Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Monday heat

I slept really good though after I turned on the air conditioning for about an hour or so. I woke up on the sofa last night sweating like a pig.. returned to my bed and it was bloody hot. The house smells of humidity, I don't know how to remove the smell. YUK!!!

It is obvious the season is changing and were getting into summer. The weather is definately hotter. It was not so sunny but very humid today. I waited around Joswea called and said he was coming by but he never showed.
I ate a little yogurt, and coffee and left down the road to the roperia to find out if this chick I asked to give me a price on uniforms for the Casino had it together yet. She gave me some excuse about the material is too expensive. I said I didn't care just do it with other material and give me a price. I also talk to her about her damn remodel that she wanted me to do and she baulk about this too.

I said listen I have things together for you I know the idea its simply you and I go to San jose buy the materials and you have your people install you pay me for my idea and time to go with you.
She liked that but when now is the question!!!

I walked then into town, met this french man I have seen a number of times and he stopped me to say I was pretty in pink, he gave me his card and invited me to his office some time.

We laughed and chatted and I walked further. I then saw Orfa this strange looking woman who I believe has had too much plastic surgery, and we chatted a moment too she didn't know why was Walking all over so I explained she was shocked... mad and worried too. I do have friends here actually I have alot of friends but no one that really comes through for you when you need them.

Then I stopped and said Hello to two gentlemen at the breakfast restaurant. I told about the wet tragedy and one confessed he reads the blog. He reminds me of that guy on the oat meal commercials? I can not think of his name but I recently saw a commercial with him on a horse and I swear it was him!

Walking on to the office I said hello the girls at Rosie's but just in passing.. Not stopping.
When I got the office there was a couple waiting for me.
It was a famous artist in Florida Mark Vose. He does magnifcient Murals, they spoke with me and I told them I wanted them to help with the Casino. Now neither one lives here but agreed to come back.
Then the Indian showed up, he wanted to take me this project and introduce me to the developer to try to get me in to do the design work. But the guy was not there and didn't answer his calls.
I asked him to take me to Herradura to try to meet up with the guy with the three landscape jobs. But he wasn't around either. I must have called five or more times to reach him.

So next idea was Go to the Amapola. We went he drove this beat up old tattered car half falling apart. Both of us were laughing the whole way over. To qoute him " if my friends saw me driving this and I added mine too!" in arrving the guys there said no not him? I said he is just driving me. I needed a ride, I asked several people , but no one responded. So whats a girl to do? I took the beat up ol ride to try to get work.
Well that didn't work out either. The rooms were occupied, and we could not get in to measure or take my second look to give him the price.
We talked they ask me to do some typing for them on some contracts, really small amount of money. But I accepted.
Tommorrow I will go and type away for several hours.

He then dropped me off at rustico, I ate a some pork, a small amount of rice, and this delicious carrot with egg salad. The carrots were cooked just right. Really different, while I was eating this girl walked up with this military looking hat and some shorts and a green top, she said Hola, it was Raquel. She got her food and sat with me and we chatted over the same exact lunch.

Raquel and I walked back into town about13 blocks, she stayed at Rosies,I went back to the office. Changed my clothes to jazzercise clothes and got ready to go around 3:30.

I took a taxi there it was far, but I used a pirate taxi their cheaper.

The jazz class was not really jazz kinda a put together jazz?? gave me and idea she wasn't being honest.. but the class was a pretty good work out. I didn't pay she said if you like it come back.

There were mostly young girls , amazingly.. I have more endurance and energy than what I saw in these young girls.
I kept going while most of them stopped in the middle.
It was fun, I love any form of dancing.

I walked back to my house which is about two miles from there or more, Got cleaned up and changed to go the los Suenos with the Artist.

I had called Vidal , he owns the beat up ol falling apart car and ask him for a ride to Herradura. He came but about a hour late.
When we arrive the artist took photos and we talked there for more than an hour maybe like close to hour and 40 I was getting antsy and wanted to go.. The General manager was not there. I had emailed earlier in the day to talk with him but just like the rest of the day nothing came together.

I did receive a email from Dickey tonight encourageing me to keep my head up, and keep going telling me you can do it, but I swear its tough.
In wakling home tonight at midnight alone.. I had fear, I was weary, and feel so drained of my spirit.
I want to be positive I want good things to happen I want money to come to me, I want to attract it!! turn things around and for once in a long time be secure!

I have no problems attracting men, The opposite sex are some times obsessed with me so that is not issue its the finances that need to be now an obsession, and it is with me.I once told someone... If a man dumps me I may be mad or upset or sad for a few hours But when money dumps me I go beserk! I can live with men, But NOT MONEY!


Anonymous said...

My concern for you is not of a material nature. It has to do with your physical and mental health. Here is a web site that you should look at and keep in mind that you have no recourse where you are at. The slum lord that yelled at you and basically blamed you for his faulty plumbing should be sued and would be if he were here. I know that your sutuation is dire at the moment but that is no excuse to let someone treat you like a dog. To be honest with you, if I would have been there he would have had a hard time yelling at you with a fat lip. here is the web page.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9505817/

Jon Dickey said...

Yes, start looking for somewhere else to live - can you get work like a regular job in a place like one of the resorts, versus working for yourself down there? Have you considered that? Its been a long long time since you did that, but maybe thats an option? catering/kitchen work for a bed and breakfast or more than one place? not selling signs on the street - how do you find out about jobs like that?