Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Borning day

Started out my normal day, coffee and internet, listen to the birds. Put on pretty clothes and walked to the soda to eat.
Walked into town wow was it ever hot... I felt my shoes melting. I had little heels on impossible to be comfortable and walk in the heat. I made it to the office to check mail and make calls, emailed the Los Suenos to find out a date for the contract on the remodle, now my only hope for work.
I called a contact I had some months ago no answer, called another contact for some condos for landscape no answer... so I read and hoped for the best. I walked back home and talk to Rosie she ordered again.

I have to say the the stove has been broken now for more than a three weeks the oven has been repaired before, but this time the stove itself is bad. The landlord has not fixed it. Rosie wanted me to do some more baking last week, but I couldn't because the landlord had company and I couldn't use the stove. She took out the cheesecake orders she said they were too yellow. Not knowing that these are the real thing not the ones you buy here at spoons that taste like paste. A couple of her Customers know I baked them, they asked how come there wasn't more, I said she didn't want them, but I think the reason was maybe the price was too high. They had lots of eggs in them and they were delicous.

She still wants the Cinnamon rolls because there cheaper and big and she doubles if not tripples her money on them.

She said she didn't want to confuse friends with business too. This I can understand but I need help right now and this little bit of money does feed me.

The landlords wife:

I asked to use the stove she pulled a card on me saying you owe a hundred bucks from last month. I told her I need to make things in order to make money. She said if she was here I could use the stove,which means she probably won't be here in the morning. So dang if I do and dang if I don't
Now Rosie wants these things, and I don't have a working stove or oven.
I been eating out because it is cheaper for me, but what if I did want to make something? Its been not working now for three weeks.

I do owe for last month $100 dollars more the rent is $700.00 alot when your not bringing in much. I tired like hell to pay it and I got very close.
This sounds horrible as I am writing it, but it is the truth. I have gotten so far down... I sure hope I see light some day. Thank god I don't have any big debts, because I would be ready to end it all.
Just the car that was worth $20,000.00 that is pretty much totalled, the office that was a huge chunk of money. And really the only real big debt I have is a nursery bill from one account and its not over $300.00 dollars. This is the good thing... But right now I feel pretty crapy. I went to two different stores walking mind you and no one had all the ingredients I needed to make the pastries, finnally I found it but I don't have pans,now no oven.

The other thing is I don't know anyone here who does?

What another challange of living in Costa Rica!!

The rest of the evening I plan on making the dough, then just trying to rest my tired mind and watch TV

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