Monday, January 14, 2008

Sunday beach

First having a biscuit at KFC, with a sandia and walking to the beach. The beach was crowded, lots of people enjoying the sun and surf. The water is perect warm yet refreshing. I stayed for two hours, laid slept a little, and contemplated on a stradegy for coming up with money this week. I do have proposal's for jobs. But those take time and collecting or getting deposits could be days if not weeks.
I need money now! The baking for Rosie is not... which in my oppinion is really good. I love baking My products are good. But I can not produce them cheap enough for her, and They are not familiar with them. So the girls don't really know how to promote. I told her have them eat them, explain what it is and that makes it simple.
There are other places of course, but have to have the money to produce. So that is out for now. Too much trouble with the stove, the getting to the stores to buy the product. The prices are really outrageous for Cream cheese it was over $4.85 cents for a package. So in thinking about this idea... NIX.. it was fun and helped a little. She doesn't want to pay the price. It was over ten bucks for one cheese cake, claiming it was yellow with the explaination it has a lot of eggs.

Its ok really, I am trying that is all I can say.

I still have transcribing but that is basically food money, not base money for the apt.
Talking to people over the weekend, found a place that needed an administrator for a hotel. I am going to try find out what the name is today and talk to them.

The car, nothing yet. The man felix who is an attorney said Tuesday.
I am calling another person today.

So after all that thinking at the beach, no lie I was tired. Racking my brain. No one to talk to, laying and thinking only. I fell asleep for just a moment and some Tico walked by me saying HEY PRECIOUSA... woke me up scared me. He laughed.

I then walked over to Rosie, she pulled up the same time I did. She had a date last night with and ol friend. American guy of course with money. They were going out to dinner and I don't know what else but she was happy. But hungry, she invited me to eat with her popcorn chicken.
Athough I really don't like it I ate it she treated. I didn't want the biscuit I had that for Breakfast.
So I got the cabbage salad they make here. We chatted, didn't talk about problems only fun things. She told me she enjoys me, I told her I love her. We have a very good relationship.

She left with Lonnie, and I sat and talked to Muscle Man David, and Mark from Arizona. We watched some woman almost get her purse ripped off, talked with her for a while. And talked about the night before.

Getting ready for the day, Don't know what it is yet. Didn't talk to anyone really over the weekend, no one from the states, Friends or Family. But this is normal .

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