Friday, January 04, 2008

IT started out with Two visitors

It started out with two visitors today, one was Mauricio, he came by early to say hello the other was Joswea, he is the one that brought me breakfast a week or so ago. He had just gone surfing, was thinking about me and just stopped in to say hi too.

He checked out the car and was mad when he saw it. He too has a friend who supposably buys wrecks. Now if just one of them shows up this coming week. God I been trying for a month as of next week.

I had to shew Joswea off because I was going to the Amapola for that vacation, tour thing.

Reluctantly I walked from my place to Amapola, with out eating, or drinking any water. It was so hot! Its far I have no idea but I venture to say its over three miles? and there is no straight shot to it.

Amapola is a hotel, villa vacation club owned by Italian people the grounds are done very well with fountains, ponds and lots of plants leading to a huge pool area.

The hotel is nice the restuarant is very good, and there building a pizza parlor, it has a casino, bar, and villas. All of the areas except the hotel rooms and casino, are all out doors.

I went listened, but in my heart of hearts I don't want to pass out flyers and recruit people to come and listen to a presentation for buying time vacations. Similar to Club med. It's I am sure a good deal but me on the streets? passing out papers, and trying to get people to go there in a free taxi ride? I don't know... I just don't know!!!

Butttttttttttt while I was there one of the directors said do you do remodles? I said yes, he then took me one of the villas that looks like it was done in the early 70's maybe not but it had pink and blue short drapes, sheers, short little sofas in navy blue and a small table with four chairs. The lamps everything were high up, all the prints on the walls were hung really close to the ceiling.

The Mirror in the bathroom was so high a man that was 7 foot might be able to see his wiskers!

He offered to pay for one if the other boss would pay for the other. He wants two different looks

Maybe that was the real purpose of me meeting Joe and being invited to go there.
Next Monday I am to meet him again get photos and put a bid together.

He gave me taxi money, I went into town ate at Rustico a little soda that is like a buffet but its small and you just point on what you want.

I ate in a crowed soda with a family there wasn't any room at any of the tables. When I was done I walked into town, only stopping at the Galeon to rest from the sun. That was about half a mile, then I proceeded to the Century 21. But before I had a call from Best Western. The general manager called to get a bid for the holiday decor for this new year. I guess he read the Jaco guide and had my brocheure I left some three or so months ago. It was for the past year 2007, but hey he said he heard I did the Los Suenos, and wanted me to give him the bid and was positive he wanted my touch for this year.

That's great but I need something now... If something doesn't happen fast I won't be around next year.

As soon as I got to The Century, it was time to go to Best western. I had 500 colones from the Amapola, and used that to go the Best Western so I wasn't late.
I made it in time, we walked through the whole hotel its quite large, it was blazing hot. most of it is outdoors except the rooms. It took about a half hour, then we shook hands, kissed cheeks, and I walked back to the office.
I just hung out talk to the people in the office, and tried to be positive...
Went to Rosies Of course, had a water, sat for a hour, then walked home. The town is busy, lots of people. I wish I could capitolize on the tourists some how??? I been racking my brain. But nothing coming...

Came home ate a half a tomato half and avocado, and a few little chunks of fetta cheese, the phone rang. It was the guy I met the other night that has three condos that need landscaping. He gave me hell for a while said he was in love with me.. Mind you he is a good ol boy, from Houston. Big guy, maybe 68 or so? Don't know much about him. But he wants to me come out on Monday to take a peak and get started.

He asked me to meet him at the beetles tonight with another couple from Canada, I figure it might be a good idea to do that some big deals have been made in bars. But Drinking for me is not on the agenda, that last week with Rosie did it for me for a while.
in fact I smelled someone today walking down the side walk, (which there are lots of people who walk with drinks here and beer in there hand.) and it made me gag.

When they offer I will order gingerale with lemon. That way it looks like I am drinking. But I do want to hook with them because I need to make this work.

I am resting now watching an Adam Sandler movie something about a foot ball team in a prison.. pretty funny. I love ADAM

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