Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pretty strange characters in this town

Its really interesting here, you meet someone everyday that is either a so called millionare, or famous or liars or more like liars!!! I met someone in the past couple of weeks he was the one that used my computer. I won't mention a name, because he says he was in a special agency in the states, or I am not sure exactly what he is. I have been snooping around though and can not find a thing about him on the net. He is Indian decent so I believe? American Indian. All I am going to say is the gut keeps telling something is not exactly correct here. He wrote to me some months ago on My space, The questions were lined up like soilders. One after another without a pause and with out a space. I didn't answer many only a few. I didn't know who this guys was, he requested to be my friend on my space. It was all new to me and I after reading a little of his bio said ok?

Alright so I never thought another thing about it. Then right before Christmas, in fact three days before. I was introduced to him by a realtor friend of mine. She told me his name and where he said he was from. But I did not connect the man with the name because he had a photo of him far away not able to see the face and the name was not indicated on myspace. He watched me dance with lots of people as though he was some sort of body guard. I kept teasing him telling him to wake up enjoy the music. He was somber and just stared at people without a smile.

Several times durning the next few days I saw him on the streets walking with a tall young man, as though they were buddies.
Always in passing I would wave or say hola!
One day they invited me into this little fish taco bar its all outside so you can see who is walking by, a very good observation place for people.

I entered and the young one offered to buy me lunch I declined, but accepted a lemonade. We talked mostly business, I liked what he was saying to me about himself and the other guy. But still at that moment I felt a urging feeling to leave.. Although he kept saying he needed to use internet and calling international, and wanted to watch the football game.
He seemed harmless and he may be harmless, he has not done anything as of yet to threaten me. Although he has shown me a side of him that is not NICE.

I invited them over to watch the game and use the internet.
They did and were very polite, The younger one fixed my dvd and bought cords for me so I could use it. Actually quite nice.
Rosie and I got to know them better when I invited them to our Christmas eve dinner. Then the following day Christmas they went with us and that family to Manuel Antonio.

Ok since then we have met up several times, STRICKLY HELP AND BUSINESS... I hooked him up with a few things.

He has shown me as I said a side of him that is not nice, and I let him know I won't put up with that, and told him so. If you have nothing good to say to me or the mannor of how you say things to me then do not talk to me. I do not need any more grief! Well last night when I was going to go to meet this client, which I did and it went well.

He told me somethings about this place, He told me several days after knowing me that he was on my friends list in My space.. ok strange.. or maybe not but I think its strange that he is here, and was in my house. Now were becoming friends?

I want to say more but... but I don't think I should. So as I titled this, Pretty strange characters... this is real drama saga here in JACO... The people the types the situations.. well
This may be some sort of connection to a situation I had some months back with a certain development that Refused to pay me, and caused my spiral. I mean it could be answer to the money that was owed. Small world... reflecting back I remember saying to these people at this project, you cheated me and I believe I am not the only one! I prayed that god would avenge me and maybe the revenge is coming??? but through this man? I asked that powers to be, to go after these liars.. that used me to set up there open house, holiday decor, and condos and didn't pay for the services in full, used every excuse in the book to wear me down and not pay the bill...

The ol saying what goes round comes round???? well its true... I hope? I had a brief moment of hope last night with this Indian for an old situation I thought was a done deal.. BUT MAYBE NOT!

So in everything time will tell, tell about this character, and the situation and I surely hope works out, I need the money and I want to get on my feet solid again!

Well Rosie and I had a nice time dancing. I enjoy my friendship with her.

It really sounds obserd that I go out dancing so much. But as I have said many times its a great form of exercise for me I feel alive, and forget my woes and enjoy the music and the dance. It is really obvious others love it too because I have many who enjoy dancing with me.. Right now its an only form of outlet.

I enjoy manythings, I wish we had live music, and movies, and theater I love stage plays, anythig in the arts. But we don't I think in time though it will happen.

Today I already did some contacts, made a call and I plan on going to the beach.. Usually Sunday is my day.. but its nice today. The house is clean, I don't have plans or dates wish I did!!!

Maybe today I will meet some more interesting or strange characters!

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