interest off my website on some property. Lets hope this is a serious interest.
The property is beautiful, huge. Next to a new national park. In five years will be worth much more than you can imagine.

I manage to talk to the owner of the three condos, so today I should go and take a look and get my ideas formulated for that project as well.

I am trying to get any source of work, I am open to any offers.

So I hope this weekend goes well, and that some how I come up with the rest of the money for my apt.


Anonymous said...

Still sounds like a pathatic plea to the world to let everyone know that no matter how bad things are you will keep hoping for that miracle. Your faith is strong and no matter what, you will surive. I can't believe that you did not get a free back adjustment. Oh well maybe next time.....

Marianna said...

You couldn't be more corrext! IT IS PATHETIC, and what is wrong with letting people know that it is possible to still have faith and to still believe that something good can and does happen? IT IS THE FOUNDATION OF MY SPIRIT I have to Beleive positively. BESIDES this is my blog and its my thoughts and my feelings. If you feel its a plea it must have touched you in some way. Other wise your heartless and mean. Have you ever had to survive stickly on your own? Walk in my blisters sister! then talk to me about pathetic!!

Anonymous said...

whoever left anonymous comment one is a "PATHATIC" FUCKING COWARD!!!!! FUCK YOU AND YOUR RIGHTEOUS IGNUNT SELF CUNT!!!!!

Marianna said...