Friday, January 18, 2008

Doing what I can

I am trying to do what ever I can. Today I was asked to interpet for someone at the Century at 7:00 am for a property apraiser. I Went to bed at 1:30, got up at 6:00 to be ready before 7:00.

The apraiser didn't show up, Then the guy who wanted me to interpet, asked me to take photos of him and his clients all morning with a huge telephoto lens camera.
So off we went to Hermosa to the turtle reserve at 7:45 and I took some photos of them for three hours.

I didn't get paid much but hey at least I am doing something. In fact I am doing everything I can to make money. Its not easy! The people for the car ignored my calls all day, I called five today not one showed up. The car some how was moved? How I can not figure out someone pushed it or hell I don't know but it is moved some fifteen or so feet.

I am getting very worried now, I need to sell this to bale out of this mess. I need money to get back on my feet and get rolling again. Although Marriots did say yes for the job.

I need a car and a pro contract and I have neither. Frustration set in today. I have not felt well since yesterday. Its just lack of sleep, and possibly kidney. I tried to sleep at noon today, A tiny little nap for the reason they were repairing the water issue that is on going here in this place. Now its out side a line that is pluged. They were sawing hacking, pounding. Sledge hammering most of the day. So I thought well I will just walk to the office, have a bite to eat then maybe hit the beach for an hour.

The eating happened, the office happened but the beach didn't.

I had a nice salad for dinner with some chicken at Rosies, she was gone with some guy. So I visited with the girls and hung out.

I heard Helen was back, so I went and saw her son, that no one has seen for nine years. He was living with his grandparents, Helens Mom and dad in Columbia.
We talked about her trip, in a plane, and then a boat then a train and another plane to Columbia Via Panama. It was quite the tale.. the trip back sounded very adverturous, Really different.

We kinda came up with a baking concept, she has a Columbian sausage/ hot dog stand that is to die for.. she sells tons every night. She and I are going to colaborate on a deal there. On Feb 2nd a day after my birthday, a group called Daddy Yankee will be here in Jaco. They are expecting 40 to 50 thousand people for this concert. It's in an open field.

It begins at 6:00 at night and ends at 6:00 in the morning. I want to sell something to eat. I am sure I can make fast money on that. She will have a stand there so were going to try to make something really good. I do a killer roast for sandwiches, I though about jello shots, and cookies or small pastries.

I have been to these sort of things here its like a latin woodstock. WILD.. but could be very profitable. I want to come up with a good plan.

Selling this car before would be good. But at this point I do not know what my future is holding.

I talked to a resort today In Crocodile bay. You can look it up Crocodile Bay Resort and lodge. It is very beautiful there. It has a new Marina, lots of profesional sports Fishing boats. They offered to pay me to come for an interview. Maybe in administration maybe in another area with the Tourists. They did make a slightly nice offer but not much Salary. A room, food, a car and small Salary.

So I am contemplating a number of things right now, The Marriotts is a nice job, good money.. but it needs be done soon. With out a car impossible. I could retain a deposit, then rent a car untill this gets resolved, Do the baking thing still, and then maybe go and check out the Crocodile bay just incase

So I am trying to do what I can. At least this week was much better, I ate good and paid half the rent. The phone got paid the house phone got paid the internet, the power. The office phone is shut off. Not enough money.

I went out last night with Rosie, of course she depends on me being her side kick. I didn't get to dance at all. I was bored. Came home and couldn't sleep I knew I had to be up early too!

Crazy...... now tonight Helen wants to hang out with us and talk. So I am going to shower and go back into town to visit.

The weather is cool right now its raining a little not much just enough to cool this swelerting Hot day WOW WAS IT EVER HOT. I walked like a turtle. The intense sun and heat slows you right down.

Tomorrow?? Who knows what I will do?

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