Monday, January 07, 2008

I woke up around 5:00 am to a water sound, Not knowing if they were filling the pool or if someone outside was hosing something down. When I stepped out of the bed the room was filled with water. Almost touching the mattress. The beds are low here so I would estimate about a foot and half of water through out the house.

The Apartment sits below grown about two feet. it’s the lowest point in the apartment complex. We have a log cabin of all things next to me its close with stone walkway all around and my place sits below with a sunken patio, and the pool right at my bedroom, you step up three steps to get out of my apartment to the pool.

Now knowing this you can understand why water will not exit the apartment.
The line under the sink broke. Filling the house with water all over. Ok the hamper was full and I had a dress in there that was bright blue it bled and ruined about ten pieces of nice clothes I have there ruined. All the throw pillows on the floor that were on the bed are absolutely ruined, the bed covers, and well my purse was on the floor and it was floating in the room.

I had my good Cannon camera that I use to shoot photos for work and here well its ruined. I don’t have money to replace any of this and the landlord or anyone here in Costa Rica does not have property insurance to cover such things. I am just sick over it..
But it went like this. I waited till I heard the landlord upstairs rustling around before going and waking them up to this disaster. Mind you he is Full blooded Italian, some times a raving maniac.

When I heard his wife I went up to tell her, she got him up and it all began. He was hysterical, screaming yelling throwing things around. Blaming me for all of it.
It went on and on, I did nothing but coward in the corner more or less. I was so devastated by the whole thing I didn’t have much to say. He kept going on and on, well the brother who is here from Italy, is living in the little log cabin apartments next to me he yells through the window, for him to get up and help him with this mess. The brother doesn’t respond. He yells louder and louder. Then he becomes in raged and bangs on the door and opens it they fight, yelling screaming throwing things. The baby starts crying the brother is crying, I am crying, everyone is screaming except me.

I am outside by the pool thinking oh my god someone help me. I went in and began sweeping water and trying to put it buckets, we have a mop bucket in the back so I got that. The landlord came in and screamed so much at me… said it was all my fault and for me to get the hell out of there, go live somewhere else. Said I was bad luck and didn’t want me here any more. I cried of course. I was in shock too and tired. I came home late like 3:00 with Rosie. She closes at one and we went and danced for two hours.

So exhausted, no sleep, and now distressed, I don’t know what I am going to do now, with no work, no car, and now this?… The Camera, damn it!!!! I think I just feel so stripped of everything now. I wanted so bad to talk to my son, finally after a couple of hours I was able to contact him and talk to him. We talked I calmed down and so did The landlord. He began helping but let me tell you a Loud Italian mad is a bad thing, he yelled all through the apartment while trying to get all the water out , he was screaming at the brother, that didn’t help and at me while I was helping. I was not about to leave I know I needed to help.

He said in Italian, DAMN BROTHER, Knows I need help and he rather sleep, when this old lady is here helping me… I am not that much older than him but I just listened, because I was not about to say anything at all I need a place to stay, beside I don’t have the rent this month first time ever in my life I don’t have the money to pay for the rent!!! And now this? I have ten days to come up with the money… I have to do it. Besides I have no where to go…

Now my CAMERA, I keep thinking about that more than anything now, The car the towels the camera.. What the hell else is going to happen? Something else happened but I can not talk about it now… Its too hurtful to talk about.

My son says it a sign for me to come back, but it was the same there I had life happen, things happen in life don’t they? Is how you deal with the things that happen. The complex situation is they happen here in sequence. The compound fact is the work has not happened, I been out of work now for months. All beginning with Charles Boyd who I found out yesterday he screwed more than just me.. They picked him up here FBI and Interpol for assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, drug trafficking, and false passport. He was the one who threatened me in the grocery store. That situation brought me down, it was after that that no more work came or came through.

But Right now I have six lined up, two Villas at Amapola, remodel, a Casino, its for sure! And three condos in Herradura for landscape, but I have to find a car today to go for the walk through to give the guy a price.

I called Diego and just asked him and He is going to let me know If I can later.

The good thing now that has come out of this horrible situation is, the house is totally clean. The landlord got a lady here right away to get the rest of the water out and wash all my things and clean up the place.
The other thing is that possibly my sons through this has talked a little more and are renewing there relation.
One more thing, the landlord was so outraged, that he called everyone yelling at them including the gardener.
That was perfect for me, because I have three landscapes to give bids on and so when he was away I talk to the gardener and told him I need people to help install three gardens, that I would pay well I need good people who understand plants.
So I got my guys lined up already for the new jobs that I have prospectively. You see I had them before but because of Charles Boyd, he cut us and kept my guys to pay them cheap and I told those guys that you will never work for me again if you work for him with out me… That was Charles plan, get rid of me so he didn’t have to pay the real price, get all the plants there and the plan and use my cheap labor…

CUT THROATS!! So now I have new ones, this guy that works here has worked for me before but he didn’t do such a great job, I just explained him that. I also told him to do a good job here or the landlord was going to fire him… He is a good worker but I can bet its not easy to work for my landlord. HE IS A SCREAMER and says bad things.

So that was the saga for Sunday, I was too upset to write, I didn’t have the energy to think about it, and all I did was put things away after all the furniture everything. Walk into town ate a little bit had an ice cream came home turned on the tele and went to sleep till this morning.
Now I am with out more things, I feel sad and wonder really what I am going to do, the only thing I can think of is to carry on try to keep making it here..

Till I can figure out what else to do

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love what you guys are up too. Such clever work and reporting!
Keep up the fantastic works guys I've incorporated you guys to my blogroll.