Thursday, January 17, 2008

The past few days

The past few days I have not been home much. The landlord left for a few days giving me total peace, with out the screaming child, and the wife he returned very peacefull and nice. He repaired my camera but it is still in the shop and should be back soon. So that is a relief. It started out I was working some 5 hours at Amapola for this tour, transcribing. I met these people in the lobby and began talking to them. They asked me all sorts of questions and were thrilled that I spoke English.

From that point on until today I was accompaning them around town, a sort of personal guide you might say. We walked rode taxis, ate, went to the beach, and yesterday we went to the Canopy Tour. It was waterfall tour canopy tour. Where you wear cables, a sort of climbing gear with pulley's and come alongs. A hard hat and double straps that are then hooked to cables strung some hundred feet in the jungle canopy. This is common here. My friend Tina and Chris some years ago experienced it and they showed me the photos...

I got an opportunity this week to do just that, I had seen, heard, and know much about this tour but never personally did it. Yesterday I took the jump with these tourists and I experienced something that was not only great for the eye, the spirit and the soul but a rush for the blood stream and the heart!

It was the Waterfall Canopy tour. It is just north of Jaco about some 3 kilometers off Costa Neara, From the Costa Neara 2 more kilometers inside. It is nestled back against the mountain with a private entrance to the Tour.

This Canopy tour was originated by a biologist woman from Canada some 8 years ago. It was her property then, she decided it would be a great eco tour, and that it is.. Yes there are others but this one is very good. Now It is under a new owner who is from the USA, and I was told there will be some changes, but frankly it was a very fun and good tour.

The cable lines were all hand strung into the tree’s. Each one at different levels. Using climbing harnesses, and come alongs, they installed all the platforms and lines one by one.

I am sure that was a tedious job, trying to find the perfect tree and the perfect tension on the all the cables. The platforms are also made out of a wood that is nearly indestructible. It is called Nistero. I was told that the insects, and termites do not like it so it is not hampered by there destruction. It is great for using in posts or in this case the platforms that surrounds the trees They were also incased with a mesh wire, like pig wire. Small grids so that nothing can penetrate it, and it also act’s as a reinforcement.

This tour was man made, but allows you to view the rain forest canopy at a level that most people have never seen. The entrance has many trees and plants that were brought in to produce for the people who once lived there. The history told by the guide itself is very interesting. Our Guide yesterday was A young tico named Eric, very cheerful and informed.

His pleasant way of telling the story of the tour was enjoyed by the 7 of us who went on this morning excursion. He and other guides strapped us into our climbing gear, mind you I am not a climber, so I was intrigued by all the pulley’s and straps and safety devices.

He walked us through the entrance, near a rippling stream. Up a small grade into the jungle we went. It was crossing over this same stream several times over crude wood bridges covered with wire. The farther we entered the cooler and more humid it became because of the vegetation, and the water that surrounds this tour.

It was interesting to hear him explain the plant life that is in existence in the entrance of the tour, me being a landscape designer as well have read and used many of the plants that are naturally growing here introduced by nature or introduced by people who were visitors to the country.

The use of plants for medicinal reason, for health, and just for pleasure was shared with us by Eric. The others were really impressed with the information that was given, some of it or I should say most of it I was already aware of. Being that I love nature, plant life. The one thing that interest me is the bio culture here in Costa Rica. This was one of the main reason’s, for my decision to live here. So this was a affirmation of my life in Costa Rica. The fact that he knew, and was sharing with these foreigners, was an inspiration to me.
Now were walking more upward, to scaled steps its not difficult or steep in this part and you can use normal sandals or thongs. I had thongs on and I was completely fine with the hike. It is a clean path, kept by workers so there is nothing to harm your legs or feet. Tennis or Sandals work for this hike perfectly. It was warm so wearing shorts I recommended. All along the path you see and hear the stream.

We saw some small birds and a great variety of plant life. There were many types of ferns, flowers, trees, and parasite plants. Soon we came to a huge set of very vertical stairs cut into the ground and banked with wood called Nistero. To our left was a tree house with two rooms. You have to see it! It’s very cool!

This flight of stairs is a test of your shape, if your in good shape you still have a heart rate, and if your not you may want to take a rest at the landings that are provided in two areas. I rested once, to take a look around and breathe deep.
At the top is a great view, there is decking with a view point looking at the huge waterfall on the back side of the deck. Here they give you very fast, brief instructions on how to do the zip line. I was listening but I was nervous and really didn’t catch all of it. I remember about the brakes, but the rest shot in one ear and out the other.

Soon where walking up another steep grade of stairs. But this one turned went round a bend and ended at the very first zip line.

My eyes were big, I could hear my heart pounding, and for one minute though ok RUN FOR IT GO THE OTHER WAY BACK!!!!

I began thinking of a dear friend of mine who visited this some eight years ago and she explained to me then with photos how cool it really was. I thought about TINA, but was nervous. The other Tour guide tall thin dark haired English speaking, instructed everyone very quietly. I was beginning to tremble a little. Then it was my turn. He told me to hold on, put your legs in a sitting position, feet up and go. Never touch the cable on top in front of you only in the back! Well that was only part I remembered in earlier instructions.

He had me slide off this small tin slide, and I though oh no what If I let go??? But it went so fast and near the end I though oh that was fun?

Then a second and I relaxed completely breathed really deep and enjoyed the tree tops as I whizzed by.
Wow this was really exhilarating! What a rush! Now I knew I needed to look around and not worry about the line but to see this in a perspective as a real thrill, a treat and a way to see the treetops and wild life. I did just that and spotted for the crowd a couple of Toucans, which were in flight, a turkey vulture and some colorful little birds. My friend had his camera and took some incredible shots that I am sure will be a part of his history in visiting Costa Rica.

The canopy is beautiful, peaceful, Tranquillo!

We were nearing the end I thought, then we came to the tree house. This was just like Swiss Family Robinson, maybe smaller but similar. You enter the top platform and there she was… the biggest and longest stretch of line. I gulped and thought!! This one is going to be the best! IT WAS.. I screamed bloody murder all the way , but not a scared scream but a scream of thrill and excitement. But then something happened! I wasn’t heavy enough to carry me to the final end. It stopped. But I didn’t panic for some reason I remembered that they said to turn your self around and pull on the cable backwards towards the platform. I did it for a way but Eric, Jumped on with a rope and towed me the short four feet to the platform.

It was fun! I wanted to try my best to pull myself to the platform with out help. But it was nice that he jumped right there and helped! It wasn’t frightful at all it was a blast. When I got to the landing, three guys from Canada where there laughing and teasing saying wow your great! Then we had one more small one, and drop down that you must repel.

The guides made it so easy for everyone. At the end we had a little refreshment, some fruit and water and we all talked.

They photographed everyone on the Swiss line, so if you like you can have a photo of yourself flying through the air.

I didn't buy it but all the tourist's did, but this month it will be in Jaco guide so I will scan the copy of me waving hello on the cable some hundred or more feet up.

This was so cool I was so happy, then later that evening one of the tourists paid for me to get my hair done, and believe me it was so badly needed! We laughed because the idea of dieing your hair and cutting it blow drying at the cost of $22.00 was less than a quarter of what you would pay for one person. So paying for both of us was still a deal for her.

Yes its strange, but things are coming to me through believeing it will happen, not knowing how but I believe! Now the camera being fixed!! THe next thing is the car... I NEED A TRUCK I NEED TO SELL THE CAR, and tomorrow two people are suppose to be coming I believe its going to be good news!
Rosie and I enjoyed this group, they loved the food there and ate there three times treating me too!

Later we all went and salsa danced... so its been a nice week so far. Only bad thing was the owner of Century 21 forgot to pay the power bill so I have not been able to go there get anu documents, for business. Because Los Suenos called and wants to begin on the remodle, but I need a contract and car to begin the job.

Tonight should be fun we might go see the bull fights!

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