Sunday, January 13, 2008

The owner of Tabacone

Friday I had a date with this Hair dresser, he had bought me lunch during the afternoon and invited me out for the evening. My friend Cristina, from the dominican republic was wanting to go dancing with me also. But earlier in the day we talked and I explained that it may be possible that I would be with Gorge.
Pronounced Horhay, Gorge called after I was completely ready to say he was having a couple of beers with a friend. So I said that was fine and I would be going into town. I was fine with that, since My friend was really wanting to spend time with me and talk and then go and dance some.

I took off walking back into town.( By the way walking is a great for your health and I have decided, when the car situation gets solved, I will continue walking)

I got about five blocks and he was standing on the side of the road talking with this friend drinking a beer. He called out my name, I stopped and chatted with him.

He told his friend to go and that he had made promise to me. I already knew this would never happen, he and I.

I began walking into town and when I walked off he walked right with me.

Iagreed to have a glass of wine, We chatted and I saw a few people I knew. The owner of one restuarant Called Champs, and few business people in town.

It lasted for about two hours, when I said I wanted to go and thank you very much. He was busy talking with one of his clients most of the entire time. Which was fine, I went and talk to people I knew said hello and asked how business was and what was going on.

All in Spanish!

When I began to leave of course he followed. He saw another woman he knew. They were signaling to each other her from the balcony and he from the ground where we stood. I told him go ahead I don't care. Said my good byes, and began walking normal To nowhere elses place but Rosie's. He yelled and said get back here folded his arms. I knew right away this wasn't going to be working with me... a short moment of his time, interrupted but first his pal, then a client, then another woman. Its not like you think... he was very immature. But I was flattered by the invitation.

I kept walking seeing many people in the street in the evening. Life in an area where it is warm all the time, you have a community of people who walk, ride bikes, scooters, and many cars. So its a busy little town.

People enjoy being out and about. This is one thing that I have learned from the car being smashed. Is that I see so much more walking, and I enjoy the time that I walk. If my feet weren't so tender it would super enjoyable. I ignore the pain,as much as I can. I don't have a choice right now walking is how it is. Aside from all the bad things here, I am sorry I still love it.

I got to Rosies, he followed we didn't talk much on the 7 block aproximately walk.

I ordered a Sandia, with Splenda. This is fresh watermelon with water ice and splenda. Other people use sugar. It refreshes you when you hot, and it has the best taste. One of my very favorites.
Here you can eat watermelon all year round. There is no season here for it. Or pinapple , its the sweetest of sweet.
He Gorge was drunk already talking loud being embarrasing to me in front of Rosie.

He wanted to go to the Casino, I encouraged him to go. There was no way I was going to the Casino. I remember the last time when I had gone with some millionare, who threw down money like it was tollet paper. I became disgusted. Sorry I don't like to Gamble in Casinos. Life is a big gamble yeah, in the casinos' no.

I left in a taxi he came along the Taxi driver dropped him off then me. I was happy to be honest. But I plan on going to his Shop and talking with him, as a friend. He was super sweet before all the drinks. I think talking to him when he is sober the right thing to do.

Then in the morning, it was so peacefull. The landlord and his wife and screaming baby had all gone away for the weekend. So it was quiet and I could hear the birds waking me up. YES THE BIRDS SING LOUD HERE. When Clint was here he was amazed how they sing. Its very nice one of my joys of living here.

My normal breakfast lately at the soda, but more olive oil today. I read that good fats burn fat. I knew this already it is one of the things I have been doing just naturally. Eating some olive oil on veggies, tomatos, salads, with lemon. Avocados which I adore, are the best for cutting fat, which

I eat often I especially like these Japanese peanuts they sell here? ? of all things Japonese. This is how they spell it, Pronouced HAPONASA.. and olives. Ok on to the rest just sharing a bit of information about wieght loss. Eating these things help burn fat. Especially if you eat them earlier on in the day.

Going into town nothing differerent today, I talked to one person and went right to the office. Thinking about a new plan, and working on the bids.

I stayed till about 4:00 right before sunset, Walked to Rosies, saw Mark, this guy from Arizona who lives here three to five months out of the year. He owns a couple of bars in the states. Super cool guy. And I saw David, this huge bulky musclely Canadian, White as a ghost and body covered with Tatoos.

I tell you there are very interesting characters here. Cristina came we all sat drank coffee and talked. We decided to go out again and dance tonight.

Cris and I walked and talked most of the way to her condo, and I continued walking to my place in the dark about more than a mile I would say?

We had a very nice night, Lots of people in the real estate companies, all of my office people. Lots of friends were out and about. We had to pay to get in, Cristina covered it for me. I danced so much in the first hour I was sweating like crazy. Lots of the people from the office where shocked at my dancing abilities. They all complemented me and said TEACH US!! most are Americans, one Canadian and four Ticos.

We met Rosie, Mark, Migalito,David, and bunch of Rosies employees at Monkeys and continued the dance. I don't know but I was hot I had so many dances, with lots of men. IT WAS FUN.. No drinking, didn't matter. My motive always is to DANCE!!! it takes my mind off everything. I am free My spirit is happy. I go to a zone that is super high.

Concentrating on The moves, the steps when it comes to merenge, Salsa, Cumbia. Rumba,or just hip hop dancing. YES HIP HOP!! I had at one time four young guys dancing with me last night. Its common here that more than one guy dances with a girl. I watch the Americans they find it strange. Its fun everyone dances with everyone. Girls included. sometimes Rosie and I dance close and together. All my girlfriends here dance with me they love it! ME TOO..

Well Cristina wanted to go home it was about 2:00 me too. My feet were tired, blistered, and wow I was soaked. But happy!
When I was walking on the sidewalk I past the Trabacone. It is one of the nice restuarants, bar, in town. It had bars in the front at night. I didn't see anyone there at all when I heard a deep voice SAY MARIANNA... YOU WANNA JOIN US?

I looked into the dark restuarant and there was Jonathan the owner and another friend of mine from Sunami sushi.
They invited me in to chat and have a beer.
It was fun because so many people were walking down the street right in front of the place and they would yell out and people would look around then realize who it was.

A couple of other people joined in, we sat in the dark on tall stools facing the street on this food bar. Talking about all the strange characters and some of my experiences here. They were very sympathetic, and The owner invited me today to come and talk with him. He is sweet. He paid for a taxi to take me home.
It was late night conversation, no one was drunk. It was profound, and informing. And I learned about two new people that I see often but never talk to. TICOS the conversation was interesting all right.

Half in English they all speak it and half in Spanish. They were suprised at my Spanish. I made them Laugh at the way I would express my self, Both Jonathan and Mada said Marianna you have a way with words. I knew the right expression for the right situations. Learning it little by little.

I came home read the comments on the blog, and thought Wow there are some real haters out there. I laughed hysterically at one of the comments. But I have to admitt, I agree with the smell the flowers statement. I know its a man that wrote that, I think I know who it is too...( Maybe) He is right to the average person it doesn't add up, It wouldn't make sense to a person who doesn't live here. How you can accept the garbage, the sewage, the problems and yet find things that are simple that makes you happy.

To each there own, and yes I find pleasure in simple things.. Healthy yes, the food is clean here.. they eat much more fresh produce, fish, very little meat. The climate for me has made me healther. No more bronchitus, only when I return from the states. Or Asthma, colds, I haven't had many. My skin is clear now. My heart is so much better. My wieght is really down!

I have all my teeth fixed here which I could never afford in the states not even with insurance!
Of course I had a surgery I wanted for some 28 years. It was needed. I had a pouch that hung down below my pelvis and was super embarrassing. All the work outs in the world could not cure it.
Superficial, yes but I feel healther, I actually like wearing clothes now, which as improved my metal additude towards myself IT MAKES ME HAPPY!!!!

In saying that I still hope the day brings something special.

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