Monday, January 21, 2008

Simple Weekend

It was a very simple weekend, I slept alot not feeling to well. I slept all night from 7:00 Friday night to 8:00 am Sat. Last night I laid down around 5:30 and just now got up its around 6:30. My body is telling me something.

Doesn't it feel good when you sleep well? I haven't been sleeping well at all. This week I have no Idea what i will do for food. I paid my landlord half the rent he was ok with it. I made a little money over the weekend to give him but there is still a balance and I have nothing for food.

I will go today to work at Amapola, its little money but its my food.

Sat, all Morning I worked on contracts, and resumes, Cover letters. So I could send to the Marriotts, and to Crocodile bay. I manage to get the contract all finished and all the figures for the job. It was a chore but I did it. After I ate at the little soda, just a small plate around 900 colones, that amounts to about $1.75 I walked to the office and called to the States, a couple of people for the contract to talk to them about when and how things were getting shipped should they sign this week.

If this goes through I will pull out of this hole, then selling the car will be a benefit. My plan is pay off immediately those things hanging. It is not much, then purchase a small something for transportation. The rest set aside, so I am not strapped. I did this many times always I had a stash of money so I never have to go through something as severe as this, but this time all that has gone as well with out job's coming through it is tough to hang on to the money. You have to survive.

I meet people daily here, I met this one man from Canada, nice looking man Hockey player. He called me yesterday morning, they are staying at the a hotel near my place. He is with two of his friends from Canada, met him on the zip lines with the group I was with. He asked me to go the beach. My plan already Yesterday was to go to the beach, Sunday is usually my day.

I did a pedicure the best I could, a facial drank my coffee.. Headed to the soda for my one egg and tomato, then walked into town. I got half way there when I saw him walking towards me he looked sad. I raised my arms saying where are you going? he smiled and walked toward me.

We greeted each other and then walked back to the beach to find his two friends.
The beach was Crowded oh my god was it crowded. Tons of people everywhere. So we walked down to the south end where I use to live. It was less occupied, and more private.

We rolled out our towels and laid out and talked, Amazing to me the things some men say!!! said he was already in love with me, wanted me to move in with him when he comes back to start a business. Went on an on, how he wanted to send me four hundred a month to help me out till he came back..( I thought wow this sounds great, and when something sounds too good to be true its too good to be true.) then I thought How cruel this is, to say these things to make me feel good so I would throw my self at his mercey, a form of minuplation. I smiled did not tell him what I was thinking.. But Inside I thought god I wish this was true... I really did.

Well We swam, played in the water talked and laid out for two hours, it was so dang hot, I mean it was baking hot. I felt like a biscutt all brown and ready to come out of the oven!!! I had to go so he went along with me.

We walked into town, although he walked more than ten paces ahead of me the whole time. I really hate that when you walking with someone and there far ahead of you like you don't exsist. Well he went to the store to get beer, He asked me if I needed something? I said yes I need tolliet paper, he looked a me and no you really need that? I said yes I don't have any nor do I have tooth paste or conditioner, or water. So he bought me all those things.

We walked back i wanted to go the house but he of course invited to the hotel which is across the road from where I live,near the soda. I went to visit for a little while. He made me a sandwhich, some chips, and fresh pineapple. I ate and was so happy.

I visited with his friends, and then he rubbed my back. He was shocked at all the lumps and bumps I had. I had my bathing suit on and a surrong, so it was easy for him to to this. I had so many stress bumps, he was very kind and rubbed so nice. I enjoyed it very well needed.. I never did my free massage, I lost the card that fred at Amapola gave me so this was great!

Ok so his friends where there, another one came and it was someone I knew from here. We all talked and laughed, then I went home, because they were going to watch the football game at Claritas, I didn't want to go.

I got to the house and crashed. Laid on the sofa, ate some of those japanese peanuts that I am hooked on and slept. Alan the Canadian said he would call me after the game. but he never did.

So all that, that he said probably wasn't fact it was a ploy again, but I was up to knowing, and left before the freinds did.

It's to bad he seemed very nice.

No results on the car, SUPER DISCOURAGED ABOUT THIS! I need help I have asked everyone and anyone, all say yes they will help and not one has.

I have been meeting lots of men this weekend, just walking. I met a pro foot ball player, Oakland raiders, he invited me up to his manison in Los Suenos, I met a professsional Chef from New Jersey Grear is his name. He invited me to lunch with champagne, but never called.

Then last night he called to ask me out again, I saw him before actually Sat, I told him I waited for your call I was ready and you never did. I told him that was wrong. He said he was doing something else. So last night when he called he apologized three times. I agreed to have dinner with him tonight but its also at the Los suenos. Its so far, the taxi ride is about 12 bucks. I told him he would have to pay for it. He agreed.

So we will see how this goes? He may have to leave in a day or so because he has an injured leg, he has some sort of bone desease, and the leg is getting operated on in three weeks. He said he injured it bad yesterday and is now on crutches.

Right now there are a few tourist's so you meet lots of different people.

Vorna the man from Los Angeles that bought this hotel right on the strip here, he was the one bugging me and harrassing me, till I told him straight face knock it off I want your business! He called last night too as well as Joe from Amapola all wanting me to come out and play. Vorna brough a woman from the states he wanted to introduce me to. But I wanted to sleep and rest I didn't feel like going anywhere. I so I turned everyone down, plus I was waiting for Alan to call.

I plan on going over to Alans hotel this morning to say good bye he leaves tomorrow.

Hope today brings great things, a change in the day and life.

I know I always say this but the birds right now are singing so beautiful. Its so quiet, no noise only birds many types, Parrots, doves, wrens, kissa dees, and hummingbirds. I sure to enjoy the nature here, the plants the flowers the beach the sun, the water. It is beautiful, now if I can just get the work in order, I will be fine.

I talk to Jordan on sat only for five minutes he was too busy playing his game on the TV, he just said he was doing better. Didn't ask how I was. Didn't say he loved me, just said he was busy with his game and he would talk later. That was the first time I talk to him in weeks, and it was a chat on line.

Haven't chatted with Brandon since the apt flooded. Everyone is busy. Clint who knows I suppose he is busy too.

Its very pretty today not to hot yet but its early, the sun is out its slightly breezy, warm.

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