Thursday, January 03, 2008

Baking makes the home smell so good

Got up pretty early and walked into town to pick up the pans I use to bake in. I saw my friend Daphine, we talked on the road side and enjoyed the visit. I told her what is going on and how I am trying everyday to do something to move forward. It was warm out even at 8:00 the heat of sun was burning my shoulders.

I took the short way down a side street and by a little river. It takes you up by a bridge and drops you near the Rental car building. From there Roises is about four or five blocks. But we don't have blocks here just estimating.
I grabbed all my things and quickly walked back hoping the landlords wife would allow me to use the stove.

When I got back I just began preparing, opened the doors allowing the air in and sun.
I toyed around with the stove and WOW IT Lit up! I was so happy like it was some sort of miracle!! I tried it a couple of times to make sure it would stay lit and it did!
So I hurried and got everything ready and then waited for the rolls to rise. I played on the internet, swept, cleaned up a little bit around the house. Watered plants, fed blanqueeta the cat and then began to bake. It didn't take long in fact I almost burned a one batch it was so hot. I don't think the temperature is correct but I tweak it and made it work!
Thank god I was so upset over this little thing. Although I make hardly anything right now its much better than sitting here and worring about how money is coming. It makes me happy too...
Plus I have the satisfaction of knowing people are enjoying my food.

An astonishing thing happened as well, The landlords wife came down and actually talked to me alot??? then she said she wanted to learn English. HMMM Maybe I could teach her and have her deduct it from the rent???

Tomorrow I will discuss this her and set up a time when baby is sleeping to begin her lessons.

When I was finished, I walked to the Soda and ate a small lunch, asked for a box and came back cut them into the same sizes that fit exactly a dozen each. Covered it with foil and then placed the rolls on them and cover the rolls with plastic. Looked nice! She came again and offered me a ride into town... WOW ok what happened to her? I don't know or care but I was thrilled.
It worked out perfect!

One of her friends took a look at the car and said he might know of someone who would buy it wrecked. So GOD I HOPE THIS HAPPENS FAST

I don't care what type of car it is its immaterial right now, just something to get around till I get back on my feet.

Before I came to Costa Rica I drove a black Cadillac CTS, with Tan leather interior, and 20 inch rims. I ordered it the first year they came out. It was a dream car.. I love that car the best thing I ever owned. I miss it alot.. I have had my share of nice cars.

I drove my mothers Chevy lavender Impala with white tuck and roll interior and chrome rims for a long time before I got a Yellow Chevy Corvair with black leather interior... COOL CAR. Convertable. Then I had a new toyota corolla, Three VWs, three pickups in my life, A buick regal, a 48 Chevy pickup semi restored, a cool mini van with pink striping like a barbie beach bus, a old Ford econoline, a ford explorer, A black Ford Expedition, and a black Ford econoline new.. So I have had my share of cars. I love nice cars always have so this for me is a completely different attitude. I really want heart of my hearts a Black Toyota Hy lux, this is the nice truck they sell here.. Its beautiful I WANT IT BAD but how at this point.

Before When I wanted anything I set my mind to it and attained it. HERE IS MUCH DIFFERENT!

I am sure I can figure this out again but its much more difficult.

Ok so now back to Rosies, she was not there so I walked over to the office to check mail and see if there were any leads what soever.

I had a letter from a freind suggesting I send a resume to this company in San Jose, I had a number for the company so I called and talked to the gal introduced myself and gave a short history( believe it or not)

She said she was full had no room for another person, but would take a look at my accomplishments. It was shot at least.

I walked back to Rosies talked for a moment and then walked home, but on my way I could see the sunset was beautiful. I decided to Go to the Malecone and check it out. It sits on the beach its a bar with and open balcony. Overlooking all of Jaco, I sat down got a bottle water and watched. My friend who works at the Amapola, sat next to me and ordered up Hors de orves.. Patacones and guacamole, and frijoles. Fried yucca, and chicken wings and ribs..

I ate all the patacones, that is fried plantains, really good.. we talked and he asked me to work for him handing out flyers for a tour company. He said you can make up to a hundred bucks a day only for a few hours a day. Honestly this is not for me but I told him I would come and listen to his schpeel.

I hate that sort of thing myself so I can not imagine me doing this.

He wanted Ice cream at the Italian Ice cream parlor, so we walked there and sat and watched the tourists.

He had his Ice cream and we talked..he reminds me a little bit of my sisters husband Alan. Kinda big, has a mustache and grey hair, Nice guy...

I walked home and relaxed a little.. but I think I am going to go out and do some latin dancing tonight. Tonight is latin night.. Its good for me to dance I get my mind off things and enjoy the music and the exercise.

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